• The analysis in this paper assumes that the gains from productivity growth will be more broadly shared in the future, as they have been in the past.

    FORBES: Want to Save the Planet? Just Slack Off at Work, Study Says

  • As explained in this paper, the argument for paying interest on reserves is that it acts as a floor on money market interest rates and so reduces day-to-day volatility.

    FORBES: Is the Fed Going to Go Bust?

  • The proposed LEI system in this paper relies on the at-source creator of the legal entity and its local certifying agent (an internationally recognized auditor, law firm, perhaps a local exchange or business registry owner or other trusted source) to ensure the accuracy of data.

    FORBES: Financial LEI's -- Required To Reduce Operational Risk

  • The technology behind the project, a collaborative effort by researchers at Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and Tufts University, is described in a paper published this week in the journal Science.

    FORBES: DARPA's 'Transient Electronics' Will Disappear Anywhere

  • But this does not amount to a compelling case for re-election, in the view of either this paper or the American people.

    ECONOMIST: President Obama

  • The first step towards realising this hope, of course, is to work out the nature of the molecules in question and that is the purpose of a paper published this week in Nature by the members of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium.

    ECONOMIST: Molecular medicine: Peekaboo | The

  • As you pointed out in your piece, I think it was this morning in the paper, Andy, that left a very sour taste in everybody's mouth who saw it.

    NPR: Heartbreak at the Preakness Stakes

  • The result, they claim in a paper that will appear this month in the Journal of Physical Chemistry, is a nanofibre material with an extremely high ratio of surface-area to volume.

    ECONOMIST: Space-age soot

  • In this context, a paper in this week's issue of the British Medical Journal may well spark alarm.

    ECONOMIST: Power lines and cancer

  • However, this is the original paper in the current round of arguments in favour of such a Tobin or FT Tax.

    FORBES: The Flash Crash Does Not Justify a Tobin Tax

  • In short, the pattern outlined in this paper is one of penetration of our national security infrastructure by agents of influence, be they witting or unwitting, whose actions, intentionally or unintentionally, serve to support the objectives of a hostile foreign power.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rise of the ��Iran Lobby��

  • And, as acknowledged in the leaked paper from the finance ministry this week, an oil fund would require sacrifices in future spending on public services.

    BBC: Scottish independence: Fjords flowing with funds

  • How such medieval religious obscurantism could come to the fore in Africa at the beginning of the 21st century is detailed in this paper by Center for Security Policy research associate David McCormack.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: An African Vortex: Islamism in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Interviewed in a local paper this week about the rise of anti-Semitic attacks in his city, Reepalu blamed Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Keeping Zionism's promise

  • It seems astonishing that they did not provide this information in the paper.

    FORBES: Big Study Linking Chronic Fatigue To Virus May Be Fatally Flawed

  • As the European Commission pointed out this week in a private paper revealed by the FT, if the new rescue package did trigger a "selective default" and lock Greek banks out of ECB funding, Greece would then need additional official support, to shore up their banks.

    BBC: More time to argue about Greece

  • The Federal Reserve's facility to buy high-quality (A1-P1) commercial paper at a term of three months was likewise designed to provide a liquidity backstop, in this case for investors and borrowers in the commercial paper market.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • These papers will lead to the publication in November this year of a composite White Paper: the prospectus upon which the referendum will be based.

    BBC: Giving in to temptation

  • It is likely that the glare of publicity on this monstrous crime in a paper as important as the Times probably would have caused Stalin to back off, potentially saving millions of lives.

    FORBES: Mexico's Election Fought In U.S. Newspapers

  • In 1995 he and colleague Carolyn Deacon proved that the obscure dipeptidyl peptidase enzyme was the main culprit and in a paper published in the journal Diabetes suggested that drugs that blocked this enzyme would make good treatments.

    FORBES: Fat City

  • In a white paper this year, the government argued that Denmark need not shrink its welfare state, provided unemployment could be cut to 5% and debt could be reduced.

    ECONOMIST: Remodelling Scandinavia

  • Jonathan Carr's life of Mahler, written between stints as a correspondent in Germany for this paper, refutes the myth of Mahler the prophet of doom either society's or his own.

    ECONOMIST: Composers�� lives: Setting it straight | The

  • This first paper in the series seeks to lay the foundations for the rest of the programme by examining both the current legal and constitutional arrangements for Scotland within the UK and some of the potential consequences of independence.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • But in a paper circulated this summer, the government said it feared the meeting would focus too much on migrant's rights and the obligations of countries who receive them, without looking at the responsibility of the countries they're coming from.

    NPR: U.N. Puts Spotlight on Global Immigration

  • But in a paper published this month in the American Journal of Public Health, Denise Kandel of Columbia University and Richard Udry of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill show that subjecting daughters, at least, to nicotine in the womb may not actually encourage them to become addicted to smoking at all.

    ECONOMIST: The fetus is father of the man

  • In a paper published this month in the journal Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Buchholz, Spalding and their colleagues showed that after examining 44 teeth from 41 people they could determine ages within about two years--far better than more common methods like looking at patterns of wear and the changes that proteins in the teeth undergo as people age.

    FORBES: Out Of The Labs

  • In a briefing paper published earlier this year, the WHO said the scheme had achieved a 40% reduction in drug prices and significantly improved the availability of essential drugs.

    BBC: India's cheap drug scheme hailed

  • The Rail Command Paper, published in March this year, sets out the government's vision for the railways.

    BBC: MPs criticise government's railway plan

  • The IEEP says in a paper that this effectively means they will be paid twice for the same activity.

    BBC: Farmers could get paid twice over for 'greening'

  • For this was the analogy used in a paper about asymmetrical information that went on to win George Akerloff, its author, the Nobel Prize.

    FORBES: The Market for Lemons and the Start of the Mafia

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