• They make no such adjustment in their paper, partly because of uncertainties surrounding the cycle.

    ECONOMIST: Productivity on stilts

  • In their paper, the Australian team noted that wider studies of larger groups could provide more definitive results.

    FORBES: Can Web Surfing Ward Off Dementia?

  • Also of concern is whether voters will fill in their paper ballots correctly.

    NPR: Ohio's New Voting System Revs Up for Primary

  • Unlike Mr Record, who favours secrecy, in their paper Jens Nordvig and Nick Firoozye argue that open contingency planning would reduce uncertainty.

    ECONOMIST: Why Europe��s leaders should think the unthinkable

  • In their paper Consumer City, Ed Glaeser, Jed Kolko, and Albert Saiz argue that cities lost their manufacturing bases when they lost the transportation cost advantage.

    FORBES: Who Wins More From The Google Car: Cities or Suburbs?

  • Ochs and Izquierdo noted, in their paper on the differences between the family lives of the Matsigenka and the Angelenos, how early the Matsigenka begin encouraging their children to be useful.

    NEWYORKER: Spoiled Rotten

  • To help answer these questions, Kumar teamed with Timothy Derdenger of Carnegie Mellon University on research that culminated in their paper The Dynamic Effects of Bundling as a Product Strategy.

    FORBES: Product Bundling is a Smart Strategy -- But There's a Catch

  • Another telling statistic sticks out in their paper.

    FORBES: Slow Growth In Cities May Have Minimized Foreclosures

  • The data for Messrs Aguiar and Hurst's study comes from time-use diaries that American social scientists have been collecting methodically, once a decade, since 1965 (the latest one used in their paper was from 2003).

    ECONOMIST: Why Americans have plenty of time to read this

  • In their paper, the authors said there was a proven link between advancing maternal age and increased risk of complications during pregnancy - and a strong link with increased risk of stillbirth and neonatal death.

    BBC: 'Induce older mums early to cut stillbirth risk'

  • In their paper, the co-authors argue that gravitational tidal heating caused by the gravitational friction of an earth-like exo-moon on an eccentric orbit around a Jupiter-like planet lying at a Jupiter-like distance from its parent star, could, in fact, create habitable conditions.

    FORBES: Earth-Like Exo-Moons Can Lurk Well Beyond Planetary Habitable Zones, Say Astronomers

  • In their paper, Mr Mohan and Dr Hamlen demonstrate the feasibility of this by having their program construct two simple algorithms not full-blown viruses, but the sorts of things that a virus author might find useful using only gadgets harvested from Explorer, the file browser included with Windows.

    ECONOMIST: Computer viruses: A thing of threads and patches | The

  • Hall and Reis note in their paper that this latter option of smoothing out profits and losses by varying dividends to the Treasury may not be possible if the Treasury decided to prevent the Fed from accumulating too much profit income without handing it over to the rest of the US government.

    FORBES: Is the Fed Going to Go Bust?

  • Rampant population growth and changes to the environment caused by humans, including the burning of fossil fuels and the conversion of nearly 43% of the planet's land to farms or cities, threaten to cause an abrupt and unpredictable shift in the global ecosystem, 22 scientists from five countries said in their paper.


  • In their paper an advance treatment for a more in-depth book on the reinvention of state capitalism due out next year Musacchio and Lazzarini make the distinction between companies that are majority-owned by government, and those in which the government has a minority position, a situation that has become increasingly more common over the past few decades.

    FORBES: What Capitalists Should Know About State-Owned Enterprises

  • In their paper, "Currency Substitution--Unofficial Dollarization and Estimates of Foreign Currency Held Abroad, " Feige, Faulend, Sonje and Sosic estimate that 40% to 60% of existing U.S. dollars circulate outside of the U.S. This estimate is supported by the actions of U.S. federal agencies, which produced posters and pamphlets in 24 languages to highlight the new look and anti-counterfeiting features of updated bills produced between 2003 and 2006.

    FORBES: Working For The Yankee Dollar

  • In their classic paper published in 1992, sociologists Stephen Barley and Gideon Kunda demonstrated that management ideology has oscillated between normative and rational control for over a century, in phases of approximately 30 years.

    FORBES: Why Big Data Is Getting The Bully Treatment

  • Some popular columnists, such as Sabah's Cengiz Candar and Mehmet Ali Birand, were not only sacked but, with a wink from the army's top brass, who disliked their liberal views on restive Kurds and alienated Islamists, were even attacked in articles in their own paper.

    ECONOMIST: Dark Morning in Turkey

  • Readers would hear something about Jones's charge and expect to learn something about it in their morning paper.

    CNN: 'Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter's Story'

  • In their research paper Mr Tanenbaum and his colleagues Melanie Rieback and Bruno Crispo detail how to use RFID tags to spread viruses and subvert corporate databases.

    BBC: NEWS | Technology | Viruses leap to smart radio tags

  • In their Nature paper, the authors comment that their "findings suggest that the Antarctic Ice Sheet may be a neglected but important component of the global methane budget".

    BBC: Antarctic may host methane stores

  • "Given the increase in sweet beverage consumption in Europe, clear messages on its deleterious effect on health should be given to the population, " Dr Romaguera and colleagues conclude in their research paper.

    BBC: Diabetes warning over soft drinks

  • In their research paper, the two scientists say that using a mixture of archived news reports and real-time data, they were able to see links between droughts and storms in parts of Africa and cholera outbreaks.

    BBC: News headlines used to predict future events

  • In their Pediatrics paper, MacMillan and co-authors say that 8% to 9% of women and 4% of men reported severe psychological abuse in childhood when the question was posed in general-population surveys of the U.S. and Britain.

    CNN: Belittling kids as harmful as beating, study finds

  • In addition to the phone vote, members of the public who are part of the studio audience in the NEC on Sunday night will be able to cast their votes in a paper ballot at the venue and their votes will be added to the totals from the UK-wide phone vote.

    BBC: Sports Personality voting details

  • As Harvard Business School professors Lakshmi Ramarajan and David Thomas explained in their 2010 working paper A Positive Approach to Studying Diversity in Organizations, the notion that minority board members bring unique information to the table that leads to improved performance, though beneficial, does not account for better results.

    FORBES: How Inclusivity Can Save the American Economy

  • In fact, their paper doubles as a manifesto for a new discipline.

    ECONOMIST: Science invades the humanities

  • Those who had continued their courtship in the presence of the paper again proved their courage and often kept fighting until the observing human was just two metres away.

    ECONOMIST: Animal personalities

  • This is part of a continuing trend in which central banks have increased their gold reserves as a way of hedging or protecting against the fall in value of their holdings of paper money like the dollar and the euro.

    FORBES: China May Buy More Gold; $1,100 An Ounce Appears To Be Support Level

  • And if we never saw their picture in the paper again, we'd be a lot happier.

    CNN: Laura Bush on her first six months in the White House

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