• These moments are important for students to engage in the theories that we teach and put them into practice.


  • It should have taken no great literacy in the theories and the history of "state-building" to foresee the favorable endowments of Iraq and the built-in disadvantages of Afghanistan.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's Afghan struggle

  • Welcome to the final frontier in fossil fuels, the wild card in climate change theories and the dark horse in the scramble to secure access to clean energy.


  • Plus, it's not difficult to poke holes in the revisionist theories of Barcelona's success.

    WSJ: The Backlash Against Barcelona

  • President Obama's new science adviser, John Holdren, is a fervent believer in the crank theories of Paul Ehrlich, a once popular scientist who wrote the 1968 bestseller The Population Bomb, along with treatisespredicting imminent mass global starvation and various other apocalypses.

    FORBES: Humanity Deniers

  • President Obama's new science adviser, John Holdren, is a fervent believer in the crank theories of Paul Ehrlich, a once popular scientist who wrote the 1968 bestseller The Population Bomb, along with treatises predicting imminent mass global starvation and various other apocalypses.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Today, Broken Windows is among the most universally discredited theories in the social sciences.

    FORBES: Rudy Giuliani Still Egregiously Wrong On Crime

  • This helps explain the rapid rise in popularity early in the 20th century of Keynesian theories, which appeared to justify deficit spending at least in times of recession.

    FORBES: Who is serious about limiting taxes?

  • He is a scholar steeped in the history and theories of 20th-century painting.

    ECONOMIST: 20th-century art

  • While Wolf Blitzer is reporting to us on the Bush Administration launching an investigation of apostate truth-teller Paul O'Neill, the campaigns here are more interested in Byzantine conspiracy theories about the upcoming voting: has Carol Moseley-Braun cut a secret deal to help Howard Dean by attacking his opponents, or is she just making principled distinctions on issues?

    CNN: Express Line dispatch: On the bus in Iowa

  • The final paper required that students apply the business theories learned in class to the problems of a company.

    FORBES: Lessons from Running GM's OnStar

  • The government offered two theories in support of the law.

    FORBES: Chief Justice Roberts' ObamaCare Decision: Peace For Our Time?

  • Yet economists, like rival witch doctors, get red in the face promoting diametrically opposed economic remedies, sometimes sharing Nobel Prizes in the same year for theories that directly contradict each other.

    FORBES: The Fundamental Fallacies Of Macroeconomics

  • What I won't do is return to the failed theories of the last eight years that got us into this fix in the first place, because those theories have been tested and they have failed.

    WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference

  • My opponent believes in the sort of top-down economic theories that I think got us into this mess in the first place.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event

  • The WHO delegation in Guangdong province will investigate theories that the virus "jumped" from animals into humans.

    BBC: Diplomats pull out over bug fears

  • The Big Bang Theory is the first title in a planned series on the major theories of modern science.

    FORBES: The Weekly E-Book Reading List

  • Along the way, Winchester pauses every third paragraph or so to delve into some topic that is not, at first glance, relevant to his story: Lloyd's of London, for instance, or the Reuters news agency, or Dutch colonial policy in Java, or the biological theories of Alfred Russel Wallace.

    FORBES: Don't Go Near The Volcano

  • The Doppler effect (familiar from the changing pitch of a passing police siren) gives away the velocities of these particles and Dr Haller's computers are able to crunch the resulting data in the light of Lagrange's theories and work out the network of coherent structures that is causing their movements and the pattern of updraughts and downdraughts that should result.

    ECONOMIST: Lagrangian coherent structures

  • History shows that the power was much abused and resulted in the constitutionalization of economic theories preferred by individual jurists.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Protects Generic Drugs, Drug Marketers

  • But after his blazing start, he flailed, in the spell of sterile theories about color and composition, and of traditions too piously revered.

    NEWYORKER: Young and Gifted

  • If they had found some, ground in the battle between the theories might have been won or lost but, by and large, they did not.

    ECONOMIST: The chemistry of growth

  • The recognition that behavioral psychology plays a central role in economic development is profound and flies directly in the face of traditional theories of prosperity that focus solely on optimal resource allocation.

    FORBES: What Drives The Best Entrepreneurs? Hint: It's Not Money

  • The theories in recent times which tried to link small changes in incremental growth in China with the likely future of the Australian economy are not supported by data and information that we have.

    WSJ: Australia's Private-Equity Deals for the New Year

  • In recent years some of the brightest theorists have argued that the very presence of humans in the universe indicates which of the many string theories is valid namely, those that allow the universe to exist as observers see it.

    ECONOMIST: Theoretical physics

  • Kilmarnock supporters adopted the song Paper Roses in the early seventies and there are conflicting theories about the reason why, one of which was explained by Mr Morton.

    BBC: Marie Osmond sings Paper Roses for Kilmarnock fans

  • The conflicting theories are "playing out in the way decisions are being made about what is exculpatory evidence, " said Jonathan Shapiro, Muhammad's attorney.

    CNN: Prosecutors to review sniper case statements

  • The hazards inherent in empowering government to achieve the latest progressive theories extend far beyond the economy.

    FORBES: Why The Tea Party Is Essential: Liberty, Prosperity And Justice

  • The new, softer approach to dictators is buttressed by grand theories about life in the post-Cold War world.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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