• The circumstances of the murder are still fresh in the recollection of most readers.

    ECONOMIST: Assize intelligence

  • Yet everything is jumbled in the recollection, because the most proximate memory may be the least important, the portentous detail relatively trivial.

    NEWYORKER: Late and Soon

  • Perhaps in the faint recollection that his Christian Democratic predecessor as chancellor, Helmut Kohl, also ran into a streak of bad election results after coming to power in 1982, yet went on to keep office for a record 16 years.

    ECONOMIST: Schr?der thumped

  • Ms Vonfelfende told the court she remembered being in the car but had no recollection of the crash.

    BBC: Northampton

  • Coach Paterno testified truthfully, to the best of his recollection, in the one brief appearance he made before the grand jury.

    CNN: July 3, 2012 -- Updated 1152 GMT (1952 HKT)

  • However, for completeness and accuracy, the text below includes ( in bold ) my recollection of points made during the meeting, but not included in my handwritten notes.

    BBC: You are in: UK

  • Ms. Hummel is afraid that the Windows technology is a flash in the pan given her recollection of Microsoft's feeble attempt to take on Apple's iPod with its Zune portable digital-music player.

    WSJ: Nokia Late to the Silicon Valley Party

  • "This is a double exercise of Remembrance and Recollection in the perspective of UNESCO which excludes hate and bitterness, and is firmly directed towards the promotion of human rights and the construction of a culture of peace through intercultural dialogue, " says Christian Ndombi, Regional Advisor for Culture at UNESCO Dakar.


  • In any case, the conversation now engaged, the ladies (my recollection is that they generally worked in teams) would ask the men whether they'd like a therapeutic massage.

    WSJ: Back on the Crime Beat

  • The party still shudders at the recollection of Solidarity's growth in Poland in the 1980s.

    ECONOMIST: China's unions

  • The client was a witness in an SEC investigation, and the agency alleged that Mr. Altman suggested in a recorded phone conversation that the client's recollection of certain events might "fade" if she got a year of severance pay.

    WSJ: Legal Eagles in Cross Hairs

  • They have no personal recollection of the years in which at least 1.7 million were killed or died from starvation, medical neglect or overwork.

    CNN: On the Road Back

  • Henry's recollection returns in fragments, the detritus of experience, a patchwork of truths a priori-that is the graceless name by which his friend Waldo refers to such things.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Woodsburner'

  • This came as a surprise to me, in part because I had no recollection of the song.

    FORBES: Do We Value People Who "Think Different"? In Schools: Mostly Not.

  • She also had a revelation while seated in front of one of the dioramas (my recollection is that it was the one of salmon-hunting Alaska brown bears standing seven feet tall): that the only reason we exercise dominion over the Earth, and creatures bigger and stronger than us, is because of our larger brains.

    WSJ: At 88, a World Full of Wonders

  • It was recorded in 1977 but Sir Cliff has no recollection of the session.

    BBC: Sir Cliff bids for chart history

  • My recollection, Congressman, is that in the grand jury, he gave basically the same answer, that it was a hypothetical question, and that he really didn't know what he would have done had the answer been different.

    CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal

  • On Monday, the judge said he had no recollection of the press release, but added an MP's vote in favour of a bill did not necessarily amount to an expression of a passionate personal belief.

    BBC: Judge steps down from hunt case

  • What for many will be the most striking element of Mr del Missier's testimony was his clear recollection that Bob Diamond, in a telephone call, had passed on an instruction from the Bank of England to lie about the interest rates Barclays was paying.

    BBC: Barclays' 'culture of pushing the limits'

  • He was referring to allegations, first aired last Friday on the BBC's Newsnight, which suggested that victims of abuse at the Bryn Estyn children's home in the 1970s and 1980s were told by the police and the Waterhouse Inquiry that there was no evidence to back their recollection of who had abused them and, therefore, no reason to pursue their allegations further.

    BBC: Learning the lessons of Savile

  • "They had me putting sugar in my bialys, " says Bell, still horrified at the recollection.

    FORBES: Doughboy

  • But my dim recollection is that the single most important factor in selecting a stroller, besides price (particularly when you're rushing for the crosstown bus with your kid under your arm, or chasing it down the Spanish Steps), is weight.

    WSJ: Cutting Edge, for Baby

  • President Clinton testified at his deposition that he had no specific recollection of being alone with Miss Lewinsky in any room at the White House.

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

  • The most likely explanation here is that there was an honest difference in recollection.


  • The star said he had a "perfectly clear" recollection of an occasion in 1984 in St Tropez when he and Mr Reid finally sorted out their management agreement after a lengthy period of "haggling".

    BBC: Sir Elton 'betrayed' by ex-lover

  • But my recollection is, is that Senator McCain, over the course of his career in the Senate, had released tax returns.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • At Sunday's emotional church service in this farming town of fewer than 3, 000 residents, the priest told congregants his personal recollection of Wednesday's horror.

    CNN: Texan town tries to rebuild with community, spirituality

  • "My recollection was that Mike could hear there were people in -- they were in the shower area, that they were horsing around, that they were playful, and that it just did not feel appropriate, " Curley told the grand jury, according to the transcript.


  • And so, even in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, other than Ms. Lewinsky's own recollection of these events, the managers have concluded that the president lied under oath about the details of his sexual activity, that he somehow shortchanged the grand jury and should be removed from office.


  • Moreover, the president testified in the grand jury that he was alone with Miss Lewinsky in 1996 and 1997, and that he had a specific recollection of certain instance when he was alone with her.

    CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2

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