• Of course, as you have undoubtedly heard before, identifying the problem is only the first step in finding solutions.

    FORBES: CMOs Must Embrace, Manage Changes in Marketing

  • The report said it was "reasonable to expect the Deti to have taken a lead in identifying the problem".

    BBC: Enterprise Committee

  • It said it was concerned with the report's conclusion that the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) should have taken a lead in identifying the problem and have sought a solution.

    BBC: Presbyterian Mutual Society motion

  • Dark energy is one of the most pressing problems in astrophysics today and, given its role in identifying the problem, you would have thought it would be the US announcing such a mission.

    BBC: Dark discussion ahead for Europe and US

  • Bradford, after correctly identifying the problem of population decline, does not point (as far as I know) to a reversal of the decline as a potential solution, nor do any of the economists the Times reach to talk about his findings.

    FORBES: The Key To The Next Industrial Revolution Is Staring Us In The Face And We Pretend Not To See It

  • On April 5th Paul Ryan, the young chairman of the House Budget Committee, laid out a brave counter-proposal for next year's budget and beyond (see article) brave both in identifying the scope of the problem and in proposing the kind of deeply unpopular medicine that will be needed to cope with it.

    ECONOMIST: The Republican budget

  • We have pursued a policy approach that has effectively isolated Iran and united the world in identifying Iran's behavior as the problem.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The single largest troubleshooting issue the survey respondents face is identifying the source or any particular problem.

    FORBES: Written by Brad Reinboldt

  • There is also the problem of identifying recipients of loans from state-owned banks by type of ownership.

    FORBES: China's Challenge: Balancing the State and Market

  • But the problem with identifying adaptability as a key is of course that this virtue is itself multi-dimensional and averse to simple generalisations.

    ECONOMIST: The chemistry of growth

  • The problem is identifying which cancers need which treatments.

    BBC: Tag for aggressive bowel cancer

  • Security experts focus on the "attribution problem" the challenge of identifying and tracking down the source of a cyberattack.

    NPR: Does Averting Cyberwar Mean Giving Up Web Privacy?

  • In airline security , we might spend less time futilely searching for hidden weapons and instead focus on the real problem of identifying potential terrorists.

    FORBES: Learning To Ask The Right Question

  • Although the way wasn't smooth at one point he says he was hospitalized because of thoughts of suicide he credits the screening program for identifying his problem before it was too late.

    WSJ: Will Students Take a Mental Health Test?

  • Obama -- who missed the Senate vote on the resolution but has said he opposes it -- said the problem with the measure was that it went beyond identifying the Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.

    CNN: Democrats spar in heated debate

  • Perhaps all the talk of customer development, lean startups, crowdsourcing, and the myriad bits of startup lingo has obscured the simplest truth: Starting is about problem-identifying and problem-solving.

    FORBES: The Simplest Definition of Entrepreneurship

  • If he is identifying them as a major part of the party's image problem, he is right, but he's not pointing a way out of their complex dilemma - the choice between being quislings to faithful Republicans or obstructionists in the mind of most Americans.

    BBC: Are Republicans the 'stupid party'?

  • Those people who used to spend all day identifying the problems in the business now have all day to solve the problem or to develop new strategies for managing the business out of that difficult situation.

    FORBES: A Tableau Solution To Those Excel Blues

  • "It's great that they're identifying a potential problem, but to have it as a lead article in the New England Journal is not sensitive to the consequences" for patients who might stop taking their medicine, says Stuart Weiss, an NYU endocrinologist.

    FORBES: Open-Source Drug Safety?

  • The Justice Department may well demand reforms ranging from new training protocols for officers to new guidelines on the use of force, as well as setting up a more effective system for identifying problem officers.

    ECONOMIST: Police charges in New Orleans

  • The problem: While the latter was by far more important for the students, identifying how each of them defined CSR was the higher priority for me partly because of the scarcity of CSR jobs and partly because of the lack of standardized scope and skills associated with these jobs.

    FORBES: From College to Job Hunting: Five Steps to Ease The Pain

  • The groups prepared a problem tree on the top issue that they had prioritized, which was a way of identifying cause and effects.


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