• Mitt Romney appeals to the sort of investors and people who run high-tech, venture capital-backed businesses.

    FORBES: All The Presidential Contenders Are Blowing It

  • Select high-tech companies and venture capitalists can count on new subsidies and tax breaks.

    FORBES: A Bailout For Yuppies

  • No wonder, too, that high-tech companies and venture capitalists are fighting the FASB tooth and nail.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Happily, the governments of Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore are learning the lesson, and all three now direct the biggest funds for high-tech entrepreneurs through venture capitalists.

    ECONOMIST: The tiger and the tech

  • Dius is also considering proposals to create two funds to encourage venture capitalists to invest in small high-tech companies by matching their investment with public funding.

    BBC: Ministers' ?1bn UK science plea

  • They are to operate like the venture capital companies that have financed the global high-tech industry.

    FORBES: There's Nothing Wrong With Islamic Finance As Long As It Really Is Islamic Finance

  • There are local funds aimed at high-tech companies, and 3i, Britain's best-known venture-capital firm, has its biggest office outside London in Cambridge.

    ECONOMIST: The economy

  • Alan Hald, another Tempe-based entrepreneur and co-chairman of the Arizona Partnership for the New Economy, points out that Phoenix lacks the venture capital that brings the whirr to other high-tech hubs, such as Austin, Los Angeles and New York.

    ECONOMIST: Urban boosterism

  • The recession has exacerbated a long-term trend, says Mr Gill, who thinks many venture-capital investors have been put off the high-tech sector by a combination of uncertain returns and memories of the dotcom bust at the turn of the century.

    ECONOMIST: The Cambridge cluster

  • Israel has attracted considerable venture capital during the last decade, helping to make it a high-tech success story.


  • Venture capitalists, those veteran investors hired precisely because they could divine the high-tech future, didn't know either--that's why they are all already bobbing and weaving over the health of their rapidly maturing funds.

    FORBES: A Net Uncertain

  • John Thornton of Austin Ventures, a local venture-capital firm, says his company financed as many Austin-based high-tech companies in 1996 as in the previous five years taken together.

    ECONOMIST: Silicon Valley: Deep in the heart of Texas | The

  • Ellison is quick to tell you he never had to take a dime of venture capital, the result of which is that today he is one of high-tech's billionaires.

    FORBES: Larry Ellison

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