• In that context, South Africa is right to want to punish, in particular, hate-speech that incites racial violence.

    ECONOMIST: South Africa in black and white

  • Given a particularly divisive history, laws designed to curb hate-speech can be justified as an effort to ensure that such a history is not repeated.

    ECONOMIST: South Africa in black and white

  • Radio Netherlands and Amsterdam University are refining a proposal for an early-warning system that would pick up hate-speech broadcasts, including cryptic ones, and at least mitigate their effects.

    ECONOMIST: Silencing murderous messages is not as easy as it sounds

  • The highlighting ethical standards in digital age, media concentration impacts on media's role, hate-speech and self-regulations, challenges to investigative journalism and Media and Information Literacy in both Urdu print and electronic media.


  • Perhaps the irony might be that the bogus hogus pogus hate-speech based on hateful leviticus 18:22 might bring the bible and torah into a banned status and the churches and synagogues shut down!

    FORBES: Researchers Predict the End of Religion

  • In Europe the citizenry do not have the privilege of a 1st Amendment, and Wilders recently triumphed in a "hate-speech" trial brought against him by Muslim Brotherhood-influenced elements who sought to intimidate him into shutting up.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The two - from the campus's Palestinian student club and its Socialist union - now insist not only that the charges against them be dropped, but that the university re-educate its students to ensure that they understand that criticizing Hamas and other genocidal terror groups is a form of prohibited hate-speech.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Are you proud to be a leftist?

  • Many European Union states (and even some non-EU countries in Europe) have various types of anti-hate speech legal mechanisms, in part to head off terrorism and far-right violence.


  • Although incitement to violence is generally not protected, hate speech -- no matter how disgusting and awful -- is.


  • The following year, a court ruled that the song amounted to hate speech - a decision that Mr Malema rejected.

    BBC: Profile: Julius Malema

  • In the Arab world, the silence over Jew-hate speech is the rule.

    FORBES: There He Goes Again: Egypt's Morsi Stuns U.S. Senators In Meeting With 'Jews-Control-Media' Slur

  • Last week's letter is part of a decades-long effort by anti-"hate speech" professors, students, activists and administrators to classify any offensive speech as harassment unprotected by the First Amendment.

    WSJ: Greg Lukianoff: Feds to Students: You Can't Say That

  • We're not quick enough to call out anti-gay hate speech, too ready to tolerate people who are different, to hold them at a comfortable distance, rather than understanding and embracing them.

    CNN: The county where no one's gay

  • We wrote an open letter to Facebook, co-signed by more than 100 organizations, asking the company to take concrete steps to better understand gender-based hate speech on its site and to train people to recognize violence against women as hateful.

    CNN: Facebook rejects rape culture. Can you?

  • Among the concessions in the works appears to be bans on so-called "hate speech" that defames Islam, an idea implicit in the President's injunction to use "respectful language" towards Muslims.


  • Speaker after speaker documented a rising tide of infringements on free speech and freedom of religion and warned that more were in prospect - particularly as a result of the U.S. co-sponsored "hate speech" resolution in the U.N.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • With every passing day it gets harder to think of this sudden dialing-up of whiny hate speech as sheer coincidence.

    NPR: The Nation: Race, Lies And Health Scares

  • Earlier this year Twitter chief executive Dick Costolo said it would introduce measures to help curb the proliferation of "hate speech" and so-called trolling on its service.

    BBC: New Twitter abuse laws not necessary, say police

  • Its only tangible negotiating "success" to date is the adoption by the UN of an Islamist prohibition on "hate speech" against Muslims - which was, believe it or not, co-sponsored by the United States, despite the assault it represents on our First Amendment rights.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Whose side are they on?

  • We wanted to show that hate speech is not just words --- that words can lead to actions.

    CNN: Story highlights

  • During his remarks before OSCE participants, al-Marayati said that "hate speech that intends to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence against someone based on religion is harmful, " according to a portion of his speech posted on MPAC's website.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Anti-Israel Advocate Reps U.S. at Rights Conference

  • The training in Machakos County is a hands-on practical exercise for journalists on how to deal with hate speech and inflammatory remarks, and also on how to host talk shows in a conflict-sensitive manner during the upcoming election scheduled for 4 March 2013.


  • Orban's government, which has been criticized by the European Union and the United States for weakening democratic standards by, for example, overriding court decisions with its two-thirds majority in parliament, has recently tightened laws on hate speech and has banned the use of Nazi and communist symbols in certain instances.

    NPR: Hungary's Prime Minister Denounces Anti-Semitism

  • In fact, El-Fatatry says, the site is constantly policed to remove any hate speech or threats of religious violence.

    FORBES: God Goes Online

  • Presumably, this assertion is designed to set the stage for prosecution of the kind we have seen in Europe and Canada on hate speech or other charges consistent with what amount to shariah blasphemy laws - once our First Amendment rights have been further shredded by Mr. Obama and his team.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Team Obama's mendacity

  • Although independent web-hosting companies in the United States can legally close down hate sites, there is a healthy tradition of free speech on the Internet.

    ECONOMIST: The Internet

  • The people who are really going to hate this post-Orwellian world are those who think that they alone have the special expertise needed to decide where free speech ends and privacy begins.

    FORBES: Smile, You're on Googcam

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