• And I'd also like to know, what do you make of these long lines we're seeing at gun shows and gun stores all around the country?

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a News Conference

  • He said Abdulkadir and Awale had travelled to the Netherlands to collect a gun, and all three defendants were recorded on CCTV near the location of the shootings.

    BBC: Mohammed Abdi Farah and Amin Ahmed Ismail

  • He said Mr Abdulkadir and Mr Awale had travelled to Holland to collect a gun, and all three defendants were recorded on CCTV near the location of the shooting.

    BBC: Mohammed Abdi Farah and Amin Ahmed Ismail

  • Their amendment expands background checks to gun shows and all Internet sales, but exempts private transactions such as hunting rifles traded among family and friends.

    CNN: Senate gun law proposal lacks enough support now

  • The Manchin-Toomey plan would have expanded background checks to include private sales at gun shows and all Internet sales, while continuing to exempt most sales between family members and friends.

    CNN: Senate rejects expanded gun background checks

  • I've spoken to neighbors, athletes and colleagues, those who own guns and those who never have, about the gun issue, and all seem to fall in the middle.

    CNN: A father's murder, a plea on gun control

  • Now, before the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the gun manufacturing industry for which it fronts spring out of their chairs to do a victory dance, the one that celebrates the lack of definitive connection between gun laws and gun deaths and thus justifies any and all behavior, they should consider that there may be other factors that explain the data better.

    FORBES: Gun Death Data Points In Both Directions

  • Congress oversees only the oath, the 21-gun salute and the all-important inauguration luncheon.

    ECONOMIST: Beat the drum slowly

  • Finally in 2011, conservatives led by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper voted to abolish the long-gun registry and destroy all its records.

    FORBES: Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up

  • "Look, I have suffered more than most from gun violence, and I certainly want to do all I can to reduce gun violence and I understand it helps to have common sense gun laws, " she said recently on the campaign trail.

    CNN: Attacks puts fresh focus on gun control

  • Since then, they have been pen pals, and now they come face to face once more Sam with his canoe, gun, tent, and all-around scouting skills, Suzy with her library books and a cat in a basket.

    NEWYORKER: Stormy Weather

  • The children of Sandy Hook Elementary School and all victims of gun violence deserve fellow citizens and leaders who have the will to prevent gun violence in the future.


  • We urge Congress to swiftly vote on and pass this legislation and other common-sense measures like requiring a background check for all gun purchases and cracking down on gun trafficking and straw purchasing.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The public mood has dramatically shifted and now favors sensible gun controls: a ban on all semi-automatic weapons and their high-capacity clips, as well as background checks at all gun shows.

    FORBES: Gun Makers Take One to the Gut

  • But Rodgers' side were firmly on the front foot as they went in search of a crucial second, Van der Gun, Morgan and Allen all going close.

    BBC: Sport - Football - Swansea 3-0 Barnet

  • Likewise, 79% of NRA members support requiring background checks on gun retail employees, 74% would support background checks on all potential gun buyers and 64% support requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms.

    CNN: Three areas where Biden and NRA can find common ground

  • Instead, he called for better enforcement of all existing gun laws and creating "an immediate blanket of security around our children" by putting armed guards at all the nation's schools.

    CNN: February 1, 2013 -- Updated 0041 GMT (0841 HKT)

  • Obama and other supporters of stronger gun control measures say all possible efforts must be made to address what they call a chronic and growing problem of gun violence, particularly involving vulnerable targets such as students.

    CNN: Obama still backs new gun ban; top senator less certain

  • "From anti-gun mayors and marchers to gun-hating celebrities and politicians...they're almost all Democrats, " he continues.

    CNN: U.S. gun lobby ads to blast Democrats at convention

  • And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a vocal backer of stricter regulation, called on Mr Obama and Congress to pass several gun regulation proposals, including requiring a criminal background check for all gun sales, making gun trafficking a felony and a ban on assault weapons.

    BBC: Newtown shootings: Gun debate flares as funerals begin

  • On Wednesday, President Barack Obama is due to travel to Denver, Colorado to continue his push for new gun control measures including an assault weapons ban, background checks on all prospective gun purchasers, and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines.

    BBC: NRA calls for armed guards in US schools

  • The panel previously approved other proposals that would expand background checks on all gun sales and enact tougher laws against firearms trafficking and straw purchases.

    CNN: Senate panel passes ban on assault-style weapons

  • Manager Paulo Sousa shrugged off criticism of his repeated tinkering with the team to make six changes, Federico Bessone, Albert Serran, Kuqi, Cedric van der Gun, Leon Britton and Gower all recalled.

    BBC: Swansea 3-1 Barnsley

  • So his call for new measures including background checks for all gun buyers and Senate confirmation of a director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives triggered new vows of defiance.

    NPR: Sheriffs, State Lawmakers Push Back On Gun Control

  • On Wednesday, President Barack Obama stepped up his call for background checks for all gun purchases and renewed his demand that Congress at least vote on banning assault weapons and limiting access to large-capacity ammunition magazines.

    WSJ: AG Holder: wants voting rights provision upheld

  • Obama said Monday that lawmakers in Congress from both parties were working together on plans that would expand background checks to all gun purchases and criminalize "straw purchases" in which legal gun owners buy weapons for people prohibited from doing so.

    CNN: Obama still backs new gun ban; top senator less certain

  • The bipartisan deal, which will be offered as the first amendment to the main gun bill, would require all people buying firearms online and at gun shows to undergo a background check through a licensed dealer, who would be required to keep a paper record of the sale.

    WSJ: Gun Measure Clears Senate Hurdle

  • Obama's proposals include expanding and strengthening background checks on gun buyers to ensure all sales include screening to prevent weapons from going to criminals and the mentally ill.

    CNN: 'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban

  • No, gun owners are not all nuts and, yes, hunting is a legitimate sport.

    ECONOMIST: America��s gun laws

  • But they come too late for the dead of Littleton, and for all the gun victims before them.

    ECONOMIST: The lesson nobody learns

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