• Senator Grassley said two days ago, if you want any Republican votes, no public plan option.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Grassley said officials may have been too quick to irradiate mail without knowing potential side effects.

    CNN: Report calls for more study of irradiated mail

  • What he wants, Grassley said, is to get to the bottom of who was behind the sting.

    CNN: Contempt vote inflames Fast and Furious debate

  • Grassley said Obama's assertion of executive privilege raises questions, but "we know of no presidential involvement" in Fast and Furious.

    CNN: Contempt vote inflames Fast and Furious debate

  • "It's surprising that the administration isn't already verifying that any student coming into the country has a valid student visa, " Grassley said.


  • Appearing on CNN on Friday, Grassley said he had yet to get a response from the White House to his request for further information.

    CNN: Secret Service changes its rules after scandal

  • Grassley said any accusation of political motivation is "baseless, " and he listed his attempts during the Bush administration to subpoena records or hold officials in contempt.

    CNN: Contempt vote inflames Fast and Furious debate

  • "Mr. Lew's eagerness and skill in obtaining bonuses, severance payments, housing allowances and other perks raises concerns about whether he appreciates who pays the bills, " Grassley said.

    NPR: Senate Confirms Lew As Treasury Secretary

  • "We don't want to make that mistake again, " Grassley said.

    CNN: Negotiations over health insurance co-ops at impasse

  • "The attorney general and the Justice Department are thumbing their nose at the constitutional authority provided to the legislative branch to conduct oversight, " Grassley said in a written statement.

    CNN: House committee weighs Holder contempt resolution

  • "The thought of government drones buzzing overhead monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens runs contrary to the notion of what it means to live in a free society, " Grassley said.

    CNN: Drone use in U.S. may require new laws, Senate panel told

  • "We don't want to do anything that would cause costs to increase for the majority of responsible borrowers who are paying off their loans, " Mr. Grassley said in a statement.

    WSJ: Student Loan Bankruptcy Fears Drive Congress to Rethink Law

  • "The attorney general wants to trade a briefing and the promise of delivering some small, unspecified set of documents tomorrow for a free pass today, " Grassley said after the meeting.

    CNN: Issa: Holder must turn over documents or face contempt vote

  • Other lawmakers, such as Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, said it would be unfair to use the tax code as punishment, but Grassley said it's not a question of being fair.

    CNN: Dodd: Administration pushed for language protecting bonuses

  • "Since the Secret Service did not request the records of the White House personnel, an open and transparent response from the president's counsel is even more imperative, " Grassley said in a statement.


  • Acknowledging that the inquiry would be outside the inspector general's jurisdiction and require Obama's invitation, Grassley said the president should do it to keep his promise to maintain unprecedented openness and transparency in his administration.


  • "I don't hear any criticism ... when there (were) 14 people killed in West, Texas, and (some political activists took) advantage of that tragedy to warn about more government action to make sure that fertilizer factories are safe, " Grassley said.


  • "It's hard to imagine the rationale for nominating three judges at once for this court given the many vacant emergency seats across the country, unless your goal is to pack the court to advance a certain policy agenda, " Grassley said in a statement Monday night.

    NPR: AP Source: Obama Nominating 3 To US Appeals Court

  • "I do not believe Mr. Perez gave us the straight story when he was called upon to answer questions about this case, and for that reason I will strongly oppose his nomination, " Grassley said in reference to questioning of Perez by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    CNN: Holder criticizes longtime foe Issa at committee hearing

  • Grassley said he wants the inspector general at the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the White House staff members' possible involvement in the controversy that has embarrassed the Secret Service and raised questions about a possible security breach before President Barack Obama's trip to Cartagena, Colombia, for the Summit of the Americans this month.


  • Some kind of bill is expected to be passed by the August recess--and the competing Finance Committee legislation is expected to circulate as early as next week. (Grassley said that his committee was working all weekend.) While there won't be a huge window of time for groups to debate the particulars, there will no doubt be some fierce fighting.

    FORBES: ObamaCare

  • Charles Grassley of Iowa said Tuesday that Perez's involvement should disqualify him to become Labor Secretary.

    CNN: Holder criticizes longtime foe Issa at committee hearing

  • "No one got everything they wanted, including the chairman, but I do believe that everyone got something they do believe is important to include in this relief act, " said Grassley.

    CNN: Senate poised for tax bill vote

  • "The more I look, the more troubled I get, " said Grassley, who also chairs the Senate Finance Committee and who has requested information from the former investigator, Gary Aguirre, as well as from the SEC about its handling of the investigation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "If it weren't for that, we would not have any leverage on how any individual corporation is being run, and we don't pretend to have any leverage on any corporation today in the United States that's not seeking federal help, " said Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.

    CNN: Dodd: Administration pushed for language protecting bonuses

  • Asked Tuesday about Grassley's letter, Carney said he had not seen it.

    CNN: Senators criticize military briefing on Colombia scandal

  • Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said the administration "has been outmaneuvered" over AIG.

    FORBES: Time To Get Angry About AIG Again

  • The Republicans who have to steer tax proposals into law (Bill Thomas in the House of Representatives, Chuck Grassley in the Senate) have said there must be compromise.

    ECONOMIST: The state-of-the-union address

  • Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said in a statement.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Asked about Grassley's letter Tuesday, Carney said he had not seen it.


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