• The government's police commissioner plans have already been moved from May to November next year.

    BBC: Met Police counter-terrorism role should end, MPs say

  • The government's peace commissioner recently admitted that a programme to help paramilitaries into civilian life had been inadequate.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • Yazid Sabeg, the government's diversity commissioner, has set up a group to find the best way to collect information.

    ECONOMIST: France's ethnic minorities

  • The government's information commissioner's office said the secret recording of a conversation was potentially a breach of the Data Protection Act.

    BBC: Norfolk County Council warning over secret recordings

  • The government set up the commissioner role in an effort to make police more accountable, with a single "figurehead" monitoring and ensuring performance.

    BBC: Simon Hayes

  • Already, two names have been floated as possible finance ministers in the new government: former European Commissioner Stavros Dimas and former Development Minister Kostis Hadjidakis both New Democracy members.

    WSJ: Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Seek Coalition

  • The French government stands behind its commissioner.

    ECONOMIST: Edith Cresson, Europe��s controversial commissioner

  • The government is bringing in the commissioner role - for 41 out of the 43 forces in England and Wales - in what it describes as an effort to make the police more accountable, with a single "figurehead" monitoring performance.

    BBC: Tony Lloyd

  • The government and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees were well advanced on a sweeping repatriation plan when, in October 2004, the Burmese general they had been dealing with, Khin Nyunt, was deposed as prime minister by more hardline generals.

    ECONOMIST: South-East Asia's refugees

  • The Scottish government was pleased that the EU Commissioner, Maria Damanaki, accepted Scotland's interpretation of article 13 of the Cod Recovery Plan.

    BBC: Fishing negotiations statement

  • The Information Commissioner has ordered the government to publish risk assessments relating to the reforms, but the government argues that this would compromise private discussions between ministers and civil servants.

    BBC: Burnham: Government 'took risks' with NHS

  • The coalition government had been embroiled in a two-year dispute with Information Commissioner Christopher Graham over whether e-mails relating to government business but sent from Education Secretary Michael Gove's personal account were accessible under the legislation.

    BBC: Labour conference: FoI laws 'should be extended'

  • Sadly for her, Gazeta Wyborcza reports that the Polish government has chosen another candidate to be commissioner, the current MEP Janusz Lewandowski.

    ECONOMIST: European politics

  • In the latest twist, Joseph Grant, the commissioner of tax exempt and government entities, announced Thursday that he plans to retire June 3.

    WSJ: Second Top IRS Official Leaves Agency as GOP Scrutiny Rises

  • On the day the Italian government decided to make her a European commissioner, she was in New York demonstrating outside the United Nations building.

    ECONOMIST: Emma Bonino, Europe��s commissioner for the future

  • In the latest twist that is generating interest among lawmakers, Joseph Grant, the commissioner of tax exempt and government entities, announced Thursday that he plans to retire June 3.

    WSJ: Ousted Tax-Agency Head to Testify at Hearings

  • Prior to that, Commissioner Sommers worked in the Government Affairs Office of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, where she was instrumental in overseeing regulatory and legislative affairs for the exchange.


  • If the Italian government insists on retaining Mr Buttiglione as commissioner, Mr Barroso will have to find him a new job preferably a minor post that does not require moral judgments and find a new nominee to take the justice job.

    ECONOMIST: The European Commission

  • He has been chairman of the government agency since September 2004 and is Scotland commissioner on the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

    BBC: Enterprise chief in Queen's birthday honours

  • The government talks of involving the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the first time, although it is not clear in what capacity.

    ECONOMIST: The Karen

  • ' Review, the commissioner has called on the Welsh Government to listen to the experiences of older patients, their families and carers whilst in hospital.

    BBC: Public Accounts Committee

  • Among Mr Berlusconi's first acts in government were closing the office of the high commissioner against corruption and passing a law that means he himself will not have to answer to bribery charges.

    ECONOMIST: Italy

  • In a written response included in the report, the IRS commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division said there was no criminal behavior behind the actions of the agents, but rather inefficient management.


  • The British government this month changed its policy and said High Commissioner James Bevan would travel to Gujarat.

    BBC: Narendra Modi: UK high commissioner meets Gujarat chief

  • Yesterday, the Children's Commissioner Keith Towler called on the Welsh Government to set up a new independent inquiry into events there in the 1970s and 80s.

    BBC: History back in the headlines

  • Peter Mandelson, the EU trade commissioner, says Saudi Arabia's government could be hauled before the World Trade Organisation if it is thought to be encouraging the boycott of Danish goods.

    ECONOMIST: The Satanic sketches | The

  • However, the perception of Italy has improved recently: the euro crisis has cooled a bit, and the arrival in November of a technocratic government led by Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, promising lots of economic reforms, has soothed investors' collywobbles.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese and other buyers snap up Italian brands

  • The Information Commissioner had backed the requests, but the government had appealed against this decision.

    BBC: Free school bids ordered to be disclosed

  • Some of the most influential people in city government most notably Raymond Kelly, the police commissioner work out of private offices at agency headquarters separate from City Hall.

    WSJ: Murky Future For 'Bullpen'

  • But it all started when Singapore's migrants took up hawking in the 1950s and 1960s, and the government became concerned about hygiene, the former Public Health Commissioner Daniel Wang tells the BBC's Helier Cheung.

    BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?

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