• That is because commercial grapevines are propagated from cuttings and are genetically identical clones.

    ECONOMIST: Genetics

  • Then, within several days, embryos genetically identical to the baby were created, from which stem cells were derived.

    CNN: Cloning stem cells: What does it mean?

  • Dolly and the donor sheep were genetically identical, like twins, except that the clone was much younger than the other.

    FORBES: Geron Gets Cloning Patents

  • It allows the plants in question to reproduce asexually, thus cloning themselves and creating seeds which are genetically identical to their parent.

    ECONOMIST: Terminator genes

  • They are tiny animals and polyps that exist as genetically identical individuals, and can eat, defend themselves and kill plankton for food.

    CNN: Report: Coral almost as genetically complex as humans

  • Perlegen, a spinoff of Affymetrix, a DNA chip pioneer, is taking advantage of the fact that any two humans are 99.9% genetically identical.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Many of the domesticated foxes hardly resembled their wild-type relatives at all, in both appearance and behavior even though they were genetically identical.

    FORBES: The Fossils in Our Genes

  • The baby camel, weighing 30kg, has been confirmed as being genetically identical to the camel the cells were taken from, the paper reported.

    BBC: 'First camel clone' born in Dubai

  • The existence of genetically identical siblings will have to be taken into account, but the new technology will make iris-scanning and hand-geometry systems seem quaint.

    ECONOMIST: Africa's oil riches

  • Since new colonies would be genetically identical with those that spawned them, it is likely that all the C. biroi on Okinawa have identical genes.

    ECONOMIST: Ecology: Sisterhood is hungry | The

  • The cloning element is there purely for the purposes of creating tissues genetically identical to the patient that won't be rejected, and that's a nice idea.

    CNN: Human stem cell cloning: 'Holy Grail' or techno-fantasy?

  • On the other hand it might help explain patterns of disease associated with ageing as cells whose ancestors were genetically identical slowly diverge from one another.

    ECONOMIST: The next advances in genomics may happen in China

  • An island-full of identical individuals could be wiped out by an infection, just as entire crops of genetically identical plants may succumb to plague and pestilence.

    ECONOMIST: Ecology: Sisterhood is hungry | The

  • Of the 50 patients and 33 wild armadillos the researchers analyzed from the U.S., 25 patients and 28 armadillos shared a genetically identical strain of leprosy bacteria.

    CNN: Armadillos linked to leprosy in humans

  • Dr Jaisson suspects, though he has not yet proved for sure, that all the ants in the colony are genetically identical like the cells in a single human body.

    ECONOMIST: Ecology: Sisterhood is hungry | The

  • Perlegen, a spinoff of DNA chip pioneer Affymetrix (nasdaq: AFFX - news - people ), is taking advantage of the fact that any two humans are 99.9% genetically identical.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The cloned cells would be genetically identical to the patient's own, so they could replace part of an ailing brain or heart without touching off a full-scale attack from the patient's immune system.

    FORBES: Cloning's High Cost

  • Sir Ian and his team fused the genetic information from an adult sheep cell nucleus with an egg cell to form an embryo that developed into a genetically identical copy of the original adult.

    BBC: Dolly the sheep pioneer knighted

  • Could patients have themselves cloned in order to harvest cells from a genetically-identical embryo, gaining a donor and avoiding the major problem of transplant surgery: rejection of foreign tissue by the immune system?


  • Because a field trial with a genetically engineered plant may be 10 to 20 times more expensive than the same experiment performed with a plant that has identical properties but that was modified with less precise genetic techniques, genetic engineering with the best techniques has been vastly under-used for the past 25 years.

    FORBES: Back To The Future: Let's Reverse 25 Years Of Flawed Agbiotech Regulation

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