• The high oil price is already fuelling inflation and singeing confidence in all three countries.

    ECONOMIST: The region assesses the costs

  • And the stellar productivity figures increase the pace at which the economy can grow without fuelling inflation.

    ECONOMIST: Can America keep it up? | The

  • Mr Wen also suggested he would rein in an investment boom in the provinces that has been fuelling inflation.

    ECONOMIST: Jasmine stirrings in China

  • This is crucial because if people think inflation will persist, they ask for higher wage settlements to compensate, further fuelling inflation.

    BBC: Petrol price hits record average 130p per litre

  • Thanks to a closed capital account (even if cracks are appearing) and government control over domestic banks, China has been able to buy vast quantities of dollars without fuelling inflation.

    ECONOMIST: Currencies

  • The reform of public-sector pay is also fuelling inflation.

    ECONOMIST: A struggle to keep the good times rolling

  • Recognising that this would allow the economy to grow faster without fuelling inflation, Mr Greenspan allowed the boom to continue and unemployment to fall, dragging many disadvantaged workers back into the labour force.

    ECONOMIST: Alan Greenspan

  • Germany cannot stomach the thought of the ECB fuelling inflation to dissolve overbearing European wide state debt and is refusing to let the EU go on a course of resetting out of control debts.

    FORBES: To Save The Euro Germany Must Print Money

  • At present, the countries most in need of such investment lack the domestic capacity be it trained personnel, institutional governance or even public demand to absorb additional funding at such a rate without simply fuelling inflation, graft and waste.

    ECONOMIST: International aid

  • But low interest rates, in turn, risk further fuelling asset-price inflation.

    ECONOMIST: The American economy

  • Having posed as a champion of the poor with generous, but inflation-fuelling handouts of state largesse, Mr Ahmadinejad may now be expected to escalate attacks on purported corruption.

    ECONOMIST: Iran's election

  • Arrests of currency traders, for example, have not stopped the Syrian pound from losing half its value in recent months, fuelling a frightening surge in inflation, amid widening shortages.

    ECONOMIST: Syria��s uprising

  • That may be appropriate where demand is weak but in rapidly growing economies, such as Argentina, India, Vietnam and Hong Kong, negative real rates are fuelling faster credit growth and inflation.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

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