• French colonial rule was handed over to a cosy coalition, which became the Socialist Party.

    ECONOMIST: Senegal

  • Until the end of French colonial rule in 1956, Tunisia's Jewish community numbered 100, 000 members.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel and Arab Democracy

  • French colonial troops raped and pillaged their way through German cities in a fashion the Red Army would have admired.

    WSJ: Book Review: The Guns at Last Light

  • Ms. WOODS: What he's saying is that French colonial efforts have been at play in Africa since, really, the 1800s.

    NPR: Chad Conflict Stirs Global Response

  • As a youth, he joined the nationalist Baath party, although his Alawite brethren were the mainstays of the French colonial regime.

    ECONOMIST: Hafez Assad

  • Vientiane, as I had heard, was beautiful and romantic ten years ago, a mix of French Colonial architecture and temples with quiet, leafy streets.

    FORBES: Asian Beauty

  • The 20, 248-square-foot French colonial sits atop a hill and behind a gate, hidden by greenery and steep rocks that bolster its front decks.

    FORBES: Tesla And SpaceX Founder Musk Buys $17 Million Bel Air Mansion

  • The shelter provided a unique glimpse into the hotel's incarnation as a government-run wartime guesthouse -- a world away from the opulence of its French colonial heyday.

    CNN: Vietnam War bunker reopened under luxury hotel

  • The move marks the determination of President Marc Ravalomanana's government to underscore the island nation's economic independence 43 years after it broke free from French colonial rule.

    BBC: Madagascar resurrects old currency

  • Bamba did not do so much for his own people, apparently consigning them to a life of poverty as peanut-providers for the French colonial rulers in Senegal.

    ECONOMIST: African immigrants

  • The struggle that began with communists fighting French colonial power in the 1940s did not end until they seized Saigon and control of the whole country in 1975.


  • His aspirations foundered on the rocks of British and French colonial ambition, notably the twin reefs of the notorious Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 and the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

    ECONOMIST: Lawrence of Arabia

  • The reader can almost hear the parachute canopies cracking open as Operation Castor begins on November 20th 1953, when the airborne elite of the French colonial army was first parachuted into the valley of Dien Bien Phu.

    ECONOMIST: The war in Indochina

  • In sum, all Lebanese confessions have cottoned on to a trick first employed by the country's French colonial administrators, who redrew the boundaries of Lebanon and Syria in the 1920s to make Lebanon as large as possible while still preserving its Christian majority.

    ECONOMIST: Lebanon

  • But surely there is a more interesting possibility, which she does not consider: that Western misbehaviour, starting with Anglo-French colonial adventures in the Middle East and South Asia, reinforced some of the worst features of Islamic societies creating a vicious circle which has yet to be broken.

    ECONOMIST: No time for tradition

  • History: "Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam, " by Fredrik Logevall (Random House), a balanced, deeply researched history of how, as French colonial rule faltered, a succession of American leaders moved step by step down a road toward full-blown war.

    WSJ: 2013 Pulitzer winners in journalism and arts

  • He nurtured French post-colonial-era ties with the Arab world and Africa.

    NPR: Chirac Leaves Behind a Mixed Legacy

  • Rouch meets with white colonial French high-school students and their black African classmates (all nonactors) as he persuades them to improvise a drama about efforts to bring the two mutually wary groups together socially.

    NEWYORKER: The Human Pyramid

  • At the same time, France's "subjective" interests cannot be overlooked -- especially when the French "post-colonial paradox" comes into play.

    CNN: France: We're not the pacifists you think we are

  • In 2005 there was even an attempt to force French schools to teach pupils about "the positive role of the French presence overseas" during the colonial era.

    BBC: French bill re-opens old wounds with Turkey

  • Trips start in Hanoi, where guests explore the city's famed markets, colonial architecture, historical sites and French-influenced restaurants.

    CNN: Exotic culinary tours around the world

  • Colonial sentiment or not, the French plan is to hand off Mali to U.N. and African forces and exit completely after elections in July.

    WSJ: Anne Jolis: Too Quiet on Mali's Southern Front

  • Leaving behind this city of Buddhist temples and delicious French pastries (one of the few reminders of the colonial era) the river winds its way through a landscape dominated by forested sugar-loaf mountains that in places rise vertiginously from the river.

    FORBES: Land of Apocalypse Now

  • Vietnam has turned down a request to scatter the ashes of a French war veteran at the site of a battle which helped end colonial rule by France.

    BBC: Vietnam rejects French officer's ashes request

  • The French take a special interest in protecting their influence in Lebanon, a former colonial holding.

    CNN: Europe, name Hezbollah in terror

  • Nor does the film ever confront the post- colonial questions that hover over the Algerian villagers' dependence on the French monks.

    ECONOMIST: Two very different films explore Algeria��s turbulent past

  • Tourists nostalgic for the 1930s can also visit the French Concession, once the refuge of opium lords, gangsters and prostitutes, where restored colonial mansions stand on streets lined by parasol trees.

    WSJ: Ancient Village Rises in Shanghai; The Shock of the Old

  • Pittsburgh-based architect Lewko Korzeniwsky recently finished turning the traditional, Colonial-style floor plan of an old 4, 600-square-foot French Normandy mansion into an open, contemporary interior, reducing the number of bedrooms to four from six and introducing floor-to-ceiling glass windows and recessed lighting.

    WSJ: The House With a Surprise Inside

  • At the same time, French governments are reluctant to intervene in these countries precisely because France wishes to avoid looking like a colonial master.

    CNN: France: We're not the pacifists you think we are

  • Under Mr. Hollande and his two predecessors, the French government has attempted to transition out of a paternalistic role that is the legacy of centuries of colonial rule.

    WSJ: Mali Advance Shows Paris's Africa Dilemma

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