• It comes with a fancy tax-free salary, a mansion in central Brussels, an armour-plated limousine and a squad of bodyguards.

    ECONOMIST: George Robertson, the new man for NATO

  • Salary.com, a 14-year-old career website owned by IBM that supplies job seekers with free general salary information and more detailed information for a fee, just released a survey where it asked workers how they waste time at work.

    FORBES: How We Waste Time at Work

  • In most U.S. sports because of free agency, salary caps and the draft maintaining success is extremely difficult and you come to accept that successful teams get broken up: Just look at what is happening to the Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens.

    WSJ: Soccer's Borussa Dortmund Faces Uphill Battle to Maintain Success

  • Major League Baseball has enjoyed an antitrust exemption since the 1920s, but the players have successfully fought off attempts to curtail their earnings through a strong union that's gained free agency and salary arbitration while keeping a salary cap at arm's length.

    FORBES: Sports Business

  • T. economics professor who studied Michael Jordan's impact on the NBA, said that even if there was no draft and players entered the league only through free agency, the salary cap (and the finite number of shots a team can take in a game) would still prevent teams from "stacking" superstars and creating dynasties.

    WSJ: NBA Draft: Does the NBA Really Need It?

  • We separated out those whose service time (at least six seasons) passes the free agent threshold from those whose service time (three to five years) qualifies them for salary arbitration but not free agency.

    FORBES: Sports Business

  • One side or the other has chronically complained about free agency, rookies, salary caps, and veteran rights.

    FORBES: NFL Should Accept Injunction, Hold Draft And Let The Market Run Its Route

  • Salary restraints prevent free-spending owners from driving up the cost of talent.

    ECONOMIST: Do sports and stockmarkets mix?

  • With TV revenue-sharing, free agency and a hard salary cap, the NFL is designed to prevent a reign akin to that of baseball's New York Yankees.

    FORBES: Unlikely Dynasty

  • Getting salary data is free.

    FORBES: On A Job Hunt? Three Online Career Management Musts

  • Rather than address the challenge of improving the collective-bargaining agreement for the benefit of the game, the union-financed lawsuit attacks virtually every aspect of the current system including the draft, the salary cap and free-agency rules, which collectively have been responsible for the quality and popularity of the game for nearly two decades.

    WSJ: Roger Goodell: Football's Future If the Players Win

  • The IRS won't accept Bitcoins, but that doesn't mean his salary is tax-free.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Gavin Andresen: Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke

  • Some final salary schemes are still free - your employer will pay all of the cost of your benefits - but this is rare nowadays.

    BBC: purse and cash

  • Woman will receive, as before mentioned, a free cell phone and a very competitive salary.

    FORBES: iPhone 4 Video Sex Chat Services Already Staffing Up

  • Last month, some employers began offering workers something besides the traditional 401K. The new Roth 401K allows employees to put aside some of their after-tax salary and withdraw it later, tax free.

    NPR: New Option in Retirement Savings: Roth 401Ks

  • As FORBES GLOBAL has pointed out (see "Stock options are not a free lunch, " May 18), this depressed the total salary expense line in the income statement, further diminishing the quality of reported earnings.

    FORBES: Cracks in the Nifty Fifty

  • Generally, those that have actually led to lengthy work stoppages share the common trait of a single lightning rod issue, like football players trying to win free agency in the 1980s or baseball owners trying to institute a salary cap in the 1990s.

    FORBES: NBA Labor Storm Picks Up Wind

  • Players need three years in the majors before they can demand arbitration of salary disputes, and six years before they can declare themselves free agents.

    FORBES: The Baseball Enigma

  • The Redskins, however, have plenty of space under the salary cap and can be aggressive in plugging their holes when free agency begins Tuesday.

    WSJ: Washington Redskins Trade Gives Team a Shot at Griffin

  • When the NHL and its players agreed to a salary cap this summer, it marked the end of the free-spending ways of teams like the Rangers and Red Wings.


  • The ''sweatshop free'' message just did not work in a nation where the average salary is one-thirtieth that of America.


  • True, Madson is also a free agent this year, so Philadelphia would likely have had to bump his salary to retain him.

    FORBES: Phillies First Order of 2012 Business: Waste

  • These farmers pay workers a salary way above the minimum wage, and even provide their children with free schooling, our reporter adds.

    BBC: South Africa police fire rubber bullets at farm workers

  • They also want to limit a rule allowing teams to exceed the league's salary cap when re-signing any of their players who have become free-agents on expiry of existing contracts.

    ECONOMIST: A baskets case

  • But to gain unrestricted free agency, players had to give in on the issue of adhering to a hard salary cap.

    FORBES: NFL and NBA Labor Negotiations: Imitation Will Yield Savings

  • There is no collective bargaining agreement so there is no salary cap, no rules for determining rookie base pay, the rules for free agents, the protections for veterans and the related priorities among those three groups of employees.

    FORBES: NFL Should Accept Injunction, Hold Draft And Let The Market Run Its Route

  • The IRS is well aware that many owners of S corporations are tempted to underreport salary to avoid paying payroll taxes, while taking a hefty payroll-tax-free dividend.

    WSJ: Forming an S Corporation

  • Maybe that's because the '80s represented something of a sports sweet spot, coming after free agency and racial integration had become the norm, but before further expansion, big payroll disparities and salary cap rules began making it tough for top teams to assemble and stay together.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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