• And the free movement of capital means that you cannot tax the movement of said capital.

    FORBES: The European Financial Transactions Tax: An Interesting Detail

  • Capital controls are now in place in Cyprus, anathema in a region in which free movement of capital has been an article of faith.

    WSJ: Cyprus Deal Hurts Credibility All Around

  • The European Commission had brought the case on the grounds that such shares were a restriction on the free movement of capital within the European Union.

    ECONOMIST: Privatisation in Europe

  • The tussle over Antonveneta has implications not just for prospective investors in Italy, but also for the Europe's single currency, which relies for success on increasingly free movement of capital.

    ECONOMIST: Dutch courage pays off | The

  • The free movement of capital is also under attack.

    ECONOMIST: European economies

  • Since the mechanism of a currency transactions levy is supposed to be based on taxing the net position of foreign exchange transactions, it could represent a restriction of the free movement of capital and payments (Article 63 TFEU).

    FORBES: The Stupidity of the Robin Hood Tax Reaches America

  • Successive Czech governments, anxious not to be seen as placing any obstacles in the way of the country's path to EU membership, have defended foreign newspaper ownership as a manifestation of the principle of the free movement of capital.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | The press in the Czech Republic

  • "The "break-even" rule also infringes other EU fundamental freedoms: free movement of capital (as far as club owners are concerned), free movement of workers (players) and free movement of services (player agents), " said the statement issued by Striani and Dupont.


  • Moreover, the Commission considers that, despite having taken corrective measures, the UK is still not fulfilling the stipulations of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU and of the EEA Agreement on the freedom of establishment and free movement of capital.

    FORBES: UK Uncut, Vodafone and the ?6 Billion Tax Bill That Never Was

  • "Liberals believe in open societies and in an open, global economy and with the principles of free trade and free movement of goods, capital, services and people, " he said.

    BBC: Immigration debate

  • The World Trade Organisation should work towards the free movement of goods, capital and workers.

    ECONOMIST: Letters | The

  • EU's agenda-setting presidency, things did move along, even in some boggy areas for instance, over free movement of labour and capital.

    ECONOMIST: The EU summit

  • The era of free capital movement is behind us.

    FORBES: Cyprus Goes Cashless The Hard Way

  • In 1961-62, John Kennedy won Republican congressional and public support with the proposals of his Keynesian Council of Economic Advisers chairman, Walter Heller, to cut personal and business taxes "to get America moving again, " and for the global free movement of goods, services, capital and people.

    WSJ: Ted Van Dyk: My Unrecognizable Democratic Party

  • That is, Congress should hold out the carrot of normalized trade relations and other substantive inducements to those republics that move aggressively to liberalize prices, permit private ownership, massively privatize state-owned enterprises and generally create a workable legal and business framework for entrepreneurial competition as well as allowing for the free movement of their people, goods and capital.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The U.S.-Soviet Trade Agreement: Overtaken By Events

  • Right at the heart of the EU project is the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital.

    FORBES: The European Financial Transactions Tax: An Interesting Detail

  • Friendly competition among policy regimes in the context of free movement of labour, goods, services and capital could prove to be Europe's greatest asset.

    ECONOMIST: What is Europe?

  • The single market will also -- will allow free movement of people, goods, services, and capital throughout the five member countries that compromise -- Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi.

    WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden and Kenyan President Kibaki

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