• Repressive governments in Swaziland and Eritrea have been told they might forfeit their duty-free export status unless there are democratic reforms.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and development

  • Mr Inama also fears that some crops will be transferred from excluded countries into the chosen 48, for duty-free export to Europe.

    ECONOMIST: European trade: Zero-sum? | The

  • The change is being caused by the expiration of the HEU-LEU contract, signed in 1993 by Russia and the US. The treaty, which expires in 2013, allowed the duty-free export of Soviet uranium extracted from nuclear warheads.

    FORBES: Forget Gold and Oil, Buy Uranium!

  • These export-processing zones provided for duty-free entry and duty-free exit for export-oriented goods and helped in the transfer of technology and skill to the developed countries.

    CNN: Thai Inquiry

  • Free trade lets America export its inflation--precisely to countries that, like Japan, so desperately want it.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • One of his mantras was that free people do not export violence and terrorism.

    BBC: 9/11 defined the past decade for the US and Europe

  • Paradoxically, Iran's assertion, strongly repudiated by the Bush administration, that its nuclear-based electricity will free hydrocarbon supplies for export, has an inherent logic (notwithstanding the suspicion aroused by Iran's nuclear strategy).

    ECONOMIST: Harnessing nuclear power

  • Despite rhetorical support, the President has not asked Congress to approve export-promoting free-trade agreements with allies Panama, Colombia and South Korea.

    FORBES: 'Leaders' Blocking Jobs and Growth -- Politics Causes Our Fall

  • However, it will take a number of years for LNG exports to ramp up, assuming the Obama Administration adopts a free market approach to approving export permits (a study is due out this month).

    FORBES: LNG Export Economics: A Look At Frontrunner Cheniere

  • As the attached excerpts of Gaffney's remarks indicate, the targets of these efforts include: strategic defenses, NATO, multilateral export controls, free radio broadcasting and U.S. nuclear deterrent, counterintelligence and continuity of government programs.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • "The government is determined to keep the export-oriented industries free from political strife, " he said.

    WSJ: Bangladesh Unrest Risks Derailing Its Textile Boon

  • While they may be faced with more import competition, a shift to a policy of free trade could also open up export opportunities for these companies.

    FORBES: Free Trade Is The Fix For Rising Health Insurance Premiums

  • It is also the surest way to deflect protectionist pressure, because the prospect of greater access to foreign markets should rally export lobbies to the free-trade cause.

    ECONOMIST: Storm over globalisation

  • Stitching up closer trade relations elsewhere for example letting Bangladesh's booming garment industry export 10m pieces duty-free to India, or bidding for a big Indian investment to extract iron ore in Afghanistan also looks designed to win friends.

    ECONOMIST: Wary of China, India tries to charm its neighbours

  • This is home to 74 factories that produce mainly textiles and electronic gadgets for export--duty-free and quota-free--to the U.S. These factories make up what is called a qualifying industrial zone (QIZ), an entity designated by the U.S. in 1996 to help increase imports from Jordan.

    FORBES: Issues & Ideas

  • China's "Torch" program fast-tracks industries, attracting entrepreneurs with offers of cheap land for factories, export tax breaks and even a free apartment for three years.

    WSJ: China's 'State Capitalism' Sparks a Global Backlash

  • The only way to get rid of the resulting beef and butter mountains and wine and oil lakes was to subsidise their export, tarnishing Europe's free-trading credentials.

    ECONOMIST: Europe's mid-life crisis: Eastern approaches | The

  • The future growth of the Valley hangs less on under-age college boys in search of tequila than on maquiladoras which assemble duty-free materials with cheap Mexican labour into products for export back into the United States.

    ECONOMIST: One river, one country

  • The WTO sees export subsidies as a particularly egregious breach of free-trade principles.

    ECONOMIST: Ditching the peace | The

  • Free trade is about much more than increasing opportunities to export.

    FORBES: Beyond Exports: A Better Case for Free Trade

  • In an interview, Jennifer Cohn, medical coordinator for MSF's access campaign, said the ruling reinforces the idea that India won't patent drugs that are "not significantly innovative, " leaving generics companies free to produce many products for domestic use or for export to other countries where the drugs aren't protected by patent.

    WSJ: Novartis Loses Glivec Patent Battle in India

  • In the past, foreign business offices were allowed to import cars, computers and so forth duty-free, on the understanding that they would eventually re-export them.

    ECONOMIST: Old Russian customs

  • Sadly, Miller ignored the economy-strengthening fact that the FTA allows more than 90 percent of American products and services duty free status, which combined with the undervalued dollar, provides significant export growth potential.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez to Colombia: the FARC be with you

  • The "EPUB export feature" makes it easier for people to read free encyclopedia articles on their mobile phones, e-readers or tablets when they don't have a connection, Wikipedia said in a blog post on Monday.

    CNN: How to turn Wikipedia into an e-book

  • In Iran's conservative-dominated parliament, the free zones are damned for failing to boost Iran's badly needed export earnings.

    ECONOMIST: Iran��s little welcome mats

  • In the spirit of free trade or more precisely leveling the playing field, this is one export we should think about encouraging.

    FORBES: U.K. Holds Off Class-Action Tide, For Now

  • One of the most important factors promoting the free flow of encryption technology was the Clinton Administration's loosening of export controls on mass market encryption software in January.

    CNN: Survey finds encryption rules loosening worldwide

  • "Export controls remain the most powerful obstacle to the development and free flow of encryption, but they are steadily being relaxed because of the Internet and demands for secure electronic commerce, " the report said.

    CNN: Survey finds encryption rules loosening worldwide

  • With a well-developed infrastructure, a free-enterprise economy, generally pro-investment policies, and strong export industries, Thailand enjoyed solid growth from 2000 to 2007 - averaging more than 4% per year - as it recovered from the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98.

    FORBES: Thailand

  • That poses challenges, both for my orthodox free-market beliefs and for other countries desperate to bottle the magic and export it.

    ECONOMIST: Finding the secret to educational success

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