• So did Wang Shijun, a former village party secretary and son of farmers who still lived in the family cave.

    ECONOMIST: In rural China, a private oil boom became a state-owned one

  • The former foreign secretary said his party had not become "anti-Europe" but was no longer "soft-headed" in equating extra spending with effectiveness.

    BBC: Labour 'repositioning' itself on Europe - David Miliband

  • If the party were to split along ideological lines, its more liberal, reform-minded members would be expected to form up behind an internationalist such as Mr Kato, a former general secretary of the party.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s new politics

  • Once the novelty of power wears off and the agony of austerity begins, these voters could migrate to a Labour Party rendered more Liberal-friendly by a non-tribal leader such as David Miliband (the former foreign secretary and favourite to take over the party).

    ECONOMIST: The new coalition government

  • Gisela Stuart, Labour MP, Sheila Gunn, former press secretary to John Major, Jo Phillips, former press secretary for Paddy Ashdown, when he was party leader, discussed how much of a problem sexual harassment is for women at all levels of party politics, and how often it is that women in parliament find themselves treated as a sex objects.

    BBC: Parliament women 'treated as sex objects'

  • No one is rushing to "challenge the leader, " says Kajiyama Seiroku, a former chief cabinet secretary from the ruling party.


  • In a bid for party unity, the Democrats elected a new party secretary Saturday, choosing former left-wing union leader, Guglielmo Epifani in hopes of reinvigorating grass-root support.

    NPR: Pro-Berlusconi Rally In Italy Draws Cheers, Jeers

  • And another former Labour Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has warned the party against building a "politics built on grievance".

    BBC: Labour must offer voters solutions, says Lord Reid

  • Among Democrats, at least two governors who appear to have aspirations beyond their states Cuomo and O'Malley are pushing progressive agendas that pull the heartstrings of the party faithful even as many activists wait to see whether former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or Vice President Joe Biden will try to succeed Obama.

    WSJ: New generation of governors seeking the limelight

  • For the first time, however, an 80-strong group of economically liberal politicians in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), led by Hidenao Nakagawa, a former LDP secretary-general, is promoting a bold immigration policy.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese immigration

  • Having been education secretary, she successfully challenged former Prime Minister Edward Heath for her party's leadership in 1975 and won general elections in 1979, 1983 and 1987.

    BBC: Margaret Thatcher funeral set for next week

  • Former shadow home secretary David Davis, who was defeated by Mr Cameron for the Conservative Party leadership in 2005, has called for a referendum on Europe within three months of a general election.

    BBC: Cameron denies Tory EU 'turmoil'

  • The Democrats, in concert with former secretary of state James Baker's considerable camp of followers in the Republican Party and the State Department, are advocating an end of US support for its allies and supporters in Iraq, Israel and Lebanon in favor of an embrace of US enemies Iran and Syria.


  • Ahead of the conference, former Defence Secretary Liam Fox, long seen as a standard bearer for the right of the party, urged Mr Cameron to reconnect with core supporters.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • Scottish Secretary Helen Liddell, Northern Ireland Secretary Dr John Reid, House of Commons speaker Michael Martin and former Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond were among those attending from Westminster.

    BBC: Scotland's cardinal laid to rest

  • When he assumed power upon the death of President Chiang Ching-kuo, he immediately turned to Chiang's former personal secretary, James Soong Chu-yu, to seek an alliance to purge the party of the old-guard mainland faction.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | From Our Correspondent | Lee Teng-hui

  • But it would impress the wider public, especially if followed by a clear-out of unpopular old faces of which Mr Howard, now shadow foreign secretary, is the finest example, hotly followed by Brian Mawhinney, the former party chairman.

    ECONOMIST: Vague but tough

  • Also in The Times, former Labour foreign secretary and SDP leader David Owen, calls it the speech of a "party leader, not a prime minister - it contains not one single idea and is all about British exceptionalism".

    BBC: Commentators' verdicts on David Cameron's EU speech

  • Mr Salmond, who has met with former US Secretary of State Colin Powell during his visit, said he did not believe his party's stance on nuclear weapons would be a problem when it came to Scotland's membership of the military alliance, and pointed out that 25 of the 28 members of Nato were non-nuclear.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • Since then, annual lectures at the centre have been given by world figures including former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela, former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan and Sonia Gandhi, leader of India's Congress Party.

    BBC: Prince Charles gives speech on Islam in Oxford

  • The former energy secretary, 40, was named Labour leader on Saturday having won the ballot of MPs, party members and trade unionists by just 1%.

    BBC: Ed Miliband tells Labour: We're the optimists now

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