• "Modern Family" also claimed the Emmy for best directing in a comedy series, given to Michael Alan Spiller.

    CNN: 'Modern Family' takes home five Emmys

  • The most unusual acceptance speech may have been delivered by Peter Dinklage when he was given the Emmy for best supporting actor in a drama series.

    CNN: 'Modern Family' takes home five Emmys

  • By some estimates there are now 200, 000 financial planners in the U.S. Their training ranges from none at all to courses and a series of exams given by the College for Financial Planning in Denver or a few months at a brokerage house, such as Hutton, to schooling leading to CPA, J.

    FORBES: Watch Your Assets

  • The reality was that both brothers were given a series of important jobs running the country for which they were not qualified.

    ECONOMIST: Uday and Qusay Saddam Hussein

  • But I'm looking to be fully fit and available for selection when the Test series in Sri Lanka comes around and my goal is now to get strong, get my fingers right for that series, and give it a red hot go if given the chance.

    BBC: Matt Prior

  • The only other World Series participant that was more frugal relative to their competitors for a given season in recent memory was the 2008 Tampa Bay Rays.

    FORBES: World Series Pits Rivals Of Epic Frugality

  • No reason was given but it is understood Sinn Fein are unhappy with a series of proposed amendments which would allow for the appointment of a chief commissioner.

    BBC: Row brewing over NI victims' bill

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