• Meanwhile, on the Senate floor, party lines were scrambled dramatically with Democrat Ron Wyden giving Rand a hand so that today, John McCain and Lindsey Graham could denounce and demagogue a rising Republican star who whipped both pride and shame into the hearts of many a left-winger.

    FORBES: Rand Paul's Filibuster: A Three Part Triumph

  • Roubini also lived up to his party-loving reputation with a star turn on the dance floor at the 2008 Google party.

    FORBES: Dr. Doom Does Davos

  • The explosion shattered windows on the seventh floor of the AK Party building where Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has an office.

    BBC: Turkish capital Ankara hit by twin explosions

  • In the present economic circumstances, several of the prime minister's critics from within his own party might well cross the floor or, worse, mount a palace revolution to wrest away the party leadership.

    ECONOMIST: The ungrateful Japanese

  • They're having a cocktail party on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Thursday night, and then Steinhardt and others will ring the opening bell the next morning.

    FORBES: A Tree Of Wisdom

  • Last fall, I met Gamal Mubarak in his office, a large, sunlit room on the second floor of the National Democratic Party headquarters, in central Cairo, overlooking the Nile.

    NEWYORKER: The Contenders

  • The 51-46 vote short of the 60 votes in support needed to bring the measure to the floor went along party lines with only GOP Senator Susan Collins crossing the aisle to vote with the Democrats while Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas sided with the Republicans.

    FORBES: GOP Tax Jihad Continues-Senate Shoots Down Buffett Rule

  • If circumstances dictated it for example, if he was negotiating with a president or Senate leadership from the opposite party the Speaker might allow legislation to come to the floor that had weak support within his own party, relying on a mix of Democratic and Republican votes to pass it.

    FORBES: The GOP House Is Dysfunctional By Design

  • Then, at 7 p.m. local time, our party room on the 32nd floor at the Ritz began to shake.

    FORBES: Around The World, II

  • Out on the show floor, the opulent new-car party raged on.

    WSJ: Glitter Amid the Gloom at Geneva Auto Show

  • Graffiti covers the walls, and party detritus is scattered across the floor where office workers once walked.

    CNN: Making a 'squat' a home

  • In exchange for supporting Livingston for the job, he got a larger budget for the whip's office, greater control over what issues come to a vote on the House floor and more responsibility for dealing with the party's friends in corporate America.

    CNN: The big push to impeach

  • Though the party went to great lengths Monday night to showcase minority speakers, African-Americans are still heavily underrepresented on the party, some participants said on the floor.

    CNN: Colin Powell

  • Nan Hayworth, the Republican from upstate New York, was sitting a few paces off the floor in an overstuffed chair, explaining how the Tea Party movement in the House had matured.

    NEWYORKER: The House of Pain

  • Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey, Pete Wilson of California and George Pataki of New York have threatened a fight on the convention floor if necessary to change the plank to make the party platform more acceptable to moderate voters.

    CNN: [AllPolitics - News]

  • Just getting a bill to the floor for debate can require days of tactical gamesmanship between the party leaders.

    NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

  • Cruz, who like Paul is weighing a 2016 presidential bid, renewed his taunts of the party establishment in a speech Thursday on the Senate floor.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: We're All Fox News Now

  • On Saturday nights, the Chelsea turns into something of a party hotel, with festivities taking place at the fifth floor outdoor pool area until the wee hours of the morning.

    BBC: Atlantic City��s fading boardwalk empire

  • Minister for the Environment, Jane Davidson AM expressed her disappointment at the negative comments from the floor with regards to the strategy created by the all sector and all party commission.

    BBC: Debate on the Climate Change Strategy

  • Some Republicans criticized members of their party for attempting to stop the legislation from coming to the Senate floor.

    WSJ: Gun Measure Clears Senate Hurdle

  • He had spent months trying to act like a U.S. senator, alienating himself from his own party and then the other party, and on the day of the vote he held the floor for the better part of thirty minutes, as if he were still reluctant to let the effort go.

    NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

  • Also, in a new twist that analysts say illustrates the discord among the Republican party, Republican Senator John McCain, the party's 2008 presidential nominee, took to the Senate floor to criticise House Republicans who continue to push for a balanced budget amendment to the US constitution as the price of raising the debt ceiling.

    BBC: US debt: Boehner tells Republicans to 'fall in line'

  • One of our party mentioned he had never been to the House gallery to view the floor debates.

    FORBES: Why December 15 Could Be The Day Tax Hikes Crash The Stock Market

  • If you prefer your music to have a pounding four-to-the-floor beat then head to the cavernous Berghain in Friedrichshain, where techno-heads party with hedonistic abandon.

    CNN: Berlin: Where to be seen

  • Nintendo was already set up to kick off the show on Tuesday, getting the party started according to tradition with an early morning press conference ahead of show floor opening.

    ENGADGET: Xbox SmartGlass: did Microsoft just render the Wii U controller obsolete?

  • The Senate has yet to establish whether the minority party can be prevented from filibustering judges who have made it through committee to the floor of the Senate.

    NPR: Filibuster Fight Might Move to High Court Nominee

  • At 5 am the bridal party will rise, in pajama pants and ratty gym tees, on the living room floor.

    FORBES: The Royal Wedding And The World Cup: Why I Cheer For Both

  • Around the resort, guests can relax at the private beach, pool and spa, or party at nine different bars, including the 24-hour Bluetooth Bar and two-floor disco.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • If their party can't get the 60 votes needed for the bill to reach the Senate floor, some top Democrats have hinted they may try to short-circuit the traditional legislative process by using an obscure tactic known as reconciliation.

    CNN: Divided Democrats put Obama in health care bind

  • As soon as Uday arrived at the party he sought out a servant of his father called Jajo and repeatedly beat him to the floor with a club.

    ECONOMIST: Uday and Qusay Saddam Hussein

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