• Moreover, in Britain's flexible labour market, the jobless had a reasonable chance of pricing themselves into work.

    ECONOMIST: Ersatz Europeans

  • Above all, all the evidence shows that America's flexible labour market has created jobs, not destroyed them.

    ECONOMIST: The Teamsters and UPS

  • IMF's insistence on a flexible labour market as a condition for loans to keep the country afloat.

    ECONOMIST: All this, and a Korean election too

  • He believes a more flexible labour market, which might provide more employment at home, would be a better solution.

    ECONOMIST: Germany's export champions

  • The PRI and PAN both want a more flexible labour market and to open the energy sector to competition.

    ECONOMIST: Mexico��s presidential election

  • It has probably the most liberalised financial sector, the most flexible labour market, and one of the most deregulated business sectors.

    ECONOMIST: A kiwi conundrum

  • The second is that Britain's flexible labour market makes it easier and cheaper to fire workers than do France's more restrictive laws.

    ECONOMIST: Another car plant dies; long live British carmaking

  • The recovery is pulling people back into a more flexible labour market.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's markets

  • Neither is the government blind to the attractions of a much more flexible labour market in place of the present mummified one.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • But the CBI says the UK's flexible labour market is crucial to economic recovery and the new agency worker rules are holding back growth.

    BBC: Andy Burnham calls for ban on zero hours contracts

  • America's productivity growth has been more robust than most other rich countries' a feat many ascribe to its flexible labour market and a culture of enterprise.

    ECONOMIST: How much longer can America keep increasing productivity?

  • Not enough Swedes are convinced that the path to prosperity is strewn with lower taxes, a more flexible labour market and entry into Europe's single currency.

    ECONOMIST: Sweden

  • Its flexible labour market has shed 4.4m jobs since the downturn began in December 2007, including more than 600, 000 in each of the past three months.

    ECONOMIST: World economy: The jobs crisis | The

  • The lack of job cuts so far may disappoint those new-economy theorists who reckon that today's information systems and flexible labour market should have led to a speedy response.

    ECONOMIST: To cut or not to cut

  • And thanks to a flexible labour market and an open economy it has already clawed back a good deal of the cost competitiveness it lost during the boom years.

    ECONOMIST: The threat of a Greek exit: Unhappy in their own ways | The

  • He said that the myth of a flexible labour market was a widely peddled "myth" - and that the government should be concerned about the overall reduction in retirement savings.

    BBC: NAPF logo

  • The letter says that "Britain is being taken in the wrong direction", and our "reputation for having an attractive tax regime, intelligent regulation and a flexible labour market is under threat".

    BBC: Paper's glee at business letter

  • But it also fossilises industry structures and hinders the development of a more flexible labour market and a business environment more supportive of new-company creation two areas where Japan is also sadly deficient.

    ECONOMIST: What Japan needs is more bankruptcies, not fewer

  • These latest findings bear out earlier research, carried out by, amongst others, Pam Meadows for the NAPF, which has all shown that the often-repeated slogan about the increasingly flexible labour market is indeed a myth.

    BBC: Peter Thompson's speech

  • However, the agency noted the UK "continues to be well supported by a large, diversified and highly competitive economy, a particularly flexible labour market, and a banking sector that compares favourably to peers in the euro area".

    BBC: Moody's rating agency places UK on negative outlook

  • Specifically, he will use the Spanish presidency to promote better linking of European transport networks, the liberalisation of gas and electricity markets, the integration of financial markets, the construction of a more flexible labour market and better training for Europe's students.

    CNN: Jose Maria Aznar

  • "Her onslaught on the trade unions left those movements pale imitations of their former selves, too weak to resist the drive to the 'flexible labour market' which has seen Britain become the home of what one senior Labour figure calls 'crappy jobs', with low pay and no protection", he says.

    BBC: Commentators react to Thatcher's legacy

  • In that sense, they are the dark side of Britain's "flexible" labour market, which has enabled employment to stay strong, even when our economy is flat.

    BBC: Living wage: Is there such a thing as a free pay rise?

  • Indeed, in the era of the flexible and dynamic labour market which we are often told we live in, we are frequently reminded that DC may be more appropriate.

    BBC: Peter Thompson's speech

  • In brief, we need to move to a system that (1) makes room for more flexible contracts in the labour market, (2) has a minimal welfare net for workers who are out of work, and (3) resolves labour market disputes more quickly.

    BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Why India's labour laws are a problem

  • He tried to make the labour market more flexible and went after the tax evaders.

    BBC: Italy: Berlusconi spots his opening

  • In retrospect, the flexible, if unregulated, labour market has been one of the strongest indicators of greater regional economic integration.

    ECONOMIST: Asia��s new jobless

  • What the economy really needs, says the Bank of Spain, is to rein in wage growth and make the labour market more flexible.

    ECONOMIST: Spain

  • But some employers' groups, such as the Forum of Private Business, suggest the new rules will make the labour market less flexible, and job creation and recruitment will suffer.

    BBC: Agency workers receive pay and conditions boost

  • Maurizio Sacconi, a junior welfare minister, one of the architects of the proposed changes to Article 18, reckons this should be only a first step to fight the black economy and make the labour market more flexible.

    ECONOMIST: Italian labour law and politics

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