• Such a taste test is, ultimately, up to the consumer, not the federal judiciary.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • You have a great sense of what the federal judiciary should be.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats

  • Goal: Judicious Judges The Administration is spinning to the press and public that a partisan Republican Senate is willfully blocking President Clinton's nominees to the federal judiciary.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The Bush administration has urged the high court not to get involved in the broader appeals, saying the federal judiciary has no authority to hear such matters.

    CNN: Justices: Gitmo detainees can challenge detention in U.S. courts

  • Ultimately, the public's faith in the justices as neutral arbiters of law is essential to the court's legitimacy, the independence of the federal judiciary and even the rule of law.

    CNN: Is the Supreme Court playing with fire?

  • On Friday, President Bush signed into law the Federal Judiciary Emergency Special Sessions Act of 2005, which allows federal courts to operate outside their jurisdictions in the event of a disaster.

    CNN: Courts face unique challenges

  • His point: By focusing on whether clerks were recruited from the courts of Republican or Democratic-appointed federal judges, writer Adam Liptak ignores the historic shift in the federal judiciary between 1975 and the present.

    FORBES: NY Times Court Clerks Story Misses Broader Shift in Judiciary

  • The federal judiciary hasn't been laggard, either.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • In recent years, Judge Roll gained bi-partisan support and respect for his tireless pleas for more resources for the federal judiciary, often telling legislators that many of his colleagues on the bench were overwhelmed with immigration and drug cases, attorneys said.

    WSJ: Judge Remembered as Fair-Minded

  • The Chief Justice, as the leader of the federal judiciary, is obligated to prepare an annual report, which historically has been a fairly anodyne document a set of modest requests to Congress, like faster confirmation of judges or new construction funds for courthouses.

    NEWYORKER: No More Mr. Nice Guy

  • Even if he does not get the chance to nominate a new justice for the Supreme Court, the Republicans - who have already re-nominated several southern Conservatives to the lower courts whose views on segregation and abortion are anathema to the Democrats - are hoping to control the Federal judiciary for a generation.

    BBC: Bush swings to the right

  • By exercising ATS jurisdiction over events taking place in foreign countries whose courts often have a much greater stake in those events than do American courts, the federal judiciary risks the creation of considerable conflict between the United States and those foreign countries and they are doing so in the absence of any clear indication from Congress that it approves of such litigation.

    FORBES: The Ninth Circuit Punts On Alien Tort Statute

  • The lack of substantive evidence supporting the charges explains why a panel of five highly regarded former Democratic and Republican federal prosecutors, who appeared before the House Judiciary Committee, testified that this case against the President would not have been pursued by a responsible federal prosecutor.

    CNN: Sen. Levin's closed-door impeachment statement

  • Under Germany's highly decentralised federal system, the police (other than the federal border guard), the judiciary and the education service are all the responsibility of the individual states.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • Until two dramatic changes are made our politics will continue to be poisoned by ever more acrimonious battles over the federal--and state--judiciary.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • It would have sent a message to lower federal courts and state courts that the judiciary can and should craft remedies through private litigation.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Sends Important Messages On Litigation With Astra USA Ruling

  • The Alien Tort Statute, enacted as part of the Judiciary Act of 1789, permits federal courts to recognize private claims in for a limited number of international law violations.

    FORBES: The Supreme Court Blocks The Politicization Of International Law

  • Valerie Caproni, General Counsel for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, complained to the House Judiciary Committee in February that her agency lacked powers to gather evidence on stalkers using peer-to-peer and social networks.

    ECONOMIST: The internet allows the malicious to menace their victims

  • Whatever misgivings may have arisen about him on the right, Reagan achieved a dramatic conservative overhaul of the federal tax code, a profound reconfiguring of the judiciary, and a near-victory for the West in the Cold War.

    NEWYORKER: Confounding Fathers

  • In the House Judiciary Committee a panel of distinguished former Federal prosecutors testified that a responsible Federal prosecutor would not have brought a criminal prosecution on the basis of the case set out in the Starr Report on which the House Judiciary Committee relied.

    CNN: Sen. Sarbanes' closed-door impeachment statement

  • The Supreme Court has ruled that the general may amend the constitution, provided he does not change the parliamentary and federal system of government or tinker with the independence of the judiciary.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan: Quick march to power | The

  • As noted by the House Judiciary Committee in 1970, Congress has recognized that Federal judges must be held to a different standard of conduct than other civil officers because of the nature of their position and the tenure of their office.

    CNN: Sen. Sarbanes' closed-door impeachment statement

  • But in America, where some 60% of state appellate judges and more than 80% of state trial judges face contested elections, noisy political contests certainly contribute to an endemic lack of confidence in the judiciary, at least at state level. (Federal judges are not elected.) Most states allow candidates to raise funds, often running to millions of dollars.

    ECONOMIST: Choosing judges

  • This year, their highest priority should be saving the country from fiscal ruin, arresting and reversing the enormous growth in federal power beginning with repealing ObamaCare and pursuing a judiciary who will actually enforce the Constitution.

    WSJ: Randy Barnett: The Mistake That Is the Libertarian Party

  • Perhaps the most dangerous consequence of trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in federal court is the dichotomy it will establish, pursuant to the logic that Holder himself articulated before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2009.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Wartime enemies or common criminals?

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