• Accordingly, awareness and sharing of best practice is needed to ensure that intermediaries can provide principled responses if they are to protect freedom of expression in the face of mounting pressures to disclose user identities, conduct surveillance operations or take down content when there is an objection.

    UNESCO: World Press Freedom Day 2013

  • Consider just a few of Cap's thoughtful, if provocative, statements on what may well be the most momentous decision now facing American and Western policy-makers: Which side will we be on as democratic forces struggle to transform -- and possibly to terminate -- the Soviet Union in the face of mounting resistance to such changes by the central authorities in Moscow led by Mr. Gorbachev?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Which side will we be on?

  • Another unnamed Pakistani military official told CNN that the Pakistani military has been taking precautionary measures to safeguard borders in the face of mounting military threats from India over the Mumbai attacks.

    CNN: Pakistan moves troops to India border

  • In June the government announced a series of changes to the original proposals in the face of mounting opposition.

    BBC: NHS plans: Unions move to 'outright opposition'

  • In 2007, former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, was forced to abandon the idea in the face of mounting criticism.

    WSJ: Connecticut Weighing Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

  • Congress and the President are much too involved in reelection politics to address the mounting fiscal problems we face.

    FORBES: Ben Bernanke's Secret Inflation Plan

  • Also, the Palms Casino Resort and the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino are revamping to maintain their trendy vibe in the face of mounting competition.

    BBC: Business trip: Las Vegas

  • The second rate cut in five weeks was a modest one, but signals the intent of European policy makers to help the struggling economy in the face of a mounting debt crisis.

    FORBES: Stocks Rise After ECB Rate Cut, Jobless Claims

  • In the face of mounting evidence that Israel feels compelled to act alone and within the next two months, the Obama administration has become even more aggressive.


  • In the face of mounting evidence that the Romanian elections scheduled to be held on 20 May 1990 may not be conducted in a genuine democratic fashion, the Center for Security Policy called upon the Bush Administration to take steps designed to improve the prospects for free and fair balloting.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The Brooklyn Democrat initially tried to dismiss complaints about his costume as "political correctness to the absurd, " but reversed himself by Monday afternoon in the face of mounting criticism.

    CNN: N.Y. state lawmaker apologizes for blackface costume

  • But in a world where teenagers are increasingly over-scheduled, and face mounting academic and pre-college pressures, how can parents really persuade kids to put down their energy drinks?

    FORBES: New Study Says Teens And Energy Drinks Are A Bad Combo

  • But in a world where teens are increasingly over-scheduled, and face mounting academic and pre-college pressures, how can parents persuade their child to put down that energy drink and opt for a healthier lifestyle?

    FORBES: New Study Says Teens And Energy Drinks Are A Bad Combo

  • In the face of mounting criticism of Wales on-going run of poor results, Gatland has pointed to the close nature of defeats to New Zealand, South Africa and Australia as well as being a converted try of levelling with England at the Millennium Stadium in the latest 26-19 setback.

    BBC: Gareth Llewellyn questions Gatland's 'slating' habit

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