• Although New England has several mature clean tech companies, the competition focuses exclusively on those that have not received institutional or venture funding.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The movies will go straight to DVD and be sold exclusively in Tesco stores, with the first film of the venture, "Paris Connections, " based on a book by popular romance author Jackie Collins.


  • More importantly, when we raised a new fund (we only work with knowledgeable, sophisticated investors, almost exclusively institutions) we were oversubscribed during a tough time for the venture industry.

    FORBES: The Big Green Opportunity: Transforming Clean Tech Into "Main Tech"

  • Imagine where the company might be today if Rollhaus had stuck exclusively with road safety after a crackpot inventor burst into his office at a small, Chicago-based venture capital firm in 1969, hoping to develop car bumpers filled with water.

    FORBES: Crash course

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