• As the chart shows, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Housing Sector Index has rebounded far more significantly than housing itself.

    WSJ: Upside: Housing Stocks Face Trouble

  • With a sluggish recovery underway in Europe and North America and emerging markets enjoying unprecedented growth, metal prices are set to raise even further, making metals and mining-sector exchange traded funds potentially lucrative options.

    FORBES: Emerging Markets to Fuel Commodity Prices

  • The iShares MSCI Europe Financial Sector Index exchange-traded fund, which tracks a basket of bank stocks in the region, slumped 2.6%, its third-biggest daily drop this year.

    WSJ: Stocks Fall Globally as Investors Worry What's Next in Euro Zone

  • The move drew immediate criticism, with some analysts saying that imposing bigger losses on Bank of Cyprus customers could further squeeze already crippled businesses as Cyprus tries to rebuild its banking sector in exchange for the international rescue package.

    NPR: Asia Stocks Flat In Holiday Trading, Nikkei Down

  • The U.S. government has increasingly been concerned about money-laundering efforts exploiting the relationship between the U.S. financial sector and Mexican exchange houses, the regulated casas de cambio and the more loosely watched centros cambiarios.

    FORBES: Banking On Drugs

  • If all that weren't bad enough, the neophytes overseeing public pension plans are not subject to comprehensive federal or state regulation or to the strictures that the Securities and Exchange Commission imposes on private sector money managers.

    FORBES: Expert View

  • Mexico was reforming at the time, basically privatizing the banking sector and floating the exchange rate.

    FORBES: Can Mexico Overtake Brazil By 2022?

  • Just take a look at a couple of the big exchange-traded funds tracking the sector.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Instead of being caught up in the drama of picking winners and losers simply stack the deck in favor of the emerging sector by manipulating the exchange rate.

    FORBES: Jeff Bezos: Currency Manipulator

  • It would prove to be the worst affected of the Asian tigers with a near 80% exchange rate collapse bankrupting the corporate sector which had borrowed heavily in dollars.

    FORBES: When You Hear "There's No Problem," Brace Yourself

  • Once the technology is refined to the point of being able to handle the pressure of large volumes, the Exchange will work with the private sector to create more public awareness and volume will likely accelerate and provide increased value to more Utah citizens.

    FORBES: Why Utah's Health Exchange is a Free-Market Model

  • Although it may be fashionable to think of China as the country to which the U.S. manufacturing sector was offshored in exchange for tainted products and a mountain of mortgage debt, the fact is that the bilateral relationship has produced enormous benefits for people in both countries.

    FORBES: Look Hu's Coming To A State Dinner

  • In exchange Greece agrees to retrench its public sector and raise more money from everyone else.

    FORBES: Buyers Of Worthless Debt Keep Government Afloat

  • But starting to do so involves fostering a competitive private sector and dealing with the exchange rate.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela on a gusher | The

  • Too much competition from the private sector would jeopardise the free exchange of data that allows any country to formulate forecasts.

    ECONOMIST: Weather

  • This is exactly what economic theory would predict: countries with faster productivity growth in the traded-goods sector should see rising real exchange rates.

    ECONOMIST: Currencies

  • Spending cuts for their own sake won't help, either, especially when accompanied by tax hikes (and in the case of Cyprus, exchange controls) that starve the private sector of capital.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Europe's Hotel California

  • Many investors are using exchange-traded funds to diversify across the sector and spread their risk, rather than betting on one or two companies.

    FORBES: Solar ETFs Rebound

  • Cargile recommends investors use exchange-traded funds to get exposure to the sector.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Panel

  • Officials at the G20 meeting this weekend agreed on the need to strengthen the effectiveness and coherence of bilateral and multilateral IMF surveillance, particularly on financial sector coverage, fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies.

    FORBES: IMF Closer to Regulating Global Financial Markets

  • The Youth Delegates will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with Young Professionals of the UNESCO Science Sector specializing in the fields of water, biodiversity, ecology, earth sciences, science education, disaster risk reduction, and science policy.


  • Meanwhile, the broader technology sector, as measured by the Technology SPDR exchange-traded fund, has increased 24.9%.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • After all, Greece and its private-sector creditors just spent months negotiating a debt exchange that more than halved the value of their Greek bonds.

    WSJ: Greece Deserves Credit, but Debt's an Issue

  • Nigeria's former military rulers failed to diversify the economy away from its overdependence on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides 95% of foreign exchange earnings and about 80% of budgetary revenues.

    FORBES: Nigeria

  • In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Chinese have signed a multibillion-dollar agreement dubbed the "deal of the century" to develop the mining sector and build roads and hospitals, in exchange for minerals galore.

    NPR: Series Overview: China's Rising Power in Africa

  • Indian defense officials said the small arms firing had been going on for about six hours in the Akhnoor sector, but stressed that it was an exchange that was not uncommon along the tense control line.

    CNN: No end in sight to Kashmir fighting

  • Thanks to the proliferation of no-load mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and mutual fund products like Fidelity sector funds and Vanguard's VIPERs, the choices for investors are wider than the culinary options at a Las Vegas buffet.

    FORBES: Land Of The Rising Fund Lures All Star

  • In exchange, Iran could see sanctions lifted on its petrochemical sector and would be allowed to renew trade in gold and precious metals a move that would ease the tight financial restrictions the U.S. and EU have placed on the country.

    WSJ: Iran Pushes Back as West Awaits Nuclear Offer Response

  • Positioning their portfolios for this week, the best online investors, the Marketocracy M100, decided to take profits in an exchange traded fund that allows investors to profit as the financial sector plummets.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The sector in general, as measured by the Technology SPDR exchange-traded fund, was down 0.5%.


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