• While he refused to comment specifically on the findings of any report, he answered generally that the damning evidence of an investigation can look very different upon closer inspection and when it comes up against the counter-evidence produced by a skilled defense in a criminal trial.

    NEWYORKER: A Dirty Business

  • The evidence of the Armstrong investigation suggests that many other cyclists were habitual dopers, anyway.

    CNN: Opinion: It's time to allow doping in sport

  • The commission starts the second part of its report on Thursday when it will call for evidence as part of its investigation into constitutional issues.

    BBC: David Melding AM

  • But it went on to say that "there are a number of unambiguous circumstantial pieces of evidence gathered in the course of the investigation, indicating that Commissioner Dalli was aware of the activities of the Maltese entrepreneur and of the fact that this person was using the commissioner's name and position to gain financial advantages".

    BBC: John Dalli row: EU's Barroso denies ousting colleague

  • But one of the allegations contained in the Miami New Times article relates to Rodriguez purchasing illegal performance-enhancing drugs in addition to using them, and people with knowledge of the team's thinking say the team believes that if the MLB investigation finds evidence of this alleged criminal activity, it would be an avenue to claim breach of contract.

    WSJ: The Yankees' Next Steps

  • Police said they were examining social-media evidence as part of their investigation.

    WSJ: Two Held in Tulsa Rampage

  • "The FBI is now conducting further forensic examination for the purpose of identifying trace evidence, residues and signatures of production that could provide evidence to support the investigation, " the agency said.


  • "The FBI is now conducting further forensic examination for the purpose of identifying trace evidence, residues and signatures of production that could provide evidence to support the investigation, " she said in a news release.

    NPR: Tests Link Deadly Ricin To Obama Letter Suspect

  • "The attorney general, in an abundance of caution, believed that his recusal was appropriate based on the totality of the circumstances and the facts and evidence developed at this stage of the investigation, " he said.

    CNN: Ashcroft recuses himself from CIA leak probe

  • At least part of the investigation of Ms. Russell and other associates focuses on whether evidence related to the bombing investigation has been tampered with or destroyed, the officials said.

    WSJ: FBI Says Boston Bombs Suggest Expertise

  • "We have received initial papers but we have not received a full file of evidence and we now await the conclusion of the police investigation before considering charges, " a spokesman said.

    BBC: Andrew Mitchell

  • The investigation found evidence of a congregation "riven by two factions, with deeply fractured relationships emanating from the leadership of the church but also penetrating into the congregation".

    BBC: The Reverend Stephen Dickinson

  • The families hoped their actions would persuade more witnesses to overcome "loyalty or fear" and come forward to add crucial evidence to the criminal investigation of the bombing.

    BBC: Omagh families' vigil at 'fundraiser'

  • Last year, an Air Force investigation found evidence of bias toward Brazil-based Embraer and its Nevada-based partner, Sierra Nevada (SNC), which led to the decision to restart the competition.

    FORBES: In Dispute, Brazil's Embraer Temporarily Loses $427 Mln U.S. Air Force Gig

  • If a doctor is acquitted of a criminal charge, the GMC accepts the court's ruling on the criminal matters - although it can launch its own investigation if evidence of other serious professional misconduct is uncovered during the trial.

    BBC: Dealing with criminal doctors

  • Although it said that there was some evidence to warrant further investigation of offences under the Data Protection Act, the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003, it added that this would not take place as any potential prosecution would not be in the public interest.

    BBC: Kate hoax: DJs will not face charges

  • Aguirre testified that he had uncovered evidence in the course of his investigation of Pequot's trading that suggested JohnMackJohn Mack, now chief executive of Morgan Stanley, might have tipped off Pequot to an upcoming deal, allowing the fund to position its trades to benefit when the deal was announced.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Aguirre testified that he had uncovered evidence in the course of his investigation of Pequot's trading that suggested John Mack , now chief executive of Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ), might have tipped off Pequot to an upcoming deal, allowing the fund to position its trades to benefit when the deal was announced.

    FORBES: Senate Weighs Hedge Fund Regulations

  • Aguirre testified that he had uncovered evidence in the course of his investigation of Pequot's trading that John Mack , now chief executive of Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ), might have tipped off Pequot to an upcoming 2001 deal, allowing the fund to position its trades to benefit when the deal was announced.

    FORBES: Hedge Hogs

  • According to the police's own legal advice, there is no case law which can be used to assist in the definition of the word "new" but they reckon it means additional evidence that would impact on the investigation of the case and which makes arrest necessary.

    BBC: Police bail in the dock

  • Three months later, dozens of federal agents, with their guns drawn, burst through the doors of that office building in Herndon, seizing evidence in the United States' ongoing investigation of international terrorist financial networks.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Islamist penetration of Homeland Security?

  • As part of Mr. Taylor's lawsuit, his lawyer, Mark Lewis, received evidence seized in the 2006 criminal investigation of Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator on the tabloid's payroll.

    WSJ: Two Former News of the World Executives Dispute James Murdoch Testimony

  • Financial regulators across Asia are tightening oversight of how key interest rates are set as a widening investigation world-wide unearths more evidence of systematic rate rigging.

    WSJ: What's News

  • Detectives from all over the county interviewed several old and new witnesses, poring over every bit of evidence collected during the original investigation, said the Lititz police news release.


  • He said in his Veterans Day speech that critics are fully aware that a bipartisan Senate investigation found no evidence of political pressure to change the intelligence community's judgments related to Iraq's weapons programs.

    NPR: Cheney Lashes Out at Critics of Iraq Intelligence

  • Meanwhile, News Corp. has confirmed that Andy Coulson, former NOTW editor, approved payments by members of his staff to the police the same police force that so mysterious failed to uncover evidence of widespread hacking in an earlier investigation.

    FORBES: Why Murdoch Won't Fire Brooks Over Phone Hacking Furor

  • But campaigners are highly sceptical, arguing that requiring the handover of material so quickly would undermine an investigation and prevent the collection of wider evidence of inhumane behaviour.

    BBC: US animal activist laws 'may impact globally'

  • The settlement was the result of more than two years of costly investigation that finally concluded after regulators turned up little evidence of foreclosure fraud despite shelling out significant sums for consultants.

    FORBES: Latest Bureaucratic Bungle Of The Foreclosure Settlement: Bounced Checks

  • And Black was convicted of accepting a non-compete payment where the court found strong evidence of fraud as well as another count of interfering with a grand jury investigation by removing boxes of documents from his offices.

    FORBES: Supremes Reject Black Appeal Despite Favorable Earlier Ruling

  • It was our discovery and voluntary disclosure of this evidence in January that led to the re-opening of the police investigation.


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