• The program meets with one woman who fled to a shelter, far from her family, to escape death threats.

    CNN: This month on Inside the Middle East

  • Inside, a student gave a rambling but heartfelt lecture on original sin, escape via death, the evangelical mission and the emptiness he felt before being saved.

    ECONOMIST: Hell houses: Wooooooooooo | The

  • At a recent leadership conference in Chicago, for instance, he regaled 2, 000 middle managers with tales of Ernest Shackleton, a turn-of-the-century explorer who helped his party escape certain death in Antarctica -- and whose story just happened to be the subject of Endurance: Shackletons Incredible Voyage, the first volume in the Adventure Library.

    FORBES: Voyage of discovery

  • Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, a staunch traditional Catholic, kept her image hanging on the wall behind his desk and spoke of how she had helped his uncle escape from certain death at the hands of the Russians in the 1940s.

    CNN: Amanda Knox: Fascination with 'the evil female'

  • " A 13-year-old girl burned herself to death "to escape forcible marriage to an adult man.

    CNN: Rights report cites abuses in Kurdish Iraq

  • Since his escape, his family has received death threats.


  • Brogan Rafferty was 16 at the time of Kern's death and Davis's escape.


  • Even for those who escape this fate, medical treatment has often made death more prolonged and more painful.

    ECONOMIST: Let death be my dominion

  • But to complicate matters further, even a provocateur has the legal right to defend himself under Florida law if he can't escape and if he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, as Zimmerman claims he was.


  • Between East and West, no-man's land is visible, nicknamed the "death strip", as is this is where many escape attempts met a fatal end.

    BBC: Bringing the Berlin Wall back to life

  • Earlier, some NTC fighters gave a different account of the colonel's death, saying he had been shot when he tried to escape.

    BBC: Libya's Col Muammar Gaddafi killed, says NTC

  • Amnesty apparently forgets to tell the story of one female inmate, a school teacher caught trying to escape to Mongolia, who had been captured and was almost beaten to death at the Onsong In-min-bo-an-seong punishment camp in November 1999.


  • And that plot is no escape: It's about love, remorse, social conventions, illness and death.

    WSJ: Cirque du Soleil: A Circus Not Worth Flipping Over

  • In 1999, after seven prisoners tried to escape from Huntsville, Willingham and four hundred and fifty-nine other inmates on death row were moved to a more secure facility, in Livingston, Texas.

    NEWYORKER: Trial by Fire

  • Florida's statute makes it clear that the justification is not available to a person who initially provokes the use of force against himself, unless such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he has exhausted every reasonable means to escape.

    CNN: Let a jury decide on Trayvon Martin case

  • For these reasons, Reid determined to insert some cozy language for the gun people into the Senate version of the ACA language certain to escape public review at a time when the conversation was far more focused on hot button subjects like death panels, taxes and mandates.

    FORBES: Gun Advocates Celebrate 'Secret' Obamacare Provision Forbidding Exec Order To Regulate Guns And Ammo

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