• Alipay could be the most lucrative entity within Alibaba Group.

    FORBES: Beware of Crocodile Entering the Ocean

  • The entity's China Fishery Group subsidiary is the second-largest catch-and-freeze seafood company in Asia, after Japan's Nippon Suisan Kaisha, and is gaining on the Japanese company.

    FORBES: Blue Waters Gray Areas

  • The entity's China Fishery Group subsidiary is the second-largest catch-and-freeze seafood company in Asia, after Japan's Nippon Suisan Kaisha, and is ramping up to claim world leadership.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ever since the news broke in May that he had orchestrated a transfer of Alipay assets out of the group into an entity in which he controls 80%, there have been questions both in the US and China about how he handled himself and his partners Yahoo!

    FORBES: How is Jack Ma Viewed Within China for What He Did to Yahoo!?

  • Looking across the group by business entity, the biggest profit contributor by far was the bank, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ (BTMU), operating inside and outside Japan under its own brand, with profits of JPY 639.2 billion, up JPY 296.5 billion, or a whopping 87 percent YOY.

    FORBES: Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group -- A Megabank Window on Japan's Economy (1)

  • The World Bank's in-house "watchdog, " an entity called the Independent Evaluation Group, recently lambasted Doing Business, claiming that there was no significant relationship between the publication's indicators and economic growth rates, even though the countries with the lowest rankings usually have the worst long-term records for economic growth.

    FORBES: Dollar Diplomacy

  • This week, the group said it will bundle its disparate e-commerce activities into a single entity, to be called Bertelsmann E-Commerce Group.

    ECONOMIST: Bertelsmann

  • People who have done business with the group and its corporate entity, Apple Corps Ltd.

    WSJ: Apple Gets Rights to Sell Digital Beatles Music

  • But will Penthouse Media Group, as a public entity, excite investors?

    FORBES: Dangerous Curves

  • Any U.S. soldier who comes under attack from any non-state entity can lawfully execute any member of the group who surrenders as long as they do not secure the four qualifications of POW status mentioned above.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Terrorism combatant brief

  • Rowe Price, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Janus Capital Group and Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment entity of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

    FORBES: Workday Reportedly Files Secretly For IPO Under JOBS Act

  • The gap between the rewards offered by Lazard and those of the rest of the pack would then narrow, extending the group's life expectancy as an independent entity.

    ECONOMIST: Lazard

  • The Union of Good is an umbrella group of 53 charities and it has been designated a terrorist entity by the US government and the British as well.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Secretary Salazar had been working to reform Minerals Management Service, and it is clear in the steps that they have taken now in breaking apart this entity and ensuring that safety regulation and royalties are not done by the same group of people.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Earlier this year, the US Treasury Department designated the Union of Good, an umbrella group of 57 charities run out of Saudi Arabia, as a terrorist entity.


  • One strong indication that TCOV has undisclosed outside funding is that despite over a year of operations by the group, TracFone has been unable to locate confirmation that the group has registered in California or with the federal government as a corporate entity or ever solicited funds from their supporters or the public at large.

    FORBES: Mexican Tycoon Carlos Slim's TracFone Accuses Activist Group Of Orchestrating A Corporate-Backed Smear Campaign

  • They include an entity called the al-Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra, a rebel group that al-Zoubi says has used chemical weapons.


  • The directors of Venture's largest subsidiary, Germany's Peguform Group, became so disenchanted with Winget's management that they declared this entity in-solvent and put it into receivership behind his back last year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The directors of Venture's largest subsidiary, Germany's Peguform Group, became so disenchanted with Winget's management that they declared this entity insolvent and put it into receivership behind his back last year.

    FORBES: Auto-Da-Fe

  • The Komen group argues that their governing principles do not permit them to contribute money to any entity under Congressional investigation.

    FORBES: A Black Mark On The Pink Ribbon: Politics Trump Breast Cancer

  • As an independent entity, CBOE has outlasted its original parent, as the Chicago Board is now part of CME Group.

    FORBES: Exchange Merger Mania: Who's Next

  • Telenor and Alfa Group's telecoms arm, Altimo, will have stakes of about 38% each in the merged entity.

    ECONOMIST: Telenor and Alfa are reconciled: A strong signal | The

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