• But by the time he graduated with an associate's degree in engineering from Lincoln Tech in 2002, his prospects were grim.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • D. in Biomedical Engineering at Louisiana Tech University in the fall.

    WHITEHOUSE: America��s Students Step Up to the Challenge

  • The same could be said for one of her training partner at CrossFit Atlanta, Dr. Ken Gall, a professor of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech.

    FORBES: CrossFit's Relationship with Reebok Enhances Its Financial and Commercial Credibility

  • The Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory (AKA the RoMeLa Project) at the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech has designed and built a prototype robotic hand that is controlled and operated by compressed air.

    ENGADGET: Robotic hand controlled by compressed air grasps the concept of delicacy

  • Basements provide good protection if equipped with a suitable door and a concrete roof, but basements of pier-beam houses would leave their occupants exposed and vulnerable if the structure above them were blown away, said Ernst Kiesling, a former professor of civil engineering at Texas Tech.


  • These female founders drive the vision, strategy, design and engineering of their successful tech companies.

    FORBES: Facebook Is Ignoring Its Most Lucrative Users

  • Immigrants founded a quarter of successful high-tech and engineering companies between 1995 and 2005.

    ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

  • For more than 40 years, the North Carolina native who got his engineering degree from Georgia Tech and his M.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "It's a tough question, " said Kiesling, a civil engineering professor at Texas Tech University who has spent his life studying tornadoes and developing above-ground storm shelters to protect against them.

    CNN: A tornado's heading your way: Now what?

  • Souped-up hybrid crops, such as maize, bred through conventional techniques rather than high-tech genetic engineering, do not keep their desired properties from one generation to the next because of natural genetic shuffling.

    ECONOMIST: Terminator genes

  • Indeed, a modern marvel is the bipartisan consensus that a government incompetent to make paper clips should nonetheless spearhead core frontier areas like basic research, green and renewable energy, nanotechnology, science, tech and engineering education funding and more.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Despite an estimated 40% unemployment rate , there are not enough qualified people to fill vacancies in hi-tech industries, engineering, finance, medicine and much else besides.

    ECONOMIST: South African immigration

  • With cooling, the cells can manage an output of 70 watts a square centimetre a record, according to IBM, and a demonstration that plumbing, too, can be a high-tech form of engineering.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • Sastri's talented multitudes reside on the servers of HelloBrain.com, an "intellectual capital exchange" in Santa Clara, California, where high-tech companies post engineering projects and freelance engineers around the world bid on the work.

    FORBES: Hello brain. Good-bye rules.

  • Despite the stepped-up activity, some art dealers still bemoan what they call the indifference of the tech world and write off tech billionaires as glorified engineering nerds who skipped art history to play with their computers.

    WSJ: Art's New High-Tech Patrons

  • Cornell NYC Tech, as well two other science and engineering programs the city is helping to finance, are intended to help draw and educate tech innovators.

    WSJ: Qualcomm founder gives $133M to NYC tech school

  • Some of the technologies Mr Anderson hoped for (and half-envisaged, as a graduate in systems engineering from his much-loved Georgia Tech) had not been invented when he started.

    ECONOMIST: Ray Anderson

  • Sure, NY has great engineering schools at Columbia and NYU. But with the now under construction Tech Campus at Roosevelt Island, the city has doubled down on engineering education.

    FORBES: Showing The Love To NYC Startups

  • Labour's Stephen Twigg said that he supported the "concept of an A Bacc", but said that it should have a range of subjects including computing and engineering and should work alongside their proposed "Tech Bacc" for vocational courses.

    BBC: A-level students facing shake-up

  • Texas Tech, best known for its engineering and agriculture-oriented programs, for example, is thriving.

    FORBES: Education Wars: The New Battle For Brains

  • Mr. Ellison, 66, is more of a tech strategist with a keen interest in engineering and who often prefers to delegate day-to-day operations, said these people.

    WSJ: At Oracle, Hurd in Rare Situation

  • Anxiety about China has spread well beyond blue-collar sectors, reports Tony Damon, the boss of a Toledo-based architecture and engineering firm, SSOE, which designs high-tech research centres or test tracks for clients worldwide, including increasingly in China.

    ECONOMIST: America and China

  • He prefers the latter, noting that the U.S. doesn't produce enough science, math and engineering graduates to fill the open posts in high-tech.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue

  • The wearable motherboard, as it is called, was originally developed at Georgia Tech's School of Textile and Fiber Engineering for use in a war zone.

    BBC: News | Sci/Tech | Smart baby suit checks for cot death

  • In the absence of official comment, tech commentator Daring Fireball suggests the file was an engineering mistake.

    FORBES: Where Steve Jobs Stood on Location Privacy in 2010

  • Beyond the base set of patents, tech companies could pick among existing patents to solve their engineering challenges, or develop their own solutions.

    FORBES: Apple's Rubber Band Snaps. What Took So Long?

  • Aspiring to become a successful tech business CEO, she is switching from chemical and mechanical engineering to computer science.

    FORBES: Advice On Applying to Top U.S. Colleges Via Early Decision or Early Action

  • In addition to spending 17 years as a professor in electrical engineering at Stanford, Dr. Lee has also founded two high-tech companies.

    WHITEHOUSE: DARPA Recruits World-Class Engineer to Lead Key Technology Office | The White House

  • And sell it did, so much so that it moved the titans of tech to innovate the space, with Google enlisting ASUS' engineering for its popular and affordable Nexus 7 reference tab (named for its relatively diminutive size) and even Apple, which once infamously disavowed the smaller format altogether, releasing the 7.9-inch iPad mini.

    ENGADGET: 's CES 2013 Preview: Tablets

  • Another company created by Cambridge University Engineering Department and supported by Cambridge Entrepreneurship Centre is working on a hi-tech replacement for rear-view mirrors on vehicles.

    BBC: pipe cleaner

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