• In a bad economy, management becomes the pivotal point for keeping things running smoothly and within a budget.

    FORBES: The Business of Policing in a Tough Economy

  • In unionized sectors of the economy, a reckless management may invite a militant stance by unions.

    FORBES: The Four Drivers of Corporate Failure in America

  • Their recommendations include integrating water resources management through all sectors (economy, land use, agriculture, energy, transportation) and adopting participatory planning and management approaches.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • Just as in our management of the economy, we think of states, not processes.

    WSJ: Ecology and Change: Nature Has No 'Balance' for Us to Keep | Mind & Matter

  • The opposition would then have a field day by claiming that Mr Hashimoto's management of the economy had been disastrous.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • But he said reform would come only if "these can be afforded as part of our prudent, careful management of the economy".

    BBC: George Osborne says he wants to look at stamp duty on shares

  • Indeed, its relatively successful management of the economy is one reason why AK was re-elected with an even bigger share of the vote in 2007.

    ECONOMIST: Turkey's fragile economy: Fund management | The

  • Businessmen give credit to Labour for its management of the economy.

    ECONOMIST: Red tape

  • Businessmen give Mr Brown due credit for his management of the economy: the chancellor has delivered the great prize of economic stability, although manufacturing has experienced a serious bust.

    ECONOMIST: The British economy

  • Following her sacking last year, over what was widely acknowledged as very poor management of the economy, Ms Tymoshenko has allied herself, varyingly, with forces opposed to her erstwhile Orange Revolution ally.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Power games fuel Ukraine turmoil

  • "The solution that we have reached is certainly not the one we wanted, but it is the least painful under the circumstances because above all it leaves the management of our economy in our own hands, " Anastasiades said Sunday.

    NPR: Cyprus President Tries To Amend Bailout Plan

  • He said it represented more than a shift in tone but was a decisive break in "political approach" from both the Labour governments of the 1970s and Tony Blair's New Labour, in terms of their management of the economy and their relationship with the City.

    BBC: Labour conference: Miliband defends Cameron tax claims

  • Then additional 200 messages were created on topics such as disaster risk management, the economy, the right to free compulsory education, cultural diversity, the culture of Pakistan, the culture of peace, human rights, rights of persons with disabilities, freedom of expression, and the voting process.

    UNESCO: Mobile-Based Post Literacy Programme

  • All of these proposals are desperate measures designed to cover up the fundamental failure of the underlying political economic model, which assumes that those who govern can provide free goods and services to the population at large, lavish pensions for government employees, impose rigidities onto labor markets and otherwise achieve social goals through their management of the economy.

    FORBES: Greece And The Crisis Of The Governing Elite

  • Despite the abundance of natural wealth, poor fiscal management has stifled the economy.

    FORBES: Gabon

  • In the face of a shifting global economy, he also believes business management is more than just empowering tomorrow's work force.

    CNN: Guru Peters still reinventing himself

  • But despite these shortcomings, the new report sheds more light on the knowledge economy than does endless drivel from management gurus.

    ECONOMIST: Economics

  • But within the household as in the real world, things are never so simple and you cannot avoid management by enforcing an economy.

    FORBES: Seven Economist Mistakes About Parenting

  • "Customer time is not explicitly involved in a transaction, " says Uday Karmarkar, director of the University of California, Los Angeles Center of Management in the Information Economy.

    FORBES: Hurry Up And Wait

  • But with next year's elections ringing in his ears, commentators say it seems likely Finance Minister Simba Makoni may find himself putting short term political gains before the prudent management of the ailing economy.

    BBC: Zimbabwe's gloomy budget prediction

  • He said the most important element is the "civilian surge" -- the dispatching of experts to Afghanistan to help the country produce more effectively in all sectors of the infrastructure and economy, including agriculture, water management and economic activity.

    CNN: Karzai: Taliban gains in Pakistan threaten peace in Afghanistan

  • I'm also the editor of Drucker: A Life in Pictures (McGraw-Hill, 2013) and The Drucker Lectures: Essential Lessons on Management, Society, and Economy (McGraw-Hill 2010).

    FORBES: Rick Wartzman - The Drucker Difference - Archive

  • White farmers will not return en masse, but some should be encouraged to come back and rebuild Zimbabwe's agriculture, the heart of its economy, with offers of leaseholds and management contracts.

    ECONOMIST: Zimbabwe

  • One company might become more valuable than others, thanks to luck or better management, but if the economy itself is not growing, a company can only grow by taking market share away from another company.

    FORBES: Dealing With Empty Promises And Illusions Of Democracy

  • This most recent quarterly performance drove the stock to levels not seen since earlier this year when Coach missed earnings expectations for the holiday period due to what management blamed as weakness in the economy.

    FORBES: Dressing-Up Your Portfolio With Luxury Stocks

  • The problem arises when actions in other domains ignore or misunderstand that water underpins the entire green economy, and that without planning for good management of freshwater resources the entire movement is put at risk.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The bankruptcy of such thinking in business has resulted in the emergence of the Creative Economy with a different kind of leadership and management based on treating employees and partners as thinking, feeling creative human beings and customers as people who deserve to be delighted.

    FORBES: Jane Austen, Game Theorist?

  • Students from the departments of law, English and management fromthe Jiangsu Institute of Finance and Economy were said to be working for Foxconn.

    FORBES: Thousands Of Chinese Students "Forced To Work On New iPhone 5," Chinese Media Reports

  • While working for Oracle, he preached to mainland companies that they could achieve great breakthroughs in the still-state-led economy by embracing top-notch software and modern management.

    FORBES: Home, Sweet Home

  • At that point, ineffective crisis management nearly destroyed the financial system and the economy.


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