• Soyabeans are native to north-east Asia (Japan, the Korean peninsular and north-east China).

    ECONOMIST: Brazilian agriculture

  • Police in north-east China say they are also investigating an anti-corruption official who allegedly bought more than a dozen properties in his wife's name.

    BBC: China

  • In north-east China lie the archaeological remains of the Koguryo kingdom of 37BC-668AD, the fount of Korean culture and myth.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Such an outcome would give China far greater power projection in the East and South China Seas -- through which flow much of East Asia's trade, including the bulk of Japan and South Korea's oil imports.

    CNN: Milestones and Millstones

  • Japan's was a war of self-defence, protecting its perfectly legal territories of Manchuria (North-East China) and Korea against Communist conspirators.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s history wars erupt again

  • The oil spilled into the sea in north-east China after two pipelines exploded on Friday night, resulting in a fierce fire.

    BBC: China oil spill after pipe blast 'worse than thought'

  • The alleged head of a multi-billion dollar smuggling ring in south-east China has confessed and now faces trial, Chinese state media say.

    BBC: China

  • Experts from Shandong, a province in the north-east of China, were asked to produce a feasibility study, and the government now proposes to start work.

    ECONOMIST: The price of cheap petrol

  • Most of the unit's activities took place in occupied Manchuria, in north-east China, where the victims of its ghastly experiments were Chinese, Koreans and Russians.

    ECONOMIST: Digging up Japan's past: Deafening silence | The

  • Two million peasants a year have lost their land this way in the past five years, a senior government adviser in north-east China said in March.

    ECONOMIST: Urbanisation

  • Japanese officials feared that similar unrest might break out on September 18th, the anniversary of an incident in 1931 that led to Japan's occupation of north-east China.

    ECONOMIST: A row over disputed islands goes from bad to worse

  • As a prisoner at the Jixi labour camp, Liu Dali would slog through tough days breaking rocks and digging trenches in the open cast coalmines of north-east China.

    FORBES: Connect

  • From late December, visitors flock to this city in Heilongjiang Province in the north-east of China to experience one of the finest ice and snow festivals anywhere in the world.

    BBC: Chill out in China: Harbin��s Ice and Snow Festival

  • East Asian nations -- China, Korea and ASEAN -- have emerged as major consumers.

    CNN: Money & Investing

  • Every year, we have the ASEAN Summit plus the three East Asian giants -- China, Japan and Korea.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • She also boasted this week of an agreement to set up a fund to buy toxic debts from banks in South-East Asia, China, South Korea and Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Asia and the crisis

  • Nor can the resistance rely on external support as it used to when the West, South-East Asia and China united to oppose the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia.

    ECONOMIST: Cambodia

  • Today it gels neatly both with India's determination to develop the north-east and with China's plans to close the gap between its booming east coast and the laggardly western interior.

    ECONOMIST: China and Myanmar

  • The U.S. can still sustain its growth and lavish expenditure not because it is impossibly rich, but because its colossal debts have been absorbed in the form of bonds and securities by the two East Asian nations--China and Japan.

    FORBES: Spend or Save?

  • Most editorials remained focused on the ongoing China-Japan row over the disputed East China Sea islands as US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta met his Chinese counterpart Liang Guanglie in Beijing on Tuesday after a visit to Tokyo.

    BBC: China morning round-up: Wang Lijun in court

  • Artemisia grows like a weed across China and South-East Asia, but the best plants are found only in certain parts of China, such as Guangxi and Hunan, which produce most of the world's supply, and in Vietnam.

    ECONOMIST: Treating malaria

  • North-east of the South China Sea lies a small crop of islands that Japan and China are squabbling over.

    ECONOMIST: The spectre of big-power rivalry spoils an ASEAN gathering

  • Media in China have welcomed Washington's low-key public stance on the East China Sea territorial dispute during Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's US visit.

    BBC: China media: No support for Abe

  • Japan was seen as the lead swan in a V-shaped formation of East Asian geese - the new miracle economies that include China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

    CNN: Building On A Golden Age

  • And Indonesian textile firms are lobbying against the full implementation from next year of the free-trade agreement between China and the Association of South-East Asian Nations.

    ECONOMIST: The rise of Chindonesia

  • But China's recent claims over the mineral-rich South China, Yellow and East China seas and its aggressive patrols in vital sea lanes between the Pacific and Indian oceans have sent the not-at-all subtle message that it isn't willing to share power in its backyard.

    CNN: Analysis: Keeping a check on America's banker

  • As part of a three-phase program to increase its strategic petroleum reserves, China is building four emergency oil-storage facilities across western China, in the east and in the south.

    FORBES: The Case For Higher Crude Prices

  • Siam Makro could expand outside of Thailand into China and South-East Asia.

    FORBES: Even Billionaires Do Dumb Deals

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