• During the hearing, Callahan told lawmakers he had no knowledge of Beijing's motives when Chinese officials requested e-mail information about a particular Yahoo!

    FORBES: Grilling Yahoo!

  • Al Halabi, an American of Syrian descent, allegedly e-mailed information that included details about the base's flight schedule to contacts in Syria, officials said.

    CNN: Airman charged with espionage at Guantanamo

  • He, Al-Hamid and other members began regularly posting updates about their campaign on ACPRA's website and e-mailing information to a growing base of members and supporters.

    CNN: Saudi activists say kingdom trying to silence them

  • Other publishers gave e-sales information, but only of select titles.

    FORBES: The Top Selling Female E-book Authors

  • The anonymous e-mail has information about the STD exposure and where the recipient can go to get tested.

    CNN: High-tech tools for STDs

  • If you want to switch your e-mail contact information back to what it was, it's easy to do.

    CNN: Facebook just switched your default e-mail address

  • After I won my order against Google, I received the IP and e-mail account information from the company in October 2010.

    FORBES: How To Bait and Catch The Anonymous Person Harassing You On The Internet

  • Lambuth, who was taken off the project in July 1998, has provided an affidavit to Burton's committee that states some of the e-mails contained information regarding various matters under investigation either by Congress or the Justice Department, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation background files controversy, Lewinsky, trade mission information and campaign finance matters.

    CNN: Justice Department opens criminal investigation

  • Some forge their e-mail header--the data above and below an e-mail that contains information about the recipient and sender.

    FORBES: Spam Warfare

  • Now they are increasing their focus on technology consumers can use to make purchases by simply entering a password or other easy-to-remember information on an e-commerce website, or by tapping a smartphone against a merchant payment terminal instead of swiping a physical card.

    WSJ: Card Networks Take on Plastic With Mobile Platforms

  • Modeled after the information and e-commerce transactions available on the Web, the latest in information technology starts with a telephone number that you'll be able to dial to reach a computer that hears and guides your requests and answers them using voice-recognition technology.

    CNN: Graphic

  • Its business has been built on chat-rooms for teenagers, e-mail, craftily packaged information and an unremitting quest to make its on-line services friendly to even the most technophobic web neophyte.

    ECONOMIST: Internet riders

  • While businesses using Microsoft 's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Exchange will be able to pour calendar information and e-mail directly into iPhones, companies built around Lotus Notes or Novell Groupware systems are out of luck.

    FORBES: Can iPhone Beat BlackBerry?

  • How is it that ad networks have grown so sophisticated they can make offers across various sites indeed, they can even predict future romantic interests based on historical browsing patterns but we still have to re-enter our financial and identity information at every e-commerce site we buy from?

    FORBES: Privacy and payment platforms try to get along

  • "It makes a lot of sense to have traffic information e-mailed to my car, " Ledbetter says.

    NPR: What's The Future Of News?

  • The neatest trick, however, could be the ability to get e-mail and calendar information directly from Microsoft Exchange servers.

    FORBES: IPhone Goes Corporate

  • It will give users of midsize, economy, and luxury GM cars and trucks voice access to e-mail, plus information retrieval from the Web.

    CNN: E-cars take to the streets

  • Fortunately, if you bought all your holdings in recent years through an online broker like E-Trade, this information is already instantly available to you online.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The software is chock full of small details that help you do this, like allowing you to get e-mail and calendar information directly from Microsoft Exchange servers.

    FORBES: Why You Don't Need A New iPhone

  • By using e-speak to provide information about the design and manufacturing of circuit boards, SpinCircuit says it has cut manufacturing cycles by two months for one of its clients.

    FORBES: The Net's Big Thing

  • The neatest trick, however, could be the ability to get e-mail and calendar information directly from Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Exchange servers.

    FORBES: IPhone Goes Corporate

  • The biggest news: Apple has licensed Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync for the iPhone, allowing iPhone users to pour e-mail and calendar information living on their company's Microsoft Exchange systems directly into the iPhone.

    FORBES: IPhone Goes Corporate

  • While IT managers are understandably leery about recommending the iPhone for company employees, individual owners are going to be sneaking their prized possession into the office to access e-mail and corporate information.

    ECONOMIST: The competition this time will be a lot stiffer

  • There are other predictive assistant apps such as Grokr and Osito that you can give access to your e-mail and calendar information, but for many, Google products are already integrated into every part of their lives.

    CNN: Google's predictive search comes to iPhone, iPad

  • The city of Palo Alto issued an email to residents subscribed to an emergency information e-mail list that said the city, which sits on San Francisco Bay, more than 30 miles south of the Golden Gate Bridge, appeared to be at little risk.

    FORBES: Some Flee Northern California Coast After Tsunami Warning

  • Two-step verification drastically reduces the chances of someone stealing the personal information from your e-mail account because hackers would have to not only get a password and your user name, they would also have to have access to the mobile phone to which the code is sent.

    CNN: Bush email hacking a wake up call

  • It brings Europe-wide clout in systems integration which includes such things as developing information systems and e-commerce platforms for corporate clients.

    ECONOMIST: The world beyond Deutsche Telekom

  • As corporation and their law firms produce ever-increasing amounts of electronically stored information, or ESI, e-discovery vendors must move to the cloud in order to realize and pass along to their clients the benefits of that migration.

    FORBES: E-Discovery Moves to the Cloud

  • You get to capture customer data, e-mail addresses and physical information, if people are willing to provide it.

    FORBES: Indiegogo's Cofounder On The Wisdom Of Crowdfunding

  • Because e-readers gather enormously detailed information on the way people read, publishers may soon be awash in market research.

    WSJ: Nicholas Carr on E-Books

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