• The World Health Organization has found that three-fifths of HAIs are caused by drug-resistant bacteria.

    FORBES: A Health Care Scourge We Can Eliminate Now

  • Drug-resistant bacteria are a growing and deadly problem--and the market for medicines to kill them is quickly increasing.

    FORBES: The Next Antibiotic Buyout?

  • Recent examples: molecules to target drug-resistant bacteria and a kinase inhibitor to zap the enzyme responsible for tumor growth.

    FORBES: Careers

  • Last week brought one of the more exciting results of that collaboration: an anti-microbial hydrogel that eradicates drug-resistant bacteria.

    FORBES: The Semi-Conductor Tech that Could Eliminate Superbugs

  • Military doctors are fighting to contain an outbreak of a potentially deadly drug-resistant bacteria that apparently originated in the Iraqi soil.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Electronic clinical surveillance systems allow doctors to identify drug-resistant bacteria in patients quickly and stop infections before they get out of hand.

    FORBES: A Health Care Scourge We Can Eliminate Now

  • It is no accident that the European nation with the lowest incidence of drug-resistant bacteria, Holland, uses the drugs much more selectively than the rest of the continent.


  • This is what made the FDA clamp down on antibiotics at exactly the time when Big Pharma was abandoning the drugs due to profitability concerns and drug-resistant bacteria were starting to ooze onto the scene.

    FORBES: Why Presidents Don't Shape The FDA

  • Drug-resistant bacteria had overtaken her entire body.

    FORBES: Lyme Inc.

  • "It is a scary thing about any drug-resistant bacteria, when you grow it for the very first time out of a patient and you've only got three antibiotics, one so old that we had to bring it back from the archives, " says Col.

    FORBES: The Iraq Infection

  • But our collaboration really entered high gear in 2006, when we wrote three covers together: on how marketing had overtaken science in the drug industry, how we were losing the war on drug-resistant bacteria, and on how medical devices were slipping through without enough proof they were safe and effective.

    FORBES: Later, Langreth -- Goodbye To A Friend

  • It might be useful against drug-resistant staphylococcus bacteria.

    FORBES: Pfizer Plays A Guessing Game

  • When doctors carried out throat swabs from 82 other children at the centre, they found that ten were carrying the same multi-drug resistant strain of bacteria found in the two ill children.

    BBC: Nursery

  • Big hospitals are breeding grounds for drug-resistant staph, pseudomonas and C. diff bacteria.

    FORBES: Hospitals' Nightmare

  • "For instance if I have a headache, I take a tablet for my headache, but if I take an antibiotic, all of the bacteria in my body are exposed to that antibiotic and I could be selecting drug-resistant strains, and I could be sharing them, " she said.

    BBC: Battling the bacterial threat to modern medicine

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