• In a recent breakthrough, the debut show of a Chinese-language TV drama serial had a gay storyline.

    CNN: Showing 'Greater Humanity'

  • The channel also won best drama serial for Top Boy, the popular factual and features prize for Hugh's Big Fish Fight with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the best daytime programme for Deal Or No Deal Live.

    BBC: Fred West drama Appropriate Adult wins RTS awards

  • Coronation Street was named best serial drama for a second year - beating EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks - while Alan Halsall, who plays Tyrone in the soap, picked up best serial drama performance.

    BBC: National TV Awards: Strictly beats X Factor

  • These producers took as their inspiration literary fiction and Broadway drama, not serial movies or radio shows.

    NEWYORKER: Tune in Next Week

  • Serial Storytelling can channel the natural drama of their work into episodic stories that provide suspense, struggle, hope, danger, and dignity.

    FORBES: How To Make Social Media Work For Your Brand

  • The drama "Hannibal" explores the psychiatrist and eventual serial killer's burgeoning consulting relationship with a young Detective Will Graham.

    CNN: 2012's TV lessons for 2013

  • Whitburn was also executive producer of radio drama in the Midlands from 1995 and was responsible for Silver Street, the long-running serial on the BBC Asian Network, as well as being behind single plays and serials for BBC Radio 3 and Radio 4.

    BBC: Vanessa Whitburn

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