• If a Doha agreement ever reaches the House floor, the fight over CAFTA will seem but a skirmish.

    ECONOMIST: A small victory for free trade as CAFTA passes | The

  • The likeliest outcome both from the Hong Kong meeting and the eventual Doha agreement is a compromise as always.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and poverty

  • By binding tariffs near to the prevailing rate, a Doha agreement would have stopped policies taking a dramatic turn for the worse.

    ECONOMIST: Trade talks

  • As for dampening our ardour for a successful agreement at the upcoming Doha round of trade talks, the new farm law, if anything, provides even greater impetus for our negotiators.

    ECONOMIST: The Arab regions

  • Given that the outlines of a deal must be settled by the Hong Kong ministerial meeting coming up in December for there to be any hope of a substantial agreement, there was a real risk that Doha might be derailed by French intransigence.

    ECONOMIST: When growth and social protections clash | The

  • We are working for a successful Doha round of trade talks, and we must complete a good agreement this year.

    NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

  • We need to build on Doha and get on a path to a strong, fair and ambitious climate agreement.

    CNN: More voices needed in climate debate

  • Ms. Merkel, acknowledging the failure so far to complete the Doha Round of trade negotiations, also expressed support for a free-trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union.

    WSJ: Merkel, in Speech at Davos,

  • The Doha trade talks were supposed to be finished by now, culminating in an ambitious agreement to free trade in farm goods and services.

    ECONOMIST: Trading places

  • It is always easier to make the sort of concessions needed to secure agreement among such a large number of countries (141 will be represented in Doha) when the economic outlook is buoyant and governments feel freer to look beyond their own short-term interests.

    ECONOMIST: Trade in trouble | The

  • And he has also said that if the Doha trade talks can't be restarted consideration should be given to a bilateral India-EU free-trade agreement.

    BBC: Cameron visit takes in both sides of India

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