• Mr Kim and his supporters also mistrust some bureaucrats, who have been destroying government documents in case there is a witch-hunt for those responsible for getting the country into such a mess.

    ECONOMIST: Korean glums

  • Documents and testimony produced in a case against two USAirways mechanics for allegedly falsifying maintenance documents involving inspections of Airbus A-319 aircraft (the case was dismissed on appeal on timeliness grounds) indicate that FAA regulators may have crossed ethical lines in sharing enforcement information with USAirways in the course of a related, major investigation of its maintenance practices.

    FORBES: Documents Raise Questions Of FAA Impartiality In Airline Oversight

  • Documents in the case also include a transcript of a 2004 phone conversation between Messrs.

    WSJ: Subpoenaed by Cycling Investigators

  • Sylvester has allowed the public release of some documents in the case but kept many others under seal.


  • The University of Colorado has declined a request to release Holmes' records, citing a judge's order that sealed documents in the case.


  • Court documents said the case began in August 2009 with e-mail exchanges between Mr Mohamud and his alleged associate in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province.

    BBC: US teenager held in Oregon over Christmas 'bomb plot'

  • "Having examined all the documents of the case, the Control and Disciplinary Body decided to reject the protest lodged by Schalke, " said a UEFA statement.

    CNN: Beckham shows he can still cut it

  • If these men had attempted to bring their cases without already having seen the documents, the case would be similar to the Guantanamo Bay legal action.

    BBC: Secret cases: Who could be affected?

  • When IBM was sued for antitrust in the 1980s, he said, the company had a 14-story building just to house the lawyers and documents for the case.

    FORBES: Google Faces The Big Question Of Whether Success Is Illegal

  • BofA is looking into whether or not the bank put thousands of homeowners out on the street too quickly, without verifying the information in the foreclosure case documents.

    FORBES: 2010 Bank Failures Outpace 2009

  • Navalny has commissioned three independent reviews himself, all of which conclude no crime was committed, and posted all the case documents online for download in an attempt to clear his name.

    NPR: Trial For Russian Opposition Leader Adjourned

  • Russia's investigations committee has asked the US authorities to provide documents surrounding the case, including a report by forensic pathologists, as part of its own criminal investigation, Interfax news agency reports.

    BBC: Russia 'concerned' over Max Shatto Texas death ruling

  • Holding hearings within just a few days "allows me sufficient time to review and prepare for hearings, resulting in full and complete knowledge of the documents in the case prior to hearing, " he added.

    WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims

  • But instead of being taken to the detainee housing area, they were driven in a convoy of 13 soldiers to the canal and killed, according to trial testimony and other documents in the case.

    CNN: Army tapes reveal motive in Iraq prisoner killings

  • The decision to close the probe is part of a set of events in which the government will first ask a federal judge to disband the grand jury that was hearing the case, then request the case documents to be unsealed.

    CNN: Intended anthrax target has doubts about probe

  • In Part One, I explored the court documents in the case of Ghulam Nabi Fai, the executive director of the Kashmiri American Center (KAC) who admitted in a 26-page Statement of Facts at the time of his plea deal last December that he was an influence agent working for the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Biggest DC Spy Scandal You Haven��t Heard About

  • Scottish authorities declassified a huge trove of documents related to the case in September 2009, shortly after al-Megrahi was released.


  • Sandra Katz gathered her birth certificate, University of Iowa diploma, marriage certificate and other documents to build the case for citizenship.

    WSJ: Citizenship via Grandparents

  • You can read the original complaint and answer, as well as the memorandum and other documents related to the case here.

    FORBES: Wrong Side Of An Audit: Memo Argues IRS Inflated Numbers, Exaggerated Figures

  • Documents in the Xerox case also suggest the plaintiff lawyers spread the markup on temp attorneys among themselves, sometimes in puzzling ways.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But the hope that guessing at words without further discussion or verification will produce the documents needed for a case is misplaced.

    FORBES: Guest Post by Karl Schieneman

  • Rathbun has confessed that, in 1997, he ordered incriminating documents destroyed in the case of Lisa McPherson, the Scientologist who died of an embolism.

    NEWYORKER: The Apostate

  • Since News Corp. has allegedly been involved in destroying documents related to the case, it may be difficult to find that evidence against Murdoch.

    FORBES: Will Murdoch Scion Be Hoisted on A Bribery Petard?

  • He hired a public-relations manager to set up a website, rajdefense.org, which attacked supposedly biased news articles and posted documents relevant to his case.

    ECONOMIST: The verdict is finally in

  • It has also established commissions to search for documents to support its case that it no longer has any chemical, biological or nuclear arms.

    ECONOMIST: What now?

  • On August 31st the department challenged a pre-trial ruling by the judge, who had demanded custody of all evidence and government documents relating to the case.

    ECONOMIST: Government evasion

  • And e-mails that Tim Blixseth sent to Edra Blixseth in March, filed as part of Edra's affidavit in the LeMond case court documents, also point to a cash crunch.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On Monday, the Supreme Court ordered Gilad Sharon, the prime minister's son, to hand over documents relating to this case and another scandal involving allegations of illegal campaign contributions.

    ECONOMIST: Chaos all round | The

  • Now we learning what witnesses told FBI agents or testified before a grand jury, and we are gaining more insight through the release of many documents related to the case.

    CNN: Libby trial reveals what prosecutor wouldn't

  • Google lawyers have been consulting with device makers that Apple has sued, helping on matters such as the disclosure of internal company documents relevant to the case, this person said.

    WSJ: Google at Center of Samsung-Apple Phone Patent Trial

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