• There would be no more exclusive franchises for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity within fixed territories.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The company manages the generation and distribution of electricity across Afghanistan.

    BBC: Threat to cut electricity to Afghanistan's central jail

  • But in terms of generation and distribution, electricity is 33% efficient and generation and distribution of natural gas is about 98% efficient.

    FORBES: Just The Facts? How About Just The Right Context

  • And its businesses will include the distribution of water and electricity, as well as construction, metal refining, insurance, television, chemicals, property and consumer credit.

    ECONOMIST: Suez and Lyonnaise des Eaux

  • Gerald Draper and his colleagues at the University of Oxford, and John Swanson of National Grid Transco, a power-transmission company, have looked at the distribution of childhood cancer along the power lines of the national electricity grid in England and Wales.

    ECONOMIST: Power lines and cancer

  • Micro-grids are an important solution: a combination of a generator and hardened distribution system can supply reliable and larger quantities of electricity to a small circuit of users including emergency services, shelters, gas stations and grocery stores.

    FORBES: Mobile Solar Generators - One Man's Odyssey to Bring Power Back to New York

  • It is a hard question to answer in Britain, where the new Labour government is poised to levy a windfall tax on privatised utilities, where the electricity regulator will impose a tighter cap on electricity distribution charges in 2000, and where competition in the supply of electricity to domestic consumers is due to start next year.

    ECONOMIST: Intoxicated by power

  • Road access to the site of a new electricity substation is narrow so Western Power Distribution (WPD) agreed the alternative method of transport.

    BBC: Gloucester Sharpness Canal used in ?12m building project

  • In January, Albania revoked the license of CEZ and announced that electricity distribution would return to government control, but experts in Bulgaria have expressed doubt the government can legally do that.

    NPR: Bulgarians Protest Foreign Power Companies

  • To help us reach that goal, we are working hard to maximize our opportunities related to shale exploration and drilling, electricity generation and distribution, continued development of renewable energy and alternative fuels as well as a continued support for coal, which will remain a vital source of energy for Ohio.

    FORBES: Accelerating Energy Innovation: Part II

  • Supermarket giant Tesco has recently been given a green light to build Britain's first ever straw-powered Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant to meet the electricity and heating needs of one of its distribution centres.

    BBC: Time to encourage biomass growth

  • Electricity transmission and distribution are still overwhelmingly in the hands of government entities.

    WSJ: India Blackouts Show Failure to Lure Investors

  • Despite, his concerns, Mr Mittal said some countries were performing strongly in regard to their spending on infrastructure, covering everything from electricity generation and distribution, to road building and provision of fresh water.

    BBC: Davos 2013: Africa must 'boost infrastructure spending'

  • Whatever the reason, the government is likely to reassess its next phase of electricity reform, which includes privatising the generating and distribution companies, in order to persuade New Zealanders that their lights and air-conditioners will not fail again.

    ECONOMIST: Hot and dark in New Zealand

  • It distributes a substantial portion of emission allowances to regulated, local distribution companies and helps to protect electricity customers from unnecessary price rises.

    ECONOMIST: Capping, not taxing

  • Duke Energy Ohio applied for electricity and natural gas distribution rate hikes with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio in July 2012.

    FORBES: Duke Worth $70 On Merger Synergies, Improving Margins

  • Now, if we want to have everybody getting maximum use out of an electric car or a hybrid car, part of what we have to do is to create a similar distribution mechanism for electricity.

    WHITEHOUSE: Promoting Jobs and Growth Through Innovation

  • Pols and power bureaucrats have been seized with the notion that the generation of electricity can be free of bureaucratic oversight but that the transmission and distribution of power must remain in a regulatory straitjacket.

    FORBES: Fact And Comment

  • It is as high as 44% of American levels in software, but as low as 1% in electricity distribution.

    ECONOMIST: Why India's economy needs faster privatisation

  • Giant, centralized distribution facilities that use nuclear or fossil fuels, then sending electricity over massive distances losing upwards of 70-80% of the power in transmission, is the historical utility industry approach.

    FORBES: Avoiding Japan's Nuclear Disaster - Plan Like Google

  • Northern Ireland Electricity was floated on the Stock Exchange and retained responsibility for transmission, distribution and the supply of power.

    BBC: A highly charged debate

  • National Grid operates the UK's national electricity and gas grids, as well as four of the country's eight regional gas distribution networks.

    BBC: Ofgem permits ?12 energy bills rise for grid upgrade

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