• There would be a case to make, albeit a brave one, for keeping the existing limit on detention even if there were evidence that stretching it would save lives.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • The FSB released photos it said showed Mr. Fogle after his detention, as well as physical evidence the FSB said it had recovered.

    WSJ: Russia Expels U.S. Diplomat

  • After a few days of negotiating, the White House apparently agreed not to flaunt its revisions of international agreements, while reserving the right to do most of what it wanted regarding surveillance, detention, interrogation and rules of evidence at trial.

    NPR: U.S. Iraq Policy: Going Down on One NIE?

  • By all accounts, Hatley believed the four Iraqis would be released from a detention facility because there was not enough evidence to hold them.


  • Ms Cooper said the Labour government had made some mistakes - efforts to introduce 90-day pre-trial detention for terror suspects was "never justified by the evidence".

    BBC: Ex-Met chief Lord Stevens to lead Labour police review

  • The international prosecutor, Robert Petit, says he has enough evidence to charge more suspects than the five in detention.

    ECONOMIST: The Khmers Rouges and justice

  • Only at the end of the 14-day detention period then allowed by law did police find the required evidence on Mr Barot's computers.

    ECONOMIST: Waiting for al-Qaeda's next bomb

  • But he said it would be better if senior judges, "who have a great deal of experience in analysing evidence" - rather than politicians - should monitor individual detention periods, which should be subject to appeal.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Liberty chief attacks top Lib Dem

  • They point to the vague definition of terrorism in the Anti-Terror Law used to make the arrests, extended pre-trial detention periods ranging from six months to a few years, and lack of credible evidence for the arrests.

    BBC: Profile: The PKK

  • The pretrial detention process had been delayed because prosecutors failed to appear at hearings due to lack of evidence.


  • Hatch also asked Blair if any evidence showed that President Obama's plan to close the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility for terrorism suspects would reduce the terrorist threat against the United States.


  • These are images, perhaps new to some news organizations, but they were all part of the evidence that was used in prosecuting many of these individuals and in making adjustments to our detention operations.

    NPR: New Abu Ghraib Pictures, Videotape Made Public

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