• These sorts of restrictions, however, should remain safe from challenge, despite this week's ruling.

    ECONOMIST: The Nine strike down a gun ban and delight the firearms lobby

  • Despite this week's rate cut, it is too early for Mr Brown to claim that he has rescued Britain from boom and bust.

    ECONOMIST: Singing in the rain

  • Despite this week's violence, the party seemed keen to stay in government and uphold the tradition whereby patronage and political responsibility are shared out amicably.

    ECONOMIST: Macedonia

  • So the recent fall in share prices (still down by 15% from their peak, despite this week's rally) has actually come as a bit of a relief.

    ECONOMIST: The dollar

  • Despite this week's deal, national rivalries still run deep.

    ECONOMIST: Stockmarkets

  • Fortunately for Mr Milosevic, though, there are important issues on which the West and Russia remain at odds, despite this week's visit to Washington by Viktor Chernomyrdin, acting as President Boris Yeltsin's Kosovo envoy.

    ECONOMIST: Bombs over Belgrade, diplomatic as well as military

  • Despite vigorous denials this week, it is widely believed to possess chemical weapons and the missiles that could deliver them.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush has no reason to make war on Syria

  • The growth in sales last month came despite figures released this week which suggested a sharp drop in footfall on the high street in Scotland.

    BBC: Scottish shop sales defy poor March weather

  • Despite the news this week, female cadets interviewed after the ceremony said they felt secure during their four years at the academy on the Hudson River.

    WSJ: Hagel: Cadets must stamp out sex assault scourge

  • Despite a postponement this week, Grigory Pasko, a journalist accused of treason for leaking details of the navy's dumping of nuclear waste, is due for trial in Vladivostock in June.

    ECONOMIST: Russia

  • Despite an offer this week to restart shipments of fertiliser to the North this month, Seoul has indicated that aid will not be fully resumed without progress on the nuclear issue.

    ECONOMIST: North Korea's nuclear programme

  • Ancelotti has also had to contend with the shock sacking of his trusted assistant Ray Wilkins, something which has clearly troubled him despite his insistence this week that he has no intention of resigning.

    BBC: Alan Hansen on Chelsea's problems

  • They have been intrigued to learn from the Russian media that despite his anger over missile defense and over Bush's appeal to the NATO members to give MAP status to Georgia and Ukraine, despite his shipping this week of "humanitarian supplies" to Serbs in Kosovo, Putin is planning to accentuate the positive in Bucharest.

    CNN: Moscow's growing influence over NATO

  • All this despite a slew of government interventions this week, including synchronized 50-basis-point interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and several other central banks, including China's.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Despite the three decisions this week, the expansion of protections is not over yet.

    ECONOMIST: The disabled

  • Diminished hope for a substantial agreement in Washington depressed stock indexes on Wall Street this week despite other encouraging economic news.


  • Despite disappointing trade figures this week, in the year to November export volumes (excluding oil and erratic items) were 7.1% higher than a year before.

    ECONOMIST: The mighty pound

  • Nobody seems to have a big problem with Pitino getting the attention this week despite his small stake in Goldencents, co-owned by Josh Kaplan, Glen Sorgenstein and Dave Kenney.

    NPR: Louisville Coach Chasing Derby Win As A Co-Owner

  • The Ashton Kutcher comedy was an exception to the downward trend, climbing 6 percent this week despite its "Big Bang" lead-in getting a bit softer in the adult demo.

    CNN: '30 Rock' premiere rating lower than 'Community'

  • Those who see higher prices next week remain confident the trend for gold continues to be higher, despite the sharp break in values this week.

    FORBES: Survey Participants See Gold Prices Rising Next Week

  • This week, despite New Labour's avowed indifference to the plight of old industries in trouble, the agriculture minister, Nick Brown, promised farmers some respite.

    ECONOMIST: Farming

  • Despite all the fuss made this week by Bayer over its antibiotic Cipro, selling antibiotics to the government for stockpiling doesn't seem to be a great business.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Despite all the political turmoil this week, the stockmarket rose by 5.3% between mid-day Monday (just before the upper house voted) and Thursday afternoon closing at a four-year high.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • This helped the Istanbul stockmarket to recover this week, despite the news that gdp had shrunk by a whopping 13.8% in the year to the first quarter of 2009.

    ECONOMIST: Reforms in Turkey

  • Turmoil has engulfed the French camp this week but despite Les Bleus' off-field problems, Parreira said the hosts' victory over the 2006 finalists was a clear sign of Bafana Bafana's improvement.

    BBC: World Cup 2010: South Africa proud of team - Parreira

  • Were you working this week, despite the wall-to-wall Olympics?

    FORBES: Leadership Highlights of the Week: Going for the Gold - Forbes

  • Minutes later, Hughes was on hand again to block a powerful drive by Didier Drogba - who was selected despite being diagnosed with malaria this week, but was clearly off the pace.

    BBC: Chelsea 1-0 Fulham

  • Despite recent stories at NPR this week that state manufacturing jobs are not coming back, BCG believes that a rebound is not only possible, but likely, by the end of the decade.

    FORBES: Manufacturing Jobs Changing But No Severe Job Skills Gap In USA

  • This week, despite the prospect of strong corporate earnings, the indexes remain trapped in a trading range, partially due to investor concerns that pending government actions are going to take a blunt axe to global economic growth.

    FORBES: Austerity Does A Lizzie Borden Number On The Recovery

  • MS. PSAKI: And just one thing to add -- obviously the President took three days off the campaign trail earlier this week, despite the fact that the election is next Tuesday, to make sure a robust response effort was set up.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

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