• "This is nothing but a perversion, distortion and subversion of all the norms of democratic life, " party spokesman S. Jaipal Reddy said.

    BBC: Controversial Indian minister reinstated

  • They are an important element of democratic life in Jordan.

    BBC: Jordan's King Abdullah swears in caretaker government

  • "It is particularly important because newspapers have played, and continue to play, a fundamental role in our democratic life, " said Patten, who called for some kind of self-regulatory code of behaviour akin to the Hippocratic Oath.

    BBC: Press regulation poses a real danger, says Patten

  • "We can boast that we're a leader of our society, that therefore we have something to contribute to the democratic life of this country, to this democratic Republic of South Africa, " Mr Zuma said after his win.

    BBC: ANC re-elects Jacob Zuma as leader

  • The vigor of democratic political life in the Czechoslovakian transition period since January 1990 is reflected in the fact that there are no fewer than twenty-three parties competing in the coming elections.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: ��Free�� Czechoslovakia?: Shadows Over The Transition

  • If hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant students could gain legal status, many of those people would become loyal Democratic voters for life.

    CNN: GOP version of Dream Act holds promise

  • Damascus has many more shared interests, however, with tyrannies and terrorists dedicated to the destruction of America's democratic way of life, which runs counter not only to what those tyrannies and terrorists do, but what they are.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The American people, if given a choice, will surely decline to invest hard-earned retirement funds and other savings in totalitarian systems dedicated to undermining their values and destroying their democratic way of life a dedication Russia vividly displays in Georgia today.


  • All we wanted to do was to be one country, strong in the fight against terror, helping to heal those who were wounded and the families of those who lost their loved ones, reaching out to the rest of the world so we could meet these new challenges and go on with our democratic way of life.

    CNN: Clinton: Time again to choose a more perfect union

  • He has been criticized for coming to the Democratic Party late in life.

    CNN: Clark claims victory in Oklahoma

  • The takeover of the House and Senate by Democrats in 2006 prodded a string of senior Republicans lawmakers to leave at the end of this term rather than face life under Democratic rule.

    WSJ: Democrats Expand Majorities in Congress

  • He added the programme had raised matters of "deep concern to all those concerned with the integrity of political life and the democratic process".

    BBC: Reaction: Robinson revelations

  • The Center believes that, while they are at it, the President and the Thai prime minister should go beyond simply trying to mitigate the loss of life of the democratic Laotian resistance.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Agenda For Bush-Thai Meeting Must Include Yellow Rain

  • The former president embodies the South Africa that was promised in the election of 1994, and many South Africans worry that their country no longer reflects the democratic ideals Mandela spent his life advocating.


  • Until such time, it is not "fear-mongering" to point out that mainstream, orthodox Islamic doctrine, law, and practice are antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and our way of life in a democratic, free, liberal, pluralist, and tolerant society.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Answering a critic of 'Shariah: The Threat to America'

  • If politicians from all parties... do not instead tone down this sweeping legislation a great chill will descend on the free republic of online writing, which until now has been a liberating and democratic force in modern British life.

    BBC: Press reform: Media reaction to regulation deal

  • Interventions followed to illustrate the role of broadband in access to medical care in remote areas, for the transparency of democratic elections, participation in social life and access to banking services.


  • Our way of life rests on our democratic institutions.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remembering Senator Robert Byrd

  • What therefore should be the British government's response, I think it should speak clearly and unequivocally in support of reform and the chance for people right across the Middle East to have a better life, a more democratic future.

    BBC: Transcript of Douglas Alexander interview

  • In the life of a Libyan democratic dissident, Fathi Eljahmi, who died last month after seven years of abuse in the prisons of Muammar Gaddafi, his cause written off by both the Bush and Obama State Departments, I would say there was a struggle that speaks to something universal.

    FORBES: Freedom's Edge

  • Because for them, this isn't a democratic exercise, it's about life and death.

    CNN: Raman: For Iraqis, vote 'about life and death'

  • Mr Davis has devoted his life to serving the Californian Democratic Party.

    ECONOMIST: California politics

  • And Kelly Evans, a lifelong Republican, says Obama's pick of Biden "sealed the deal" for her, and she'll be voting Democratic for the first time in her life.

    CNN: iReporter reactions to Biden are mixed bag

  • Already we have seen the nihilistic yet impeccably democratic result of such contemporary legislation involving life itself, such as the Dutch laws that legalise various drugs, prostitution, same-sex marriage, euthanasia and genetic manipulation.

    ECONOMIST: Put it in perspective

  • If a democratic election in Syria brought Islamists to power, life would surely get worse for Syria's Christians.

    ECONOMIST: Religious freedom

  • Still, McConchie says the new Democratic majority opens up other possibilities for pro-life groups because many of the newly elected Democrats are relatively conservative.

    NPR: Party Shift, Ballot Issues Boost Abortion Rights

  • President GEORGE W. BUSH: We urge them to honor Benazir Bhutto's memory by continuing with the democratic process for which she so bravely gave her life.

    NPR: Pakistan Weeps for Benazir Bhutto

  • An anti-terrorist coalition that has any reasonable prospect of success will be made up of countries that value democratic institutions, individual liberty and the sanctity of life.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • It is now obvious that two states, two armies, two laws and two cultures, one representing a handful of moribund parasitic classes and the other representing the vast majority of the democratic and progressive working people, are engaged in life and death struggle in the country.

    BBC: Text: Nepal rebels invite tourists

  • The absence of a clear and rational argument for the necessity of military action in certain circumstances can hand the advantage to those who wish to undermine our democratic systems and, indeed, our whole way of life.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From fashion to fortitude: the road to resilience

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