• Not surprisingly, many celebrity names appears on the contribution lists of the Democratic front-runners, Sen.

    FORBES: Stars Come Out For White House Hopefuls

  • "He clearly gave the testimony under duress, " said Kakha Kukhava of the Democratic Front.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Georgian ex-minister 'confesses'

  • Critics suggested Ms. Quinn, the Democratic front-runner, hoped to soften her tough-talking image amid slipping poll numbers.

    WSJ: Politicians Get Personal in This Year's New York Mayoral Race

  • The strongest support for Mr Mandela's peace plan comes from the predominantly Hutu Burundian Democratic Front (Frodebu).

    ECONOMIST: Burundi

  • The latest meeting was on August 23rd, with Nayyef Hawatmeh, leader of the Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine.

    ECONOMIST: Palestinian refugees

  • In 1992 he became a founding member of the then underground political pressure group, the United Democratic Front (UDF).

    BBC: Bingu wa Mutharika (back) and Bakili Muluzi (front)

  • Some say he may leave his prime ministerial post but stay on to chair his ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front.

    ECONOMIST: Ethiopia's resilient prime minister

  • All this is the responsibility of Mr Meles's Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), which has run the show since 1991.

    ECONOMIST: Anxious Ethiopia

  • Mutharika was elected under the former president's United Democratic Front Party in 2004, but left it soon after and formed the Democratic Progressive Party.

    CNN: Malawi's Mutharika wins second term

  • Victories in both states would further solidify his position as the Democratic front-runner, and polls show the senator from Massachusetts leading in both states.

    CNN: Democrats battle for Tennessee, Virginia

  • But Mr. de Blasio charged that the Democratic front-runner hadn't been listening to workers, and he pledged to keep the issue alive during the campaign.

    WSJ: Sick-Pay Debate Rages

  • John Edwards, who trails Democratic front-runners by 14 percentage points, and Giuliani and McCain, who both hope to derail Romney with a win in New Hampshire.

    CNN: Poll: Obama catches Clinton in New Hampshire

  • If he, or Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, get the job, America may well once more take a lead in the global effort to mitigate climate change.

    ECONOMIST: Climate change

  • The president also had a lead of more than 20 percentage points over Democratic front-runner Howard Dean in a hypothetical matchup among registered voters, the poll found.

    CNN: Poll: Saddam's capture boosts Bush's ratings

  • Democratic front-runner Ruth Messinger said through an aide that she would have no comment on the article, and would instead continue to talk about education and unemployment.

    CNN: Navigation

  • But other Democratic front runners accused Bloomberg of buying a race and interfering in the heavily urban district that also includes some Chicago suburbs and rural areas.

    WSJ: Anti-gun Democrat shoo-in to replace Jackson Jr.

  • Montana's Jon Tester and Max Baucus, Alaska's Mark Begich, Arkansas's Mark Pryor, South Dakota's Tim Johnson, Louisiana's Mary Landrieu all are quiet on that red-state Democratic front.

    WSJ: Strassel: The Real Gun-Control Consensus

  • Brazilians head to the polls in October 2014, where president Dilma Rousseff will face off against likely Social Democratic front-runner Aecio Neves, a senator for Minas Gerais state.

    FORBES: Brazil's High Wire Act

  • The primary winner will face either ex-gubernatorial aide Bill Hoppner, the presumed Democratic front-runner who lost the 1990 primary to Nelson by 42 votes, or former state Sen.

    CNN: Republican Prospects Strong in Nebraska

  • By 1999, a cover story in National Journal asked whether there was truly any difference between Al Gore, the Democratic front-runner, and George W. Bush, his Republican equivalent.

    ECONOMIST: Campaigning in Clinton country

  • Their leaders were quick to blame the four days of violence on a rival guerrilla group called the National Democratic Front of Bodoland, which has yet to make peace.

    ECONOMIST: Assam��s largest tribe goes to war with its Muslims

  • Laying out an agenda for changing ethics laws following another Albany corruption scandal, Republican mayoral contender Joseph Lhota on Sunday took aim at the Democratic front-runner, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

    WSJ: Lhota, Quinn Trade Swipes on Ethics

  • Senior Bush adviser Matthew Dowd sent two memos last year to GOP supporters to prepare them for an inevitable dip in the president's opinion poll numbers when a Democratic front-runner emerged.

    CNN: Bush campaign set to turn up the heat

  • City Council Speaker Christine Quinn the Democratic front-runner in the mayor's race is supporting a measure that would create an inspector general to look at the NYPD's policies and procedures.

    WSJ: Bloomberg staunchly defends NYPD policies

  • Another Democratic front runner, Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale, also took issue with the ads, saying people were "extremely upset" that someone from New York was trying to tell people in Illinois how to vote.

    WSJ: Anti-gun Democrat shoo-in to replace Jackson Jr.

  • Sonny Mahinder, a student leader in the 1988 uprising and now a spokesman for the All-Burma Students Democratic Front in Thailand, suggests there may be 350, 000 students waiting to get back behind their desks.

    ECONOMIST: School’s back in Myanmar | The

  • The Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, once a creature of the left, has tried to remake herself as a centrist (she did strikingly well among conservative New Yorkers when she was re-elected to the Senate in November).

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • But Dean campaign chairman Steven Grossman, who was also chairman of Democratic front-runner John Kerry's 1996 Senate race, indicated in a story on the New York Times Web site that changes may be in the offing.

    CNN: More mixed signals from Dean camp

  • As expected, Clinton trounced Democratic front-runner Sen.

    CNN: The story

  • Recent polls show a tight race between the two Democratic front-runners in Wisconsin, but a Strategic Vision polls conducted February 8-10 has Obama leading Clinton 45-41, a lead outside of the poll's margin of error of 3 percentage points.

    CNN: Obama faces fire from Clinton, McCain

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