• Some German troops from the NATO defence alliance's peacekeeping force in Afghanistan were also being sent.

    ECONOMIST: Tragedy on one of the world’s main fault lines | The

  • In this situation, Japan must above all cling to and strengthen its defence alliance with the United States.

    FORBES: Yomiuri's New Year's Editorial

  • The party is divided between those who argue that Scotland sans Trident could be a conventionally armed partner in the defence alliance, apparently in line with public thinking, and those who say that it is hypocrisy to banish Trident while sheltering under the Nato nuclear umbrella.

    BBC: The fight is on

  • Mr Allawi, if he is brought in, may be given defence, though the main Shia alliance is warier of him than the Kurds are.


  • Where after the war Attlee established the case for the NHS, state education and a welfare state, Thatcher, after the industrial wars of the 70s and the Cold War, won the arguments for a market-based economy, the private ownership of key industries and services, limits on trade union power and a strong defence policy based on the Atlantic Alliance.

    BBC: Are we all Thatcherites now?

  • The defence white paper also reaffirms Australia's alliance with the United States, describing it as the country's "most important relationship".

    BBC: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard

  • The exclusion of a breakaway Hutu opposition alliance called the National Council for the Defence of Democracy and the Forces for the Defence of Democracy (CNDD-FDD) has been considered a reason for the failure of talks so far.

    BBC: New peace talks for Burundi

  • Last year, these groups formed a major part of the movement launched by an alliance of Jihadist religious forces, the Defence of Pakistan Council, to put pressure on the Pakistani civilian rulers not to reopen the Nato supply routes through Pakistan.

    BBC: Formidable power of Pakistan's anti-Shia militants

  • The first transatlantic coupling could be an alliance of Thomson, a partly privatised French defence-electronics group, and Raytheon, America's fourth-biggest defence firm, with which it already collaborates on air-traffic-control and other systems.

    ECONOMIST: Transatlantic aerobatics

  • That is no less damning a criticism, reflecting the toll on the alliance's fighting capability of inadequate or poorly conceived defence spending by too many of its members (see table).

    ECONOMIST: The future of NATO: Fewer dragons, more snakes | The

  • Two of the newest members of the alliance, Poland and the Czech Republic, strongly supported missile defence.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush��s European tour

  • The Ministry of Defence has signed a contract which will see 149 workers transfer to an alliance of companies, looking after Trident and Polaris weapons systems.

    BBC: Clyde nuclear contract awarded

  • The consortium, known as ABL Alliance, is made up of companies that already work on defence contracts, led by AWE, along with Babcock and Lockheed Martin.

    BBC: Clyde nuclear contract awarded

  • After intense haggling over posts, the Northern Alliance controls more than half of the ministries, including the powerful defence, foreign and interior portfolios.

    CNN: Afghan factions sign power deal

  • "The forces will augment Turkey's air defence capabilities and contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along the Alliance's border, " Eucom said in a statement.

    BBC: Nato deploying Patriot missiles to Turkey-Syria border

  • The centre-right Alliance government first presented proposals in early 2007 aimed at allowing the National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA), a state intelligence agency, to monitor a wider range of Internet and telecoms traffic into and out of Sweden.

    ECONOMIST: A new surveillance law causes a rumpus in Sweden

  • One of the benefits of Article 5, the collective defence pledge that underpins NATO, is that it leaves unspoken the potential sources of danger for alliance members.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • After the parting shots by Robert Gates, the US Defence Secretary, predicting a "dim and dismal" future for Nato if the other members of the alliance do not do more to defend their interests, it is apparent that extending the "Libyan model" of intervention elsewhere in the troubled region would be extremely hard.

    BBC: UN Syria failure shows declining power of the West

  • But critics of the bill, including three opposition parties under the umbrella of the Democratic Alliance claim the law targets law-abiding citizens and will deprive them of their right to self-defence.

    BBC: SA targets guns

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