• To be effective deterrents in the future, our nuclear weapons must have greatly increased accuracy, reduced yields, specialized capabilities (such as deep earth penetration) and tailored effects (such as ability to neutralize chemical-biological agents)....In a dangerous world, with many states and organizations committed to acquiring and using nuclear weapons, it would be unwise for the United States not to make our nuclear deterrent force more effective.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Hobson's choices (cont.)

  • Aurally, when you stomp on the gas, you hear something like the rumble of approaching thunder, a deep-earth vibration that gives way to a high-pitched whir of motor and turbo.

    FORBES: Bentley Arnage T

  • On Earth, sea-floor spreading is fuelled by molten rock upwelling from deep inside the Earth.

    BBC: Enceladus has 'spreading surface'

  • From offshore oil to previously inaccessible gas deep in the earth, the federal domain is poised for an energy renaissance.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Math stretched infinitely upward toward the heavens, but stories spread out before him, their sturdy roots stretching deep into the earth.

    NEWYORKER: Town of Cats

  • Oil and gas this deep in the earth is often as hot as 450 degrees and at pressures 2, 000 times atmospheric.

    FORBES: Blowout Suspected in Transocean Rig Explosion

  • Fracking involves injecting water, sand and some chemicals deep into the earth to crack shale rock, which frees oil and gas.

    CNN: Vermont first state to ban fracking

  • Since Russia and the U.S. signed a partial test-ban treaty in 1963, their blasts have been deep below the earth's surface.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • It comes from a garden wholesaler, which provides the high quality soil, taken deep beneath the earth's surface -- 10 meters down, in fact.

    CNN: Tokyo restaurant dishes up the dirt

  • The other approach is less risky, and involves removing carbon directly from the atmosphere and burying it in vast ocean storage beds or deep inside the earth.

    NEWYORKER: The Climate Fixers

  • The geothermal system heats and cools using piping that goes deep within the earth, where temperatures are warmer than outside air in the winter and cooler in the summer.

    WSJ: Green Goes Mainstream for New Homes��WSJ Mansion

  • At that depth, a key piece of equipment is the blowout preventer, which weighs up to 300 tons and caps the well, holding back ultrapressurized oil deep in the Earth.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • They are home to the strangest ecosystems known, in which organisms get by without sunlight, using as an alternative source of energy the sulphurous gases spewed from deep inside the earth.

    ECONOMIST: 20,000 leagues under the sea

  • At that depth, a key piece of equipment is the blowout preventer, which weighs up to 300 tons and caps the well, holding back ultrapressurized (15, 000 pounds per square inch) oil deep in the Earth.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • During gasification, the carbon dioxide generated from the coal or other feedstock, like biofuels, is captured and then used to inject deep into the earth as part of oil recovery or otherwise sequestered in a geologic formation.

    FORBES: See Who Got Really Rich This Week: LinkedIn IPO Riches, The Babe Ruth of Insurance & More

  • Eyjafjallajokull, in Iceland, which erupted in April, stopping commercial flights over the Atlantic and Europe for a week, is at a junction where the plates are growing and moving apart, as magma wells up from deep in the Earth.

    ECONOMIST: A capricious volcano, but fears ease of another Pompeii

  • According to a new computer model, liquid methane in contact with a partially hydrogen-terminated diamond surface at extremely high pressures and temperatures spontaneously forms longer hydrocarbons, and hence the material of crude oil could be formed deep in the earth.

    FORBES: Deep Oil From Diamonds? Maybe, Says A New Report

  • If players survive the early game, there are a number of objectives to pursue, including digging deep into the earth for valuable resources that allow additional advancement, increasing village happiness to attract immigrants, outfitting citizens and soldiers, and even procuring heroes that can gain experience and level up as they hunt down the dangers in the depths.

    FORBES: Towns: A Brilliant But Messy Menagerie

  • The most recent spikes in the Earth's temperature are no different, long term, than the peaks one finds beside deep valleys on the Earth's surface.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • These unsung passages function as the smaller veins feeding into the main artery of the Grand Canyon, the up-to-18-mile-wide, mile-deep gash in the earth through which 227 miles of the Colorado River snakes.

    WSJ: The Grand Canyon's Secret Network

  • Although it is now widely accepted that the site was a burial ground at one point, based on human DNA found in the earth deposits deep underground, the length of time for which this was the case is not certain.

    UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Longest crowds for the longest day, as Stonehenge solstice visitors reach 23,000

  • In fact, some experts believe petroleum is not a fossil fuel at all but some sort of gloppy syrup that is produced deep down in the earth under extremely hot conditions and is pushed up by intense pressure.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • As the road climbed into the forested folds of Misiones's central sierras, the colors seemed unnaturally bright, the saturated emerald of grass and leaves standing out against the earth's deep, rusty red.

    WSJ: Bird Watching in Misiones Province, Argentina

  • Scientists have found creatures thriving in places that would poison or cook most life on earth--deep inside rock, under the ocean or in hot springs, places that are extremely salty, or acidic, or bathed in radiation or heavy metals.


  • One recent report wrote of deep frustration about large cuts to earth science funding.

    NPR: Budget Cuts Trigger NASA Resignations

  • "The important thing to consider is that the Earth has a very deep gravity well so anything you can make in situ on the Moon will save an awful lot of energy and therefore money, " he said.

    BBC: 3D printers could use Moon rocks, say scientists

  • This weekend, in addition to being the groundbreaking time when a national institution auctions off oversized goldfish, is also the time that we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Trieste descending to the bottom of Challenger Deep, the deepest point on earth 7 miles beneath the shiny waves of the Pacific Ocean.


  • Why on earth in this day of deep relational databases and high-speed international computer networks do we need printed passports?

    FORBES: One man, 8 Reps, 466 miles, 1 iPhone, $400 = 1 U.S. Passport

  • That was as deep as one could look into the earth with the available geological tools--and also about as far into the ground as anyone knew how to drill a well and push pipe into the hole.

    FORBES: A Gold Mine In Oil Exploration

  • Given all the discoveries that we have made from an up-close investigation of these ocean ridges, we can't help but wonder what we might find at the far end of the same plate tectonic cycle where seafloor is drawn back into the Earth's interior at deep-ocean trenches.

    CNN: Probing the ocean's undiscovered depths

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