• The World Bank last year wanted to be the first debt issuer to make the entire offer available online.

    FORBES: Fear, Greed And Technology

  • Under normal circumstances, investors do not have to be concerned about credit risk, when the debt issuer is a government enjoying a top rating by credit agencies like France, Germany, US, and Japan.

    FORBES: Is It time To Bet Against The Fed?

  • The Senate also rejected an amendment that would outright ban naked credit default swaps, which basically are a bet on the future creditworthiness of a company or debt issuer. (The House version of financial reform did ban naked credit default swaps).

    FORBES: Swift Senate Vote Is Good For Banks

  • Remember, when someone defaults on a loan, all debt of the issuer gets downgraded.

    FORBES: Dollar Trade Continues to Dominate the Headlines

  • So, for example, a sukuk issuer does not sell a debt, as a traditional bond issuer would, but rather sells a portion of an asset, on which the buyer is then entitled to receive rent.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Third, the US Treasury is a sovereign issuer of currency and debt, and can raise taxes.

    BBC: The state of play in Athens

  • The drafters seemed to have forgotten that securities include debt as well as equity, and that debt is often issued outside the issuer's home country.

    ECONOMIST: Laborious efforts towards a single market

  • Italy will be the largest single issuer: it has two chunks of debt due in the last weeks of January and February.

    ECONOMIST: Europe��s economies

  • " He said when an issuer wants to sell a lot of debt in one day, investors expect to be paid a slightly higher yield, but that "it would not be unusual for there to be some price tightening.

    WSJ: Apple to Sell $17 Billion in Bonds

  • After the markets closed Monday, Fitch Ratings downgraded AIG's long-term and short-term issuer default rating, as well as its senior unsecured debt and commercial paper program ratings.

    FORBES: AIG Fights For Survival

  • This would have the effect, principally on the U.S. as the issuer of two-thirds of world reserves, of removing the debt overhang which has made trade deficits, government overborrowing, and hot money bubbles the way of life.

    FORBES: Recreating A Real Gold Standard

  • Remember: A credit-card issuer wouldn't charge the lowest rates to customers who carry the most debt.

    WSJ: Upside: Finding Better Bond Yields Overseas

  • Keenan has set himself two guidelines: The issuer can't take its money out in a cash dividend or add debt senior to BlackRock's, without permission from the bondholders.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In other words, if an issuer does not have the cash for the next coupon payment, bondholders will receive more debt.

    FORBES: Are Bond Investors Taking On More Risk?

  • Additionally lower-quality debt securities involve greater risk of default or price changes due to potential changes in the credit quality of the issuer.

    FORBES: Juicy and Junky High Yield ETFs

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