• The settlement meant that the film, called Vana Yudham and featuring several members of the dead bandit's gang in the cast, was released as planned on Thursday.

    BBC: Veerappan film-maker to pay widow compensation

  • Vana Yudham, directed by AMR Ramesh, has several of the dead bandit's gang members in the cast.

    BBC: Indian film on life of bandit Veerappan to be released

  • The discovery of the image found on surveillance footage from a department store near the finish line emerged two days after the attack that left three people dead, wounded more than 170, and cast a dark shadow over one of this city's most joyous traditions.

    NPR: Image Leads To Hunt For Boston Bombing Suspect

  • The voters' roll was out of date, stuffed with the names of dead people (whose ghosts might be made to cast a ballot for the ruling party by corrupt officials).

    ECONOMIST: Mostly peaceful, but hardly fair | The

  • The golds and burnt oranges in "Bouquet of Mimosas, " meanwhile, cast a warm, soft glow that illuminates the cavernous, usually dead space of the lower level of the Met's Robert Lehman Wing.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But McQuarrie has an ace, in the shape of his supporting cast: not just Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, and Robert Duvall but a dead-eyed Werner Herzog, no less, in the role at once camp and genuinely frightening of an icy mastermind.

    NEWYORKER: Violent Screen

  • The programme was broadcast just weeks after Operation Cast Lead saw Israel attack Gaza in an offensive that left 1, 300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead.

    BBC: Panorama's recent awards

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