• Speaking to ABC television, Jackie Kennedy's daughter Caroline said her own daughters were "horrified" by their late grandmother's traditional views on women.

    BBC: New Jackie Kennedy tapes offer White House insight

  • It has gone, too, in cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, where a survey recently found that many people said they would prefer a daughter on the grounds that daughters were more likely to care for their aged parents than sons.

    ECONOMIST: 6.3 brides for seven brothers

  • Lois Lockett, a widow, had two sons, four grandchildren, a step grandchild, two daughters-in-law and an ex-daughter-in-law.

    FORBES: Family Limited Partnership Needs To Have Partners - Plural

  • Her closeness to Mr. Murdoch, who is said to regard her as a kind of favorite daughter (although he has four actual daughters), has protected her during the recent scandal engulfing the company, even as legislators called on her to resign.

    FORBES: The Phone Hacking Tapes: A Dearth Of Leadership

  • My wife, Lisa, and daughter, and Lisa's mother and sister and daughters, and my employee Nick and his family were all meeting in New York at different times.

    FORBES: In My Own Words

  • But he is not able to send any money to his daughters, which he feels rotten about - especially because his elder daughter is hoping to go to university this year and he will not be able to help her.

    BBC: Today

  • David Cockburn, 48, his daughters Carley Ann, 21, and Bethany, 18, and Bethany's one-year-old daughter Lacie Jade Stephenson died on Friday.

    BBC: Tributes paid to Cockburn family killed in Laceby crash

  • David Cockburn, 48, his daughters Carley Ann, 21, and Bethany, 18, and Bethany's two-year-old daughter Lacie Jade Stephenson died on Friday.

    BBC: Cockburn family killed in Laceby A18 crash

  • Fathers are encouraged to be involved in their daughters' lives, whether it's coaching their soccer teams or escorting their teenage girls to father-daughter dances.

    WSJ: Who Are You Calling a Mama's Boy?

  • Conversely, the rich are more likely to educate their daughters and have no trouble obtaining contraceptives, so smaller, better-educated families also pass from mother to daughter.

    ECONOMIST: Free exchange

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