• It wants the current order paper, decipherable only by parliamentary aficionados, to be replaced by a more accessible agenda.

    ECONOMIST: Parliament

  • The current order affects all the beaches in the suburb of Anglet, which are the most popular with locals, tourists and surfers.

    BBC: Where to go while Biarritz battles beach pollution

  • Its current order backlogs stand at record levels and higher commodity prices are playing right into its plans to grow its mining business.

    FORBES: Caterpillar Digs Deeper Into China, Stock Worth $100

  • Lula's compromises have sharpened the division between those who think the current order can be fixed and those who insist it must be overthrown.

    ECONOMIST: An argument between reform and revolution

  • The glut of new container ships is ending, he notes: the current order book is only 24% of the existing fleet, down from 60% in 2008.

    ECONOMIST: Shipping

  • That study suggested that the military's growing transport needs could be adequately met by completing the current order of C-17 cargo planes - which stands at 180 - while refurbishing older C-5 aircraft.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The QDR and strategic mobility

  • While the U.S. won two global conflicts and imposed and protected the current global order, the recent record shows failed or inconclusive engagements in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'

  • "Our government's current executive order to halt the military commissions makes us foolish and weak, and invites more attacks, " said Melissa Long, whose boyfriend was a first responder killed in New York.

    CNN: Sept. 11 families: Keep Guantanamo Bay open

  • I'm not quite sure what happens to the Westminster Hall debates scheduled for Wednesday - the current running order starts at 9.30am with Labour's Fabian Hamilton leading a debate on the role of local bus services in supporting young people in employment, education and training in Yorkshire and Humber, with four more debates to follow.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • First, Islamist parties are trying to use current democracy in order to abolish it later, when they come to power.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Not so coincidentally, that is the current pre-order price for Sony's own top of the line BDP-S1 Blu-ray player.

    ENGADGET: Why would anyone buy a Blu-ray player (other than the PS3)?

  • It will have to bear some of the burdens of the current crisis in order to stabilize the international financial situation.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • UniCredit fell 14% after announcing it will sell shares at a 43% discount to current prices in order to raise new capital.

    WSJ: European Stocks Decline

  • In addition, the Knight Fellow will review the media outlets' current programming in order to make recommendations on changes in content that parallel the marketing and advertising efforts.


  • He urged Iraqi leaders to move quickly to alleviate current tensions in order to refocus energy on critical state-building challenges, including preparations for provincial and local elections next year.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • In the DOJ's opinion, an incumbent carrier would need to demonstrate both compelling evidence of capacity constraints and an efficient use of its current licenses in order to gain additional lower frequency spectrum.


  • For some months now, the big emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China have been discussing providing more capital to the International Monetary Fund above their current quota in order to bail out Europe.

    FORBES: IMF's "Nouveau Rich" Willing To Bail Out Old Europe

  • The conference will bring together professionals from the heritage sectors, as well as a range of government, IT industry, rights holders and other stakeholders to assess current policies in order to propose practical recommendations to ensure permanent access to digital documentary heritage.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • In choppy markets, with little visibility on future growth in a macro sense, it is worth remembering that many portfolio managers would have to sell at least a piece of a current holding in order to buy a less-proven business in an IPO.

    FORBES: The IPO Class Of 2012: Facebook And Beyond

  • "The state... agrees to offset the days in which the appellant was detained for the purpose of a criminal investigation prior to his administrative detention from the period of the current administrative detention order, and also announces that as long as no new significant and substantive material is added regarding the appellant, there is no intention to extend the administrative detention, " a statement said.

    BBC: Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan 'ends hunger strike'

  • Did the reclusive Ne Win really order the current military junta to make last November's dramatic changes?

    CNN: A Man of Some Influence

  • The real and practical worry is that the refusal of the British Museum to discuss the issue seriously will give the wrong message to those tempted to exploit current political circumstances in order to misappropriate cultural treasures and destroy their integrity.

    ECONOMIST: Rocks of ages

  • Waiting to get our fiscal house in order lets more current generations off the hook and puts our kids further on the hook.

    FORBES: Another Victory in the War on Our Children

  • Cendant's board is already talking about awarding itself a new slug of share options at the current low share price in order to retain key managers.

    ECONOMIST: Cendant

  • India also needs to keep rates high enough to attract foreign capital and offset the current account deficit, in order to keep the rupee from weakening and making inflation worse.

    WSJ: India Central Bank Cuts Lending Rate

  • At the other end of the stethoscope, gamification is also helping healthcare providers, enabling doctors to better manage the constant onslaught of information they digest in order to stay current.

    FORBES: Gaming Your Way To Better Health

  • Whitelisting allows only approved files to run, offering significantly more protection for embedded systems than traditional black listing tactics, which depend on continuous updates of signature files in order to remain current.

    FORBES: The Hidden IT Security Threat: Multifunction Printers

  • Under current tax law, in order to bring the foreign-held cash back into the U.S., they would have to pay the difference between the U.S. corporate tax rate and the taxes already paid in local jurisdictions.

    FORBES: Election Fallout: Will Tech Cash Piles Remain Trapped Overseas?

  • In addition to ordering up more reality fare (reality shows are not covered by the current contracts) and preparing news and sports programming, that means stockpiling scripts of current shows and scurrying to order straight-to-series scripts for others.

    FORBES: Write Off Network TV

  • What is the one element our current society needs to change in order for us to pursue a more compassionate future?

    FORBES: Jon Ramer: Leading the Charge to a More Compassionate Future

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