• The skeptical counter-arguments are a near perfect proxy for skeptical global arguments as a whole.

    FORBES: Alarmists Offer A Perfect Global Warming Challenge

  • Splitting Pepsi could make sense, but counter-arguments also make sense, according to Russo.

    FORBES: Billionaire Peltz Faces Uphill Battle With Pepsi If He Wants To Merge Frito-Lay And Mondelez

  • Bernanke insists that the plan will stimulate investment through lower interest rates and potentially stimulate spending through the wealth effect, notwithstanding the counter-arguments stated above.

    FORBES: Where Is The Love For QE2?

  • Are not the counter-arguments upon which British society is founded stronger?

    ECONOMIST: Terrorism

  • The advance billing was of a speech that would set out the UK government's counter-arguments to the SNP administration, as it prepares the ground for a referendum on independence.

    BBC: What price the Union?

  • Nevertheless, it is likely that the threat of terrorism and organised crime, and the precedent of existing methods for tracking money, will be strong counter-arguments in favour of tracking technology.

    ECONOMIST: Money of the future may almost literally talk

  • But foreigners and Chinese alike watching the broadcast could see a foreign leader saying what once could not be said, and a Chinese leader answering not with outraged bluster but with sober counter-arguments.


  • Obvious counter-arguments to his view receive hand-waving dismissals.

    ECONOMIST: International relations

  • But the diversifiers have three counter-arguments.

    ECONOMIST: Spreading the risk has spread the losses

  • Mr Perry has two counter-arguments.

    ECONOMIST: Vertically challenged

  • This happened to me over the past few years when I had been exposed to enough of the arguments and counter-arguments that I developed my own understanding of how the underpinnings of apologetics work and can identify where the fallacies lie on my own.

    FORBES: Religion vs. Atheism Part Two

  • What I (and others I associate with) have repeatedly found in Facebook discussion circles is that if you bring calm, surgical, devastating counter-arguments to bear against canned apologetics, the Christians involved tend to switch to preaching, keep ignoring your arguments, or just stop responding altogether.

    FORBES: Religion vs. Atheism Part Two

  • Attempting to accomplish this by offering reasons and arguments typically leads to counter-reasons and more arguments.

    FORBES: The Power of Scrum

  • On Monday, the ex-NYSE director summoned top bankers to listen to his arguments for a counter-bid for the 212-year-old stock market.


  • But, more interestingly, leading Democrats attempted a political and philosophical counter-attack, directly tackling arguments unveiled by Republicans at their own convention the week before in Florida.

    ECONOMIST: The Democratic convention

  • Morrison speculated that with an anti-sanctions, anti-regulations, pro-business administration like the one in office, vibrant counter arguments to meddling with U.S. markets will emerge.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • It's possible, we guess, though such a tablet would be counter to the arguments made at the iPad launch where Jobs and Co praised the device for being purpose-built to excel at specific tasks -- TechCrunch's device sounds like a general purpose machine.

    ENGADGET: Apple iPad rumor roundup: Abraham Zapruder edition

  • In the United States both secular and religious arbitration are firmly established, operating under a Federal Arbitration Act that gives robust standing to the procedure but also allows the parties to counter-appeal to ordinary courts on certain grounds (though America's church-state separation stops courts hearing arguments about doctrine).

    ECONOMIST: Sharia in the West

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