• When you look at the pattern of where the subprime loans have gone, you see it's the same set of neighborhoods, the same zip codes where banks and others who loan at conventional mortgage rates - the lower interest rates, the more desirable mortgage products, they ignored those neighborhoods and those same neighborhoods are the ones where you see a lot of subprime activity.

    NPR: Beware the Bad Home Loans

  • It also renders conventional monetary policy impotent, as the interest rate that prevents too much saving is below zero.

    ECONOMIST: Paul Krugman's London lectures

  • And that's why there is no financial orthodoxy so entrenched, no conventional thinking so engrained, no special interest so strong that it should ever stand in the way of the change that hard-working families need.

    BBC: In full: Brown's speech to Congress

  • Cutting interest rates has become accepted in conventional wisdom as the sensible response to a slowing economy.

    ECONOMIST: Taking no chances | The

  • But much of the power of conventional monetary policy raising or lowering interest rates comes from changing the appetite for risk of consumers and businesses, prompting them to delay or bring forward spending plans.

    ECONOMIST: Tackling the slump: Money for something | The

  • Indeed, there are those who would like the electric car, not in spite of but because it is more expensive than its conventional cousin, whilst others might have no interest in the price whatsoever.

    BBC: Driving the electric Rolls-Royce

  • In December, it exhausted its supply of conventional monetary ammunition when it lowered its short term-interest rate to between zero and 0.25%.

    ECONOMIST: The Fed

  • The conventional wisdom is that after another year or two, interest rates are bound to go up as investors penalize lawmakers for their profligate ways by demanding higher yields.

    WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: Are Bond Rates on a Road to Nowhere?

  • "France has a track record of enacting laws to protect its local media interest that seem out of step with the conventional wisdom in other markets, " said Adrian Drury, an analyst with research firm Ovum.

    BBC: Google threatens French media ban over proposed law

  • Interest in this area came first from the alternative medicine community, but interest and systematic investigative research into it has grown in conventional medicine.

    CNN: Could I become dependent on probiotics?

  • His burgeoning interest in contemporary art was met with mixed emotions by his conventional, devoutly Catholic family.

    WSJ: The Crown Prince of the Art World

  • In form, the movie is perhaps no more than a conventional triangle drama, but the milieu lends the material a special charm and interest.

    NEWYORKER: A Walk on the Moon

  • Although most well known for its prohibition of interest, Shariah is in fact a wholly different philosophy from the conventional western outlook of finance.

    FORBES: South Dakota's Ill-Considered Attack On Islamic Financing

  • Micro-credit programmes provide low interest loans for the economically marginalised who cannot gain access to credit from conventional banks.

    BBC: Low interest loans for Latin Americans

  • Interest rates on jumbos are 1.5 points higher than those on conventional loans.

    FORBES: Washington-Texas Boom

  • As I am sure you know, interest rates are normally higher on loans for longer periods, because the conventional view is that for the lender, the risks of lending rise with the length of the loan.

    BBC: Where to find bank stress

  • Indeed, merely the news that it would purchase government debt drove down long-term interest rates, just as the Fed's announcement did, an entirely conventional stimulus to demand.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • It would be ironic indeed if an American administration substantially staffed by individuals associated with various arms control interest groups were to endorse a proposal at odds with the newly declared objective of curbing conventional arms proliferation.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia Hints at Blackmail Over Arms

  • However this is not being attributed to an upsurge in interest in religion - as the qualifications authority suggests that it reflects the growing interest in GCSE "short courses", which provide a qualification with less work than a conventional GCSE.

    BBC: Religion pulls in GCSE students

  • Islamic financing differs from conventional financing in its adherence to Shariah, or Islamic law, which among other things bans the charging of interest.

    WSJ: Malaysia's AMMB Seeks Partner for Insurance Business

  • Some would say that given that the chancellor is able to borrow at maturities of up to 50 years at record low interest rates, he should count his blessings and pocket the billions of pounds of cheap cash from conventional sales.

    BBC: Should Osborne borrow for 100 years?

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