• Many emerging economies have yet to weigh in, but they may embrace international competition standards as a way to restrict rich countries' use of anti-dumping duties.

    ECONOMIST: The borders of competition

  • It is competition, not standards, that provides an incentive for the public education establishment to enact meaningful school reforms.

    CNN: Competition, Not Standards

  • Competition, not standards, will lead to education reform.

    CNN: Competition, Not Standards

  • The problem with having one insurer is that it does not face competition to drive up standards.

    ECONOMIST: Financing health care

  • Ofcom will have increased powers to investigate and fine companies for transgressing competition rules and content standards.

    ECONOMIST: Regulating communications

  • Different nations have different leagues with different standards of competition and different formats.

    WSJ: The Phenomenon of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo

  • The American educational establishment's weakness for airy-fairy notions about the evils of standards and competition is particularly damaging to poor children who have few educational resources of their own to fall back on.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • He says the boards are complicit in lowering standards because of competition between them for business.

    BBC: 'They told us how to pass the exam'

  • Supporters say Common Core prepares students for college and for global competition better than earlier state standards.

    WSJ: New School Standards Spur a Backlash

  • First, in the competition among firms, open standards have an inherent advantage even if none of the firms care about open standards as such.

    FORBES: The Death of Flash and the Quiet Triumph of Open Standards

  • In fact, companies adapt and standards often spark competition and innovation.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  • The government says free schools will meet parental demand in areas where there is a shortage of places, and help drive up standards by providing competition.

    BBC: Truants' parents could face benefits cut, says PM

  • This is why there is no international standard on tax evasion or tax competition along the lines of international standards on bank regulation or fighting financial crime.

    ECONOMIST: All together now | The

  • Martin endorsed the deal in exchange for concessions including turning 24 channels over to noncommercial and minority programming, a three-year price freeze for customers, packages offering services from both XM and Sirius, and standards designed to encourage competition from the companies that make their radios.

    FORBES: XM-Sirius: A Necessary Attraction

  • On the contrary, I look to the private sector, and rigorous competition, to assist in driving up standards in our prisons.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • But at the same time he wants to set up international tribunals to rule on unfair tax competition, for example, or health standards.

    ECONOMIST: Globalisation

  • There are many more of them now, achieving ever higher standards ever earlier, and competition is getting fiercer as the profession becomes more global.

    ECONOMIST: Violin-making

  • The French no campaign harped on the fear that living standards would be undermined by competition from the east (famously symbolised by Polish plumbers).

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • They might attach strings to a fast-track deal that Mr Bush will find difficult to accept, such as generous compensation for workers displaced by foreign competition, or the enforcement of labour standards in America's bilateral agreements.

    ECONOMIST: It is make-or-break time this spring for global trade talks

  • There are currently a wide range of independent UK regulatory bodies, covering both public services and private industry, which provide functions relating to consumer protection, economic regulation, competition and fair trading policy, professional standards and technical oversight.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • The stipulations of the competition were based on a criteria of academic standards like maintaining a healthy GPA, as well as achievements in gaming.

    FORBES: Connect

  • If the rest is bought in from wire services or national outfits, readers are unlikely to complain as long as there is enough competition between those larger providers to keep up standards (and thanks to the internet there probably is now).

    ECONOMIST: American newspapers

  • Because there is no competition, there is little incentive to drive up standards other than the desire to escape further interference from government.

    ECONOMIST: Why it is so difficult to regulate lawyers and doctors

  • At the same time, new competition from foreign fast foods forced him to raise his standards.

    NPR: Lebanese Writers Offer Alternate Views of Beirut

  • After that, plugs became a national peculiarity, as cartels of national manufacturers drew up proposals for plug designs that met the safety standards of the day - and kept overseas competition at bay.

    BBC: A universal plug socket... at last?

  • But as competition from other financial centers intensified, London let its standards slip, relying on its fabled light-touch regulation and the lure of deep pools of passive money to attract businesses that ordinary British savers should never have been exposed to.

    WSJ: London Needs Full Inquest

  • They are all small by international standards and consolidation was thought necessary to withstand international competition.

    ECONOMIST: Banking in Malaysia

  • Frits Bolkestein, a Dutch free-marketeer of Eurosceptical outlook (by Dutch standards), would be a tough commissioner for competition, one of the few posts that really matter, if he gets it.

    ECONOMIST: The European Commission: New broom sweeps half-clean | The

  • By 2016, competition among the PaaS vendors will produce new programming models, new standards and new software market leaders.

    FORBES: HP Unveils Cloud Application Platform Powered by ActiveState

  • It may be, as some supporters of the motion contend, that international competition will have the general effect of forcing universities to raise their standards.

    ECONOMIST: The Economist Debate Series: Education

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