• Advertising agencies that purchase media space through intermediary online networks require, in their contracts, specific warranties and obligations that the company's advertisements will not be associated with any objectionable content.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • In addition, the company makes money from advertisements placed on its websites.

    FORBES: Breaking Down Priceline's Business And Stock Drivers

  • The government-owned company announced in newspaper advertisements that Enterprise cross-border rail tickets will cost 10% more, while coach journeys are set to go up by 13%.

    BBC: Translink face fare hike pressure

  • The company has begun running television advertisements to educate the public about the existence of the virus.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • So the news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some scepticism.

    ECONOMIST: Interactive television advertising: Shop after you drop | The

  • And demand for a share offering on July 30th by Uzel Makina, a tractor company, was disappointing, despite newspaper advertisements aimed at individual investors.

    ECONOMIST: Turkish shares

  • In October of last year, the company was duped into running a series of fake advertisements laced with malware that infected the computers of many readers.

    FORBES: Gawker and Hackers and Zuckerman, Oh My! The Future of Online Media

  • Last week, a group of Yukos shareholders placed advertisements in newspapers promising to sue any company that bid for Yuganskneftegaz, or any bank that financed a bid.

    ECONOMIST: More twists and turns | The

  • In a statement issued last week, the company said its dependence on subscription revenue will drop as revenue from online advertisements and transactions "pour in" for its recently announced Pacfusion.com e-commerce portal.

    CNN: Free surfing deal shakes up Singapore ISPs

  • Yet this "imbalance" persists because each side thinks the transaction is beneficial: The paper company makes money selling paper, and we make money printing editorial content and advertisements on it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The big difference: users put their names--and Google's advertisements--on their knol pages and split the revenue with the search company.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For starters, you can choose your initial pack of free albums from the company's complete online catalog, instead of the feeble selection offered in its magazine advertisements.

    CNN: Where to buy music on the Web

  • If a company hears that false rumours are spreading about a product, it would not hesitate to take out advertisements or place new wording on the labelling to address those fears: it is just common sense.

    ECONOMIST: European politics

  • Exactly what claims AstraZeneca will be able to make on the label for Crestor, and in the advertisements it will use to sell the new drug, will have a huge impact on the company's future.

    FORBES: AstraZeneca's Crestor Still In Question

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